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Module 6 The Tang Poems 单句语法填空1Varieties of programmes in the TV station cater _ many different types of interest and taste among the public.答案:to2The foreign guest John has some _(acquaint)with Chinese,and we become good friends.答案:acquaintance3(2016陕西名校联考) Weve corresponded _ each other for years but Ive never actually met him.How I wish I could see him during my stay in Beijing.答案:with4Through tests times and times again,this kind of rope _(prove) strong.答案:proved5(2016陕西省教学质量检测)What a pity!The bus has just left.Oh,if only I _(come) to the stop five minutes earlier.答案:had come6Her father will never _(approval) of her marriage to Tom.答案:approve7Henry doesnt have _ many books as Tom.答案:as/so8Susans strong love for her country _(reflect) in her recently published poems.答案:is reflected9If most people _(donation) a days pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.答案:donate10Goods in that store are quite _(expense),so I cant afford anything there.答案:expensive 单句改错1This is a magazine caters to the interests of adults.caterscatering2Only if you ask many different questions you acquire all the information you need to know.在第二个you前加will3I glanced the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.在glanced后加at4If only we arrived in time,we would not have missed the train.在arrived前加had5He has so much interest in politics as in literature.soas 课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Tang Dynasty was a time of 1.expansion(expand)The culture was tolerant and cosmopolitan because of the trade 2.with foreign countries.Many foreigners lived in Chinese towns and their cultures greatly influenced Tang culture.The cultural development inspired technological development.One of 3.the_most_important(important) inventions of this period was printing,4.which marked the beginning of the golden age of literature in Chinese history.Because of the beauty of its images and the range of topics,Tang poetry was so great 5.that it was better than everything that 6.had_come (come) before it.If people were good at 7.writing(write) poetry,they could get a good job more 8.easily(easy) at that time.So a large number of people 9.were (be) fond of poetry.Two of the greatest 10.poets (poem)of the Tang Dynasty were Du Fu and Li Bai.They had different writing styles.Du Fu wrote in a realistic way while Li Bai was a romantic writer.【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1大家普遍认为几乎所有的中国人赞成学习唐诗。(approve of)2因为唐诗不仅很美,而且还反映历史,对我们有深刻的影响。(reflect;impact)3我们读唐诗时,要耐心地欣赏。当遇到不能理解的句子时,我们应该咨询老师。(consult)4另外,通过和他人分享诗歌,我们可以结交一些朋友。(share;acquaintance)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:Its widely acknowledged that almost all the Chinese approve of learning the Tang Poems,because they are not only beautiful but also reflect history,which have a great impact on us.When we read them,we must appreciate them with patience.When meeting with difficult sentences,we should consult our teachers.Besides,we can make the acquaintance of others by sharing poems.2
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