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Module 1 Basketball Li Pings parents take possession of a large company. However, Li Ping is not selfish. He is not used to being rude to others. He is an independent boy all the time, who doesnt want to rely on his parents. At school, he absorbs all the knowledge his teachers could give him. There is no doubt that his grades are outstanding. Its typical of him to help others. Whats more, he is strict with himself and never commits any mistakes. Based on his nature and strong spirit of teamwork, he was appointed as monitor of their class by his headteacher李平的父母拥有一家大公司。然而,李平一点也不自私,他不习惯于对别人粗鲁。他一直是一个独立的男孩,他不想依赖父母。在学校,他把老师教的知识统统吸收了。毫无疑问,他的成绩非常优秀。帮助别人是他的风格。而且,他严格要求自己,从来不犯错误。根据他的天性和强烈的合作精神,他被班主任任命为他们班的班长。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空“You are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown _1_ Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50. In a few years, she has made _2_ progress! Ellen studied at Englishtown because no evening classes were _3_in her hometown. At Englishtown, she joins _4_classes online and speaks with native Englishspeaking teachers.“Englishtown is a wonderful place to _5_,” she says. “My son always says, Mom, you are a bit _6_. He cant understand why I spend so many hours studying, _7_ love it.” Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly _8_. She said,“I finished all my _9_ after 2 years, but noticed I still had _10_ difficulties.” Instead of _11_, she chose to press on. Four years later, shes still studying in the online classroom, but to perfect her already _12_ English, she has set new _13_ and _14_ understanding grammar points.“Studying online is never _15_, but you need selfdiscipline and selfmotivation.”she says. “If you really want to learn, never quit even when you notice difficulties or when you think there is no _16_. Practice, practice!”“Studying English isnt all about hard work. It is also _17_!” she says. “I like the online conversation classrooms. I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions. Im open for all _18_” Ellen has been able to _19_ her English to use. “I am very _20_ for Englishtown because most of the English I know now was learned here,” Ellen says.语篇解读:有志者,事竟成。本文介绍了一位50岁才开始学英语的老学生,凭借顽强的毅力,取得了可喜的成绩。1A.professor Bfriend Cstudent Dreporter解析:选C由第二段的第一句“Ellen studiedat Englishtown .”可知Ellen是Englishtown的一名“学生”。2A.amazing Bchallenging Cdiscouraging Ddisturbing解析:选A她50岁开始学英语,仅仅几年就取得了“惊人的”进步。后三项分别表示“挑战性的”“令人气馁的”“烦扰的”,都不符合题意。3A.satisfied Boffered Cattended Drepresented解析:选B在她的家乡没有“提供”夜校课程,所以她选择在Englishtown学习。offer“提供”,符合语境。4A.conversation Bcomposition Clistening Dreading解析:选A根据后半句的内容可知她参加的是在线“会话”课程。倒数第二段中的“I like the online conversation classrooms.”也有提示。5A.live Beat Centertain Dstudy解析:选D根据第二段第一句可知Englishtown是一个极好的学习场所。6A.crazy Btired Cworried Dattractive解析:选A下一句提到她的儿子难以理解她为什么花那么多时间去学习英语,由此可知他认为妈妈有点“疯狂”。7A.though Bbut Cwhile Dwhen解析:选B他不能理解的是妈妈为什么花那么多时间学习,“却”乐在其中。8A.dropped Bbrushed Cawarded Dprogressed解析:选D她从第一级开始学习,并且很快“取得进步”。此处progress作动词,表示“进步,进展”。9A.channels Bschedules Ccourses Dpapers解析:选C两年后她学完了所有的课程。course“课程”;channel“渠道,频道”;schedule“时间表”;paper“试卷”。10A.comprehending Breading Cgrammar Dvocabulary解析:选C根据下一段最后一句可知应选C。11A.fighting back Bgiving up Cturning away Dlooking around解析:选B她没有“放弃”,而是坚定地继续学习。A项表示“还击,抵抗”;C项表示“把(某人)拒之门外”;D项表示“环顾四周”。12A.significant Bshabby Cbroken Dexcellent解析:选D本句意思是“为了使她本来已经很优秀的英语更出色”。空格前面的already是重要提示。 13.A.goals Bdecisions Cmeans Dconclusions解析:选A虽然她的英语已经很优秀了,可是她又为自己设定了新的“目标”。set a goal“设定目标”。 14.A.turns off Bgets off Cfocuses on Dputs up解析:选C她为自己设定了新的目标,并且“集中”理解语法要点。focus on“集中精力于”,符合语境。 15.A.interesting Bboring Cshocking Dunwilling解析:选B本句后半部分提到“但是你需要自律、自我激励”,由此可知她认为在线学习一点也不“乏味”。 16.A.vision Bsuccess Cstruggle Dtendency解析:选B如果你真的想学习,即使当你遇到困难或者认为不会成功时,也决不要放弃。 17.A.fun Bwaste Cweakness Dwonder解析:选A结合本句前后两句中的内容可知学习英语应该也很“有趣”。 18.A.measures Btopics Ctimetables Dfashions解析:选B她对所有的“话题”都感兴趣。A项表示“措施”;C项表示“时间表”;D项表示“时尚”。 19.A.take Bset Cmake Dput
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