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ReviewofUnit7 故县一中王高伟 词组复习 建议某人 不 做某事2 保护3 脱掉 起飞4 依赖 取决于5 允许某人 不 做某事 advisesb not todosth protect from takeoff dependon allowsb not todosth 6 赚钱7 决定 不 做某事8 负担得起 做 某事9 引起某人的注意10 执行 makemoney made decide not todosth afford todo sth catchone seye carryout 11 吃光付账13 点菜14 为了15 喜欢吃甜食 eatup ate have paythebill takeone sorder took inorderto haveasweettooth likeeatingsweetfood 16 不但 而且17 切碎18 据说19 或者 或者 20 做完某事 notonly butalso cutup cut It ssaidthat either or finishdoingsth 21 同时22 事实23 根据24 过时25 从那时起 atthesametime Infact asamatteroffact accordingto outofstyle fromthenon 26 在桌旁 就餐27 值得做某事28 保持膳食平衡29 第一次 做某事 30 以便 atthetable beworthdoingsth keepabalanceddiet forthefirsttime todosth sothat inorderthat 31 至于32 阻止某人做某事33 用 把 填满34 足够好记得别做某事记得要做某事记得做过某事 asfor stopsb fromdoingsth fill with goodenough remembernottodosth remembertodosth rememberdoingsth 经典句型 try doone sbesttodosth 尽力做某事 我们应该尽力学习英语 Weshouldtry doourbesttostuyEnglish 让我们尽力来使它成功 Let stry doourbesttomakeitsuccessful 2 Willyoupleasedosth 请你做某事可以吗 Couldyoupleasedosth 请你说一些关于你自己的事情 Willyoupleasesaysomethingaboutyourself 当你进入房间的时候 请把你湿的鞋子脱掉可以吗 Whenyouentertheroom willyoupleasetakeoffyourwetshoes 3 It s adj for ofsb todosth 对某人来说做某事怎样 It s adj that从句 某人做某事怎么样 对一名瘦的女孩来说 穿暖色的衣服是合适的 It ssuitable fitforaslimgirltowearclothesinwarmcolors 合适的制服能够表现出良好的纪律是真的 It struethatsuitableuniformscanshowgooddiscipline 吉姆要回英国度假是真的 It struethatJimisgoingbacktoEnglandforaholiday 制服不受欢迎但很有用是众所周知的 It swell knownthatuniformsaren tpopularbutuseful 对我们来说 保持健康是重要的 It simportantforustokeeyhealthy 对他来说 做这种事情真的是太蠢的 It sfoolish stupidofhimtodosuchathing 4 the adj adv 比较级 the adj adv 比较级 越 就越 越多 快 就越好 Themore sooner thebetter 我们吃得越有规律 我们就越健康 Themoreregularlyweeat thehealthierweare 你越细心 在考试中你犯的错误就越少 Themorecarefulyouare thefewermistakesyouwillmakeintheexam 功能意念项目 1 就餐 Havingmeals Thisway please Here satablefortwo MayItakeyourorder Anythingelse No that sall MayIhavethebill CouldIorderthemealbyphone Whatwouldyoulikeforthemaincourse Here syourchange Thanksforcoming 用恰当的词语填空 完成对话 每空一词 A Goodevening Welcometoourrestaurant B Goodevening I atable threethisafternoon I mMr Black A OK Thisway please Atthetable A Hereisthemenu MayI yourordernow B Yes I dlikedumplings seafood BejingDuckandsomevegetables That s booked for take with all A OK Pleasewaitamoment B Allright B Anhourlater MayI thebill please A Letme It s50 50 B Hereyouare A Here syour Thanksfor have see change coming 宾语从句是主从复合句的一种 主从复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的 主句是复合句的主体 从句仅仅是主句的一个成分 它从属于主句 不能独立 从句在全句中充当什么成分 就叫什么从句 宾语从句当中的从句在全句中作宾语 宾语从句是初中英语教材中重点语法之一 也是中考一个考查热点 回顾宾语从句 运用宾语从句时注意的问题 1 引导词的选择 一般疑问句充当宾语从句 特殊疑问句充当宾语从句 疑问代词或疑问副词 2 语序陈述句语序 3 时态 陈述句充当宾语从句 主句 一般现在时 一般过去时 从句 按实际情况用相应时态 过去的某种时态 4 当主句谓语动词为think suppose expect believe等时 其后的宾语从句为否定句时 常将否定词not从从句中移到主句中 构成否定转移 5 如果从句说的是客观现象或真理 无论主句是什么时态 从句都用一般现在时 that if whether 1 将下列简单句合成复合句 1 Hewillcomebackinaweek Ithink Ithinkthathewillcomebackinaweek 2 Whoishelookingfor Doyouknow Doyouknowwhoheislookingfor 3 Whyistheplanelate Ididn tknow Ididn tknowwhytheplanewaslate 4 Hehasalreadycomeback Hetoldme Hetoldmehehadalreadycomeback 5 HowcanIgettothezoo Couldyoutellme CouldyoutellmehowIcangettothezoo 6 Whataretheydoing Hedidn ttellme Hedidn ttellmewhattheyweredoing 7 Whenwillwehaveatest Theteacherdidn ttellus Theteacherdidn ttelluswhenwewouldhaveatest 8 HashecomebackfromGuangzhou Iaskedmyteacher IaskedmyteacherifhehadcomebackfromGuanggou 1 Iknow that he join theLeaguein1985 2 Couldyoutellmewherehe mend hisbikeatthattimeyesterday 3 Iseethatthey play footballoverthere 4 Tellmewherehe live 5 Ihearthathe come tomorrow joined wasmending areplaying lives willcome 根据主句 在宾语从句中填入正确的动词时态 7 Iknewthathe join theLeaguein1999 10 Iwonderedifhe come tomorrow joined wouldcome 11 Ourteachertoldusthatlight go fasterthansound 12 Weallknewthatthemoon move roundthesun 13 Itwastruethatthere be twelvemonthsinayear goes moves are 14 Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be 15 Theheadmasterhopeseverything well go 16 Tomsaysthatthey play basketballatsixo clockyesterdayevening willbe goes wereplaying 18 Heaskedwhatthey ateightlastnight do 20 Theteachertoldhisclassthatlight fasterthansound travel 21 Ithinkyou abouttherelayracenow talk 22 Ididn tknowwhomtheletters from be weredoing travels aretalking were 23 Ididn tknowwhattimehe theletter write 24 MissWangtoldmethattheearth move roundtheearth wrote moves 27 Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun intheeast rise 28 Canyoutellmewhatthey yesterday do rises did 1 我想知道你明天有空吗 Iwanttoknow ifyou llhavetimetomorrow 2 玛丽想知道你能帮她吗 Tomwantstoknow ifyoucanhelpher 3 妈妈不知道老师是不是来 Motherdoesn tknow iftheteacherwillcome 4 你能告诉我你住哪里吗 Canyoutellme whereyoulive 15 想知道你喜欢什么颜色 Iwanttoknow whatcolouryoulike 6 你们知道他什么时候来吗 Doyouknow whenhewillcomeback 7 司机想这是谁的书包呢 Thedriverthought whosebagthiswas 中考链接一 考查引导宾语从句的连接词 1 There saredcarparkinginourneighborhood Doyouknow itis 2007重庆 AWhatBwhoCWhoseDwhom 2 I mwondering LiuXiangwillhavetimeto themeeting 2007江苏镇江 Awhether attendBthat attendCwhether appearDthat appear 3 Canyoutellme itisfromheretotheSummer
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