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Unit 14Careers(A).阅读理解A 【导学号:33220182】(2017广东七校联合体高三第二次联考)Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting but nerveracking(令人紧张的)I had never been to such an amazing national park before,yet I wasnt the most athletic person so I knew that I couldnt stick through all the hiking up and down.It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.The ride there was definitely long but worth it.As I woke up from my nap,I saw the beautiful scenery of the tall mountains and beautiful streams.The trails were made nicely for visitors.The waterfalls were breathtaking.Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts.Even though I fell a couple of times,I still had a lot of fun.The fact that my family and I spent so much time together all trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.The great thing about nature is that,its just you,the views,and the people around you.Theres nothing to bother you and its the best way to relax and enjoy yourself.Yosemite has 5 of the worlds highest waterfalls,and about 300 lakes.The structure of each mountain is incredible;its formed in ways that almost take your breath away.Some of them are of a deep dark color with waterfalls forming;some are formed with spots of green peeking(窥探)out.Its definitely something you wouldnt want to miss.Yosemite isnt the only great national park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.Its a great time to bond,laugh,and take in what Mother Nature offers.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述自己和家人一起自驾游览Yosemite 公园的经历,建议人们多去户外亲近大自然。【长难句分析】The fact that my family and I spent so much time together all trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.分析 :该句为主从复合句。句中that my family and I spent so much time together all trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch 为that 引导的同位语从句,该从句中which route to take and what views to watch 为which和what引导的两个宾语从句,都作find out的宾语。译文:我和家人花大量时间一起尽力寻找行走的路线和观光的景点的事实使我们的关系更加紧密。1The author writes the first paragraph mainly to Aintroduce the topic of this passageBoffer an example to usCtell us his future plan for hikingDdescribe a national parkA考查目的意图。通读全文尤其是第一段的第一句“Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting but nerveracking(令人紧张的)”可知,文章主要介绍了作者和家人去Yosemite公园游玩的经历;据此可以判断,第一段旨在引出文章主题,故A项正确。干扰项分析文章第二、三段介绍了具体的景色,故B项错误;通读第一段可知,该段并没有描写远足计划,故C项错误;本文主要介绍作者和家人去Yosemite 公园旅游的经历,故D项错误。2While climbing up rocks,the author was AnerverackingBinjuredCpleasedDworriedC考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts.Even though I fell a couple of times,I still had a lot of fun”可知,攀岩是作者最喜欢的项目,作者从中体会到了许多乐趣。C项意为“高兴的”,符合语境。3According to the passage,Yosemite Ais crowded with visitors every dayBis the only great national parkCis worth travelling to Dis nothing but a common destinationC考查推理判断。根据第一段的最后一句“It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience”和第二段的第一句以及最后一段“Yosemite isnt the only great.Mother Nature offers”可知,去Yosemite公园是一次快乐而冒险的经历;据此可知,Yosemite公园值得一游。干扰项分析根据最后一段中的“Yosemite isnt the only great national park”可知,Yosemite公园并非是唯一的国家公园,故B项错误;根据第三段的第三句“Yosemite has 5 of the worlds highest waterfalls,and about 300 lakes”可知,Yosemite公园拥有五个世界最高的瀑布,有300个左右的湖泊,是一个有特色的国家公园,故D项错误。4The author suggests Akeeping a good bond with other peopleBvisiting Yosemite now and thenCtrying to protect the environmentDgoing out to enjoy the beauty of natureD考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends”可知,作者建议我们到外面去欣赏大自然的风光,故D项正确。B(2017福建省普通高中毕业班质量检查)Many managers believe that overworking is an evidence of devotion from their employees side.Still few others regard this custom as a threat to the workers worklife balance,which may negatively influence the level of productivity and efficiency.Employees at Amsterdam design studio Heldergroen wont be putting in much overtime.Not in the office,at any rate.Thats because every day at 6 pm,their desks,tables and other work surfaces,with their computers attached,are lifted to the ceiling by steel cables(钢索)normally used to move heavy props(道具)in theatrical productions.If you leave a halfeaten sandwich on your desk,youre out of luck.“Once the chairs and other workplace paraphernalia are cleared away,the space is free for everything and weekend use as a dance floor,yoga studio.or anything else you can think ofthe floor is actually yours,”director Sander Veenendaal said.In a way,the office space itself is working overtime for Heldergroen,bringing about lots of publicity and carrying an enlightened(开明的)message of careerlife balance far and wide.“We think that doing activities like this makes it easier for people to work here,”says Veenendaal.“You know when it is time to relax or do something else that inspires y
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