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Unit 3 Life in the future 单句语法填空1_(guide) by a local guide, we visited the famous church.答案:Guided2We could hardly believe what she says because she is _(constant) changing her mind.答案:constantly3As far as I know, the government will speed _the pace of our economic reform.答案:up4The _(impress) he made on me was that he was no more than a reserved young man.答案:impression5Fortunately, someone who happened to be passing by called the fire department _(instant) the fire broke out.答案:instantly6The dustman _(sweep) up all the fallen leaves on this street yesterday.答案:swept7_(lack) such experience will constantly trouble you in your business.答案:Lacking8All passengers on board are expected _(fasten) the seat belts when the plane takes off or lands.答案:to fasten9Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment _ they live.答案:where10Mark went into the room and picked up the _(receive) and started to dial his friends number.答案:receiver 单句改错1His first speech as president made a strong impression of his audience.ofon2For miles around us there was nothing but an ice desert without a single plant or tree in the sight.去掉the3His mother was seriously ill and a doctor called in.called前加was4Worrying about her daughter, the mother came to see her yesterday.WorryingWorried5She climbed up to the top of the hill, from which she could have a good view of the whole town.whichwhere6There are some health problems that, if not being treated in time, can become bigger ones later on.去掉being 完成句子1According to the airline rules, we suggest you _(关闭手机) before boarding.答案:(should) switch off your mobile phone2Since Jerry is absent today, lets get someone else to _ (继续从事工作) where it was left off yesterday.答案:take up the work3The crops will not grow well _(由于缺少雨水)答案:for lack of rain4_(没看到) the fact that man must live in harmony with nature, they are being punished by nature.答案:Having lost sight of/Because they have lost sight of5_(被提醒不要酒后开车), some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.答案:Reminded not to drive after drinking【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1随着科技的发展, 我对未来生活持乐观态度。 (be optimistic about)2到那时我们生活的环境更舒适、 美丽。 (surroundings)3太阳能、 风能将会被充分利用, 海水也会转变成能源, 人们再也不用担心缺乏能源。 (be switched into; lack of energy)4我们不但被提供丰富的衣食, 而且我们可以花费更多的时间周游世界。 (not only.but also; provide.with)5而且, 正是因为工作效率更高了, 我们在工作学习上的压力将会更小。 (more efficiently; less stress)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version: With the development of science and technology, I am optimistic about life in the future. By that time the surroundings where we live will be more comfortable and beautiful. People will not worry about lack of energy any longer because solar energy and wind energy will have been made full use of and sea water will be switched into energy as well.Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, but we can also spend more time travelling around the world. Furthermore, it is because we can work more efficiently that we will have less stress either from our study or work.3
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