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Unit 2 The environment.单句语法填空1In the dark I felt something very cold _(move) on my foot.答案:moving2We are surprised to hear the news.The news is _(surprise)答案:surprising3We would much appreciate _ if you could do us that favour.答案:it4The _ (recycle) water is used to water plants.答案:recycled5The knowledge acquired in ones childhood will make a stronger _(impress) on him than what he learns at any other life stage.答案:impression6There are two hundred boys _(range) from seven to fourteen in age.答案:ranging7He pretends to _(absorb) in listening.答案:be absorbed8Terrorists were _(responsibility) for the bomb explosion.答案:responsible9To show our _(appreciate) for all your hard work, wed like to give you a bonus.答案:appreciation10Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes _ his own measure.答案:to.阅读理解A(2016山西考前检测)A poor set of curtains may not just mean you wake up too earlythey could also make you fat.Sleeping in a room with too much light has been linked to an increased risk of piling_on_the_pounds,_a study shows.Greater exposure to light at night raised both body mass index and waist size in more than 113,000 women taking part in the British study.The study followed the women for 40 years to identify root causes of breast cancer.Obesity is a known risk factor for the disease.“The associations we saw in our study between light exposure at night and obesity are very interesting.We cannot yet tell at this stage what the reason for the associations is, but the results open up an interesting direction for research,” said Prof.Anthony Swerdlow, from the Institute of Cancer Research. “One possible explanation is that the light is interrupting the body clock, which stems from our evolutionary past(进化历程)We were active when it was light in the day and restful when it was dark at night.”Other research has found the effect of nighttime lighting on the body may contribute to unhappy feelings.But its too early to suggest that sleeping in the dark will help prevent obesity, a known risk factor for breast cancer.The findings are reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology.Previous research has drawn similar conclusions.A team at Ohio State University examined how nighttime light affects weight, body fat and glucose intolerance (葡萄糖过敏) in mice.They found that continuing exposure to even a little nighttime light caused increases in all three aspects.Light changes mood, physical strength and even the way we process food in a 24hour cycle.Artificial light is known to interrupt the body clock by delaying the production of the sleep hormone melatonin(睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑激素)So there is no harm in trying to make bedrooms darker.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了夜间光线给人们的身体带来的负面影响。1What does the underlined part “piling on the pounds” in the first paragraph mean?APutting pounds into a pile.BFilling in with pounds.CMaking a lot of money.DGaining body weight.D解析:词义猜测题。 根据文章第一段的“they could also make you fat” 可知, piling on the pounds与“使你增胖” 意思相近, 即D项正确。2From the passage, we know that_Asleeping in the dark must help prevent obesityBlighting on the body at night makes people happyCnighttime light may affect human beings and miceDit is easy for women to become fat and have cancerC解析:细节理解题。 根据第五段的“Previous research has drawn similar conclusions”及本段的描述可知, 老鼠和人类的睡眠都可能受到光线的影响, 即C项正确。3The most possible cause of the interruption of body clock is_Athe sleep hormone melatoninBunhappy feelingsCmanmade light at nightDglucose intoleranceC解析:细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“One possible explanation is that the light is interrupting the body clock”及最后一段的第二句可知, 人体生物钟被打乱的最可能的原因是人造光线, 即C项正确。4The passage is mainly about_Aevolutionary past of manBobesity and breast cancerCdifferent research and conclusionsDnegative effects of nighttime lightD解析:主旨大意题。 根据文章第一段可知, 本文主要介绍夜间光线给人们的身体带来的一些负面影响, 即D项正确。B(2016济南模拟)If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study, people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all. Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and nonjoggers for 12 years.The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die.The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as nonjoggers.The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉)Over time, this can cause serious injuries.Peter Schnohr, a re
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