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初中英语冀教版七年级下册Unit7Lesson37 You Are What You Eat!优质课教案省级比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案【名师授课教案】1教学目标(1) Knowledge aims:All the students can read, listen, understand correctly the following words and phrases: truth, decide, change, habit, usual, health, saying, awful; to tell you the truth, as usual, have a dream, be (not) good for, decide to do.(2) Ability aims:Students are able to understand the general information;Students are able to use the new words and phrases to talk with others;Students are able to read the text fluently;Students are able to write out some simple sentences.(3) Emotion aims:Help students ask and answer some questions.Enable students to study in groups.Raise students interest of learning English.Enable students to know the importance between health and eating habits.2学情分析The students Im teaching is from Grade 7. They have mastered some words of food and understood some grammars in English. They are interested in kinds of foods. But some students have difficulty in expressing themselves in English. So some easy questions may improve their interests in learning.3重点难点1、Teaching important points:i. New words: truth, decide, change, habit, usual, health, saying, awful;ii. Useful sentences: to tell you the truth, as usual, have a dream, be (not) good for, decide to do.2、Teaching difficult points:To be able to talk freely with new words and sentences.4教学过程4.1第一学时4.1.1教学活动活动1【活动】Lesson37YouarewhatyoueatTeaching stepsTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesAimsStep1Warming up1. Greetings;2. Class openingStudents will answer the teacher actively.通过warming up环节带动气氛。Step 2Lead in1.Show some food pictures to students.2. Lead in good food and junk food.3. Whats your favourite food?In teachers guide, student will answer teachers questions actively.温故而知新,在复习旧知识的同时,自然引入新知识。Step 3Presentation教师活动 1. Show some pictures of new words in this lesson. Let students learn new words, new phrases and new sentences. 2. Explain the language points of this text. 3. Let students read the text; and then do more exercises.学生活动 1. Students will learn and read the new words with pictures, phrases, sentences.2. Students can answer the teachers questions, by using new phrases and sentences in this lesson. They can do some exercises.3. Students will read the text together. They will learn the key points of this text.1、语言知识的掌握;坚持词不离句、句不离景的原则,做中学原则。并用英语释意,词语搭配。2、读课文可让学生增强语感,还可辅助理解课文,完成语言技能里面读的练习。3、练习题可帮助学生巩固所学知识。Step 4Practice教师活动 1. Let the students make dialogues by game and using the following phrases and sentences:i. Whats your favourite food?ii. How often do you eat it?2. Encourage and lead the students to do it correctly.After learning this new text, students will make dialogues. They will be interested in this activity.学生活动 1、To motivate the students. 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,让学生自主学习,合作学习。 2、对话激发学生表演欲望,能活跃课堂气氛 、达到教学目的。Step 5ProductionAsk one or two groups to make dialogues.Students will show us their dialogues.操练运用帮助学生巩固所学知识和发现问题,进行及时巩固。Step 6Summary1. Review2. Homework学生在老师的带动下回顾本课学习内容。进一步巩固所学重点。
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