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综合过关检测(七)(时间: 100分钟满分: 120分)第卷第一部分阅读理解共两节,满分40分第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThomas James Hanson will remember for a long time the snowstorm that hit the state of New York on November 22. The 46yearold man from Niagara Falls was stuck in his car on the highway for almost eight days after his vehicle was accidentally pushed to the side of the road and covered with snow by workers employed to remove the snow from the streets.Driving on the Interstate Highway 190 during the worst of the snowstorm, Mr. Hanson decided to pull over his old 1993 Volkswagen Passat to the side of the road and wait for the weather conditions to improve. He remained motionless for approximately five hours before a snow plow arrived to clear the way. Unfortunately for the poor man, the driver of the gigantic snow removal vehicle did not see the small car, pushing it into the ditch and covering it with more than 2 meters of snow.Fortunately for the father of two children, the snow that was stacked over his vehicle was not very dense and allowed for enough fresh air to get through to enable him to survive. He was able to drink water that he obtained by melting snow with his lighter in an aluminum coffee cup, and he ate the few items of groceries he had bought before going home.“If I had known I would be stuck for eight days, I would have bought more than a jar of dill pickles (咸菜), a bottle of ketchup and two sticks of beef jerky (牛肉干),” said the survivor with a smile.Thomas Hanson had almost lost all hope of being rescued when his car was hit once again this morning by another snow plow, which revealed the poor mans location.【文章大意】本文为一篇记叙文。Thomas James Hanson在一个大雪天把车停到路边,却被铲雪车推到了沟里,险些丧命,几天之后他才得救。1What caused Thomas James Hanson to fall into the ditch according to the passage?AHis drunk driving.BThe strong wind.CA snow removal vehicle.DThe slippery road.C解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“after his vehicle was accidentally pushed to the side of the road and covered with snow by workers employed to remove the snow from the streets”及第二段中的“the driver of.the ditch”可知,是铲雪车把Hanson的车推到了沟里,故选C。2It can be learned from the passage that _AMr. Hanson was stuck in the car with his childrenBMr. Hanson got rescued on November 30 eventuallyCMr. Hanson had enough bottled water to drink in the carDMr. Hansons car was badly damaged by the snow plowB解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段中的“The 46yearold man from Niagara Falls was stuck in his car on the highway for almost eight days”以及出事时间“November 22”可知,Hanson是在11月30日获救的,故选B。3Which of the following can best describe Thomas James Hanson?AQuickminded. BHardworking.CHumorous. DCareless.C解析:推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的“If I had known I would be stuck for eight days, I would have bought more than a jar of dill pickles (咸菜), a bottle of ketchup and two sticks of beef jerky (牛肉干),”可知Hanson很幽默。4Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?AHeavy Snowstorm Caused Disaster to New YorkBWonderful Eight Days of Experience in the SnowCThomas James Hansona Black Sheep in the SnowDMan Found Alive after Being Stuck 8 Days under SnowD解析:标题归纳题。结合全文尤其是第一段的第二句可知,Thomas James Hanson在一个大雪天把车停到路边,却被铲雪车推到了沟里,险些丧命,几天之后他才得救,故D项最能概括全文意思。BMy parents moved to Mississippi when my brother and I were small children,and we were separated from our grandparents in Oklahoma by some 600 miles.This geographic distance allowed us to only visit our grandparents once a year,either at Christmas or on summer vacation.Most of my classmates lived near their grandparents,and I would routinely hear stories of extended families regularly spending time with one another,fishing at “grandpas”house or going over to“grandmas” for her famous fried chicken.We were disappointed that we did not get to spend more time with our grandparents,but our love for them remained deep and strong.The anticipation for a road trip to Oklahoma for my family was like going to Disney World.We would count the days,and when Day 1 struck,the entire family would pile into the car at four oclock in the morning.We grabbed blankets,pillows and snacks,because Dad did not intend to stop until we got there.Crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana,the landscapes changed.Crossing the Red River in Oklahoma,we were in a foreign world.“Daddy,how much longer?” “Daddy,are we almost there?”“Momma,how many more miles?”Mom told me to quit asking so many questions,and Dad always liked to use the words,“Quit that dingdong.”Every trip to see my grandparents cant be without bringing delight.We jumped out of the car in their driveway to be met with bear hugs.My grandparents wanted to know everything about their grandchildren,and we would sit for hours and tell story after story.Grandma had a meal planned,and you could bet she fixed her grandsons favorite foods.Grandma and Grandpa always had presents for us,neat scenic trips planned and lovely surprises,such as
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