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Unit7 The Sea 单句语法填空1In spite of the heavy traffic,we made _ to our office on time.答案:it2Have you made an apology to him _ breaking his MP5 yet?答案:for3Because of cheating,Charlie has been banned _ cycling for a year.答案:from4He is so stubborn that I really dont know how to persuade him _(move) to that house.答案:to move5It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some _(measure) over 90 metres.答案:measuring6The woman was awarded a degree in _(recognize) of her work in the community.答案:recognition7It was a _(terrify) experience for most of us.Luckily,we were saved!答案:terrifying8With the help of the doctor,she made a quick _(recover) from flu.答案:recovery9This is the middle school _Mr.Black taught English ten years ago.答案:where10Young as he is,he has a large _(collect) of stamps.答案:collection 单句改错1Being a student,you are supposed to participate more outofclass activities.participate后加in2Youd better make a apology to your teacher for your being late.aan3Read this long sentence again and tell me if it makes a sense.去掉a4Some students have trouble with remembering new words.with改为in或去掉with5I still remember the day when we spent together in Hong Kong.whenthat/which 完成句子1I was working in my office _(这时外面发出了很大的噪音)答案:when there was a big noise outside2Whenever I _(陷入困境),I always turn to my best friend for help.答案:get into trouble3Sarah _(到达机场)just in time to catch her plane that morning.答案:made it to the airport4The boy has read _(两倍多的书) as those who are playing computer games.答案:twice as many books5Nowhere else _(你能找到一个更美丽的地方) than this city in the world.答案:can you find a more beautiful place【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1布朗先生是一个探险家,他精力充沛。(energetic)2去年他决定航海去旧金山(San Francisco)。(set sail)3因为风太大,他左腿受伤,陷入了困境。(get into trouble)4他碰巧看见远处有一艘大船,最后他得救了。(eventually)5三个月后他康复了,他又开始了新的探险。(recover from)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:Mr.Brown,who is energetic,is an explorer.Last year he decided to set sail to San Francisco.Because of the strong wind,his left leg was injured and he got into trouble.He happened to see a large ship in the distance and eventually he was saved.It took him three months to recover from his injury.He began his new exploration again.3
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