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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions.单句语法填空1It is so cold and _(freeze) that we have to stay at home.答案:freezing2Id like to place things where it is _(convenience) to get them.答案:convenient3The new government must set out _(find) solutions to the countrys economic problems.答案:to find4The thief dived _ the womans pocket and stole the wallet, disappearing into the crowd.答案:into5So easygoing is this superstar _ she can get along well with her fans.答案:that6He is always so busy with his work that he has no choices but to go to see his parents _(occasion)答案:occasionally7In ancient China we had many advanced _ (invent) which led to todays civilization and development.答案:inventions8Your letter calls up the days _ we worked together on the farms fifteen years ago.答案:when9Hard _ my brother studied, he wasnt qualified enough for a good university.答案:as10I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _ (recognize)答案:recognition.阅读理解(2016河南省洛阳统一考试)All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. Other children may have manners that are not like yours. There are all kinds of manners.Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept quite quiet if grownups were talking. Today, wellmannered children have more freedom.Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “burp (打嗝)” after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say, “Excuse me, please.”In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating together. People show good manners by turning their backs to others while they eat.What are manners like in an East African town? People try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you.Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia. You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into each one. People will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no.Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.【解题导语】不同时代、不同地域、不同国家有不同的礼仪, 在某个地方的得体礼仪未必在另一个地方也适合。1People turn their backs to others while they eat in some places in _.AMongoliaBan East African townCPolynesia DArabiaC解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的“But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen .while they eat.” 可知, 在波利尼西亚的部分地方, 人们吃饭时背对他人被认为是有礼貌的。2In an East African town, people try not to see you. This is because _.Athey are not your friendsBthey dont want to talk with youCit is good mannersDthey are waiting for you to talk with themC解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的“People try not to see you.They are being polite.”可知, C项正确。3Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places. Which should be a supporting paragraph to the idea?AThe first one. BThe second one.CThe fifth one. DThe third one.C解析:细节理解题。文章第五段提到的“有些地方人们喜欢在一起吃饭, 然而在波利尼西亚的一些地区被人看到在一起吃饭是不礼貌的”可知, C项正确。4The best title of the passage should be “_”ASome bad mannersBDifferent kinds of mannersCThe importance of mannersDSome good mannersB解析:标题归纳题。综合全文可知, 本文讲述了不同地区的不同礼仪, 因此B项正确。.完形填空(2016石家庄一模)Communication is an important part of any relationship. Many of us are _1_ to share our experiences or emotions with our friends. But when its our turn to lend a(n) _2_, we soon become bored or are short of ideas on how to _3_ and offer advice.Thats because of what researchers call “listener burnout(精疲力竭)”. A friend might talk to us _4_,often complaining about the same _5_ problems. When we offer quick advice to _6_ the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to _7_ ourselves from burnout. However, good listeners _8_ their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief.To be a good _9_,you need to use “active listening”. It starts with the real _10_ to help others and think through their feelings. Dont _11_ things. You can start by putting your phone _12_ and sitting close to your friend. Let your facial expressions _13_ what he or she is saying. _14_ you are able to fully understand, acknowledge the other persons _15_ by reflecting them back: “That must be really hard for you.” Use _16_ words or even
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