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模块1 Unit 1 School life.单句语法填空1I had an _ (enjoy) night with my friends.答案:enjoyable2Faced with the great danger of drowning as he was, the young man jumped into the river to save the_(struggle) boy without hesitation.答案:struggling3The doctors and nurses are making _ (prepare) for the coming operation.答案:preparations4Do look out _ mistakes when you do your homework.答案:for5Mr. Bell, who is _ charge of the class, has been charged with murder by police.答案:in6She doesnt approve of me/my _ (leave) school this year.答案:leaving7She ever lived in France, and as a consequence she speaks French _ (fluent)答案:fluently8In _ (recently) years, global warming is becoming a concern for people all over the world.答案:recent9From his _ (satisfy) voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.答案:satisfied10I also had friends who gave me a great deal of _ (encourage)答案:encouragement.阅读理解(2016福州模拟)Marise fitted little Marks cap down over his ears and buttoned his blue coat close to his throat.“Now you big children,” she said, with an anxious accent, to Paul and Elly standing with their schoolbooks done up,“be sure to keep an eye on Mark at break. Dont let him run and get all hot and then sit down in the wind without his coat. Remember, its his first day at school, and hes only six.” She kissed his round, smooth, rosy cheek once more, and let him go. Elly bent and took her little brothers hand in hers. She said nothing, but her look on the little boys face was loving and maternal. Paul assured his mother seriously, “Oh, Ill look out for Mark, all right.” Mark wriggled and said,“I can look out for myself without Paul!” Their mother looked for a moment deep into the eyes of her older son, so clear, so quiet, so unchanging and true. “Youre a good boy, Paul, a real comfort,” she told him. To herself she thought, “Yes, all his life hell look out for people and get no thanks for it.” She followed the children to the door, wondering at her heavy heart. What could it come from? There was nothing in life for her to fear of course, except for the children, and it was stupid to fear for them. They were all safe; safe and strong and rooted deep in health, and little Mark was stepping off into his own life as the others had done. But she felt afraid. What could she be afraid of? She could not bear to let them leave her and stood with them in the open doorway for a moment. Elly rubbed her soft cheek against her mothers hand. Paul, seeing his mother tremble in the keen March air, said, “Mother, if father were here hed make you go in. Thats a thin dress. And your teeth are just chattering.” “Yes, youre right, Paul,” she agreed, “its foolish of me!” The children gave her a hearty round of goodbye hugs and kisses, and went down the stoneflagged path to the road. They were chatting to each other as they went. Their voices sounded at first loud and gay in their mothers ears. Then they sank to a murmur, as the children ran along the road. When the murmur died away to silence, there seemed no sound left in the gray valley, empty and motionless between the steep dark walls of pinecovered mountains.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。该文章主要叙述了一位住在山区的母亲送自己最小的孩子第一天去上学的心理描写, 字里行间都透露着浓浓的母爱。1What was Marise worried about at first?AElly might forget to look after Mark in the school.BThings might not go smoothly for Mark in school.CMark might not be comfortable with his brothers company.DPaul might be careless and get sick in the cold weather.B解析:根据文章第二段be sure to keep an eye on Mark at break. Dont let him run and get all hot and then sit down in the wind without his coat可知母亲担心Mark的开学第一天会不顺利。故选B。2.Which of the following can best describe Paul?AConsiderate.BSpoiled.CAmbitious. DAbsentminded.A解析:根据文章第四段的Paul assured his mother seriously, “Oh , Ill look out for Mark, all right.”和倒数第三段Paul, seeing his mother tremble.And your teeth are just chattering.可知Paul是一个体贴人的孩子。considerate体贴人的, 考虑周到的;spoiled被宠坏的; ambitious雄心勃勃的; absentminded心不在焉的。故选A。3Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AMarises children didnt get along with each other.BMarise had lots of things to be afraid of in her life.CMarise couldnt tear herself away from her children.DMarises children didnt know much about their father.C解析:通读全文可知A、 B、 D与文意不符。根据文章倒数第三段的首句She could not bear to let them leave her and stood with them in the open doorway for a moment可知这位母亲舍不得孩子离开她。故选C。4.What can be inferred from the last three paragraphs?APaul thought his mom foolish not to wear enough clothes.BPaul and Elly couldnt wait to leave home for school.CThe family in the story werent content with their life.DThe story is set in a m
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