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(流程管理)程炜_面向W服务的业务流程管理系统的研究和实现分类号_ 密级_U D C _硕士学位论文面向Web服务的业务流程管理系统的研究和实现学位申请人:程 炜学科专业:通信与信息系统指导教师:杨宗凯 教授论文答辩日期 2003年5月10日 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 刘文予 评阅人 刘文予 谭运猛 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of EngineeringResearch and Implementation of Web Service-Oriented Business Process Management SystemCandidate: Cheng WeiMajor: Communication & Information SystemSupervisor: Prof. Yang ZongkaiHuanghzong University of Science & technologyWuhan, 430074, P.R.ChinaMay 2003摘要近几年,随着电子商务的深入发展,对企业信息化程度提出了更高的要求,如何利用现代网络技术来帮助企业管理各类业务流程,实现业务流程自动化已成为企业关注的热点。所谓业务流程(Business Process,BP),是指为了在一定时期内达到特定的商业目标,而按照各种商业规则连接起来的业务功能的集合。这些业务功能是抽象定义的:业务功能的具体实现受限于业务功能运行所需的可用资源。业务功能的构成由商业目标决定。业务流程中商业规则的目的是为了业务管理决策的实现。而业务流程管理(Business Process Management,BPM)是理解、系统化、自动化以及改进公司业务运作方式的一门艺术,它可以看作是文档工作流和企业应用集成的紧密结合。BPM的技术实现被称为业务流程管理系统(Business Process Management System,BPMS)。BPMS能够为管理者提供定义、变更、实施业务流程的方法,并保证灵活性和一致性,从而不必考虑业务流程实现的细节问题。本文通过对企业应用系统集成框架、企业业务流程管理及自动化方面关键技术的研究,将BPM技术与Web服务技术相结合,提出了一种面向Web服务的应用集成框架,并在此基础上提出了一套基于J2EE的BizPro业务流程管理系统的实现方案,同时详细论述了BizPro系统中的核心组件流程引擎的具体实现方法,并以论文审批流程为例,介绍了业务流程在实际中部署实施的完整过程。BizPro系统可以为企业提供一个面向业务流程的应用集成平台,帮助企业在多个应用系统之间实现业务流程的定制、管理、执行、监控和优化,缩短实施或变更业务流程的开发周期,并通过对应用系统的无缝集成实现业务流程处理的自动化。关键词:业务流程管理系统 Web服务 企业应用集成 流程引擎 业务流程建模语言 简单对象访问协议 可扩展标识语言AbstractRecently, with the rapid development of E-Business, the issues that how to help the enterprises manage their various business processes and implement the business process automation with modern network technologies have become the focus of attention.By a business process (BP), we mean an interconnected set of business functions, constrained by various business rules in order to achieve a specific set of business goals pertaining to a specific enterprise over time. The business functions are defined abstractly: The specific implementation of a business function depends on the resources available at the time it must be executed. What constitutes a business function is determined by objectives of the enterprise. The assertion of business rules in a BP are nothing more than the implementation of business management decisions. Business Process Management (BPM) is the art of understanding, codifying, automating, and improving the way a company does business. BPM can also be seen as a marriage between document workflow and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). The technological implementation of BPM is called a Business Process Management System (BPMS). A BPMS provides managers with the means for defining, changing, and implementing (via integration services) a businesss processes with agility and consistency, irrespective of the details of their implementation.Based on the research on the EAI architecture and the key technologies for BP Management and Automation , this paper, combining the BPM and Web Services, provide a new Web-Service-Oriented EAI architecture, and a solution for a J2EE-based BPMS, BizPro. Furthermore, it also discussed the implementation of the Process Engine, the core component in BizPro, and introduced the implementation and deployment of a BP in practice by a sample. The BPMS provide an BP-Oriented application integration platform for enterprises and help them define, manage, execute, monitor and improve the BP crossing various application systems. Using this BPMS, enterprises can reduce the time and cost of implementing or changing the BP, and automate the BP by the seamless integration among application systems.Keyword:BPMS;Web Service;EAI;Process Engine;BPML;SOAP;XML缩略语BP - Business Process业务流程BPEL4WS - Business Process Execution Language for Web ServicesWeb服务的业务流程执行语言BPM - Business Process Management业务流程管理BPML - Business Process Modeling Language业务流程建模语言BPMS - Business Process Management System业务流程管理系统CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture公共对象请求代理架构DCOM - Distributed Component Object Model分布式组件对象模型EAI - Enterprise Application Integration企业应用集成EJB - Enterprise JavaBean企业JavaBeanERP - Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源计划J2EE - Java 2 Platform,Enterprise EditionJava 2企业平台JMS - Java Message ServiceJava消息服务JSP - Java Server PagesJava服务器页面MOM - Message Oriented Middleware消息中间件RMI - Remote Method Invocation远程方法调用SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol简单对象访问协议UDDI - Universal Discovery, Description, Integration服务发布与发现机制WSCI - Web Service Choreography InterfaceWeb服务协作接口WSFL - Web Service Flow LanguageWeb服务流程语言WSDL - Web Service Description LanguageWeb服务描述言语XML - eXtensible Markup Language可扩展置标语言XPDL - XML Process Definition LanguageXML流程定义语言目录III1 绪论(1)(3)(4)(7)2 BizPro业务流程管理系统的分析与设计(8)(10)(15)(21)(26
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