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Period 7: Listening task & AssessmentGoals:1. Listening practice to improve the students listening ability.2. Discuss how to increase the output of crops.3. Assessment and a quiz to help the students make a self assessment.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision Check the homework exercises.Step 2 Thinking1. China is a large country with a large population, so its necessary to solve the problem of food.How can we increase the output of crops?As a scientist, I shouldAs an expert(专家) of farming, I shouldAs a farming, I should As a member of our country, I shouldAnswers:1). invent good fertilizer that can make crop grow fast and increase 2). give lectures to farmers on how to use science and technology to grow crop 3). try to get educated so that I can make agriculture modernized 4). try my best to protect the environment and farmland (Give the students the answers, using the pictures of PPT1 as examples.)2. Is there enough land for people to grow crops? If not, what should we do? Answer: On the one hand, we should increase the output of crop; on the other hand, we can turn desert into farmland by planting trees to keep water cycle.Step 3 Pre-listeningLeng Jianli and her husband have been planting trees in the desert. Do you know why? And whats the result?Step 4 ListeningLet the students listen and finish the exercises below.1. Put these stages of turning fertile land into a desert in order.Fertile farmland. ( 1 ) Land becomes dry. ( )Soil is blown away. ( ) Not enough water. ( )Plants die. ( ) Soil turns to sand. ( )Answer: Fertile farmland. ( 1 ) Land becomes dry. ( 3 )Soil is blown away. ( 5 ) Not enough water. ( 2 )Plants die. ( 4 ) Soil turns to sand. ( 6 )2. Answer these questions.1). Why do we need to grow plants to keep our farmland fertile? A They stop the soil blowing away.B They make the soil brown.C They keep the water in the ground.D. They look pretty.2) How do we know that the desert in North Africa used to be farmland?A It looks as if it used to grow crops.B There used to be lots of rain.C There used to be a lake there.D It produced wheat in the first century AD. 3) How does Leng Jianli turn the desert back into desert?A She lets animals live in the desert.B She waters the sand.C She plants trees in the sand.D She puts more soil on the desert.Answer: 1. A C 2. D 3. C3. DiscussionWhat advantages do you think there are in turning desert back into farmland?Answer: Firstly, there is more land that can be used to grow food; secondly, the desert can be stopped from expanding.Step 5 Assessment & QuizI. Tick the statement according to what you do or think.I can easily name ten kinds of agricultural production.2. I have visited the countryside several times.3. I can clearly tell the advantages of organic farming and the disadvantages of the chemical fertilizer.4. I think everyone should know something about farming and the importance of the green food.5. I believe the farming in China will be developed better and better. II. Word spelling1. H_ is one of the biggest problems in developing countries.2. The o_ of grain has doubled in China in the last ten years.3. He enjoys playing the v_ while his brother likes singing.4. Are you s_ with your exam result?5. N_ fertilizers are better than natural ones.6. The American people _ (斗争) to get independence from Britain.7. Middle school students are not allowed to drive _ (摩托车).8. His skin is black because he got _ (日晒) in his holiday.9. China is rich in _ (矿产) resources.10. It is _ (肯定) that he the weather is turning warmer.Answer: 1. Hunger 2. output 3. violin 4. satisfied 5. Natural 6. struggled 7. motorcycles 8. sunburnt 9. mineral 10. certainIII. Rewrite the sentences in another way.1. I dont like playing football. But I like playing basketball. I _ playing basketball _ playing football.2. It is necessary for me to buy a new bike. _ is necessary.3. The new building is 200 metres high. The old building was only 50 metres high. The new building is _ as the old building.4. Bob awoke from his dream with the hope that he can buy a new car. Bob awoke from his dream with the hope of _.5. Ben went closer to the painting in order to see it clearly. Ben went closer to the painting _ he could see it clearly.Answers: 1. preferto 2. Buying a new bike for me 3. four times as high 4. buying a new car 5. in order that/so that IV. Complete the following sentences with the right form of the given phrases. would rather, be satisfied with, thanks to, insist on, care about, re
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