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Module 1 Deep South Section Grammar-主语和动词语法图解探究发现Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth.They call it AntiArktikos, or Antarctica .98%of the surface is covered permanently in the ice cap.To learn a foreign language well is not easy. Swimming is a good exercise.Whether he will come is doubtful.It is difficultto imagine a more inhospitable place.I hope to see you soon.Hecame in and satdown.The student went pale when he saw the teacher.I can easily tell my fathers step.We hadntwalked far when we lost our way.我的发现(1)句中的黑体部分在句中均作主语。(2)由句可知,不定式、动词ing形式、从句作主语时谓语动词通常要用单数形式。(3)句中用it作形式主语。(4)句中,黑体部分均为动词,且句中的动词可直接作谓语,而句中的黑体部分不能单独作谓语。一、主语1主语的概念及构成主语是一个句子叙述的主体,是句子所要说明的人或事物,表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”。主语通常由名词、名词化的形容词、代词、数词、动词不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句等担当。词类例句名词The news is exciting.名词化的形容词The disabledare well cared for in our country.代词None of us believed what he said.数词Onethird of the work has been finished.不定式To decide is to act.(决定即行动)动名词Watching a film is a pleasure.从句Whether he will leave is unknown.即时演练1(1)用所给词的适当形式填空The children (child) are playing on the swings in the park.In my opinion, swimming (swim) is more difficult than anything else.Each of us (we) is different. Threefourths (threefourth) of the surface of the earth is sea.To_teach (teach) the three children is my job this afternoon.(2)完成句子What_he_said_at_the_meeting (他在会议上说的话) left a deep impression on me.Drinking_a_cup_of_wine (喝杯葡萄酒) can make me feel relaxed.It is difficult to_learn_English_well (学好英语) if you dont work hard.2主语的常考点(1)不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语。It is not easy to grow fruit trees and vegetables here.在这里,种果树和蔬菜不容易。名师点津用于句型“It isadj.for sb. to do sth.”中常见的形容词(用于说明事物的性质)有:easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, comfortable, necessary等。Its easy for me to do that.对我来说做那件事很容易。用于句型“It is adj.of sb. to do sth.”中常见的形容词(用于说明人的品质)有:kind, nice, stupid, rude, clever, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, silly, selfish等。Its very kind of you to help us.你帮我们的忙,你真是太好了。(2)动名词作主语时,前面可加代词或名词所有格表示动名词的逻辑主语。Janes joining the singing teamgave them a surprise.简加入歌唱队使他们很吃惊。(3)某些形容词与 the 连用,也可作主语。当“the形容词”指物表示抽象概念用作主语时,谓语常用单数形式;表示一类人用作主语时,谓语常用复数形式。The good is not always beautiful.好的东西并不总是美的。(4)there be句型中,主语通常放在be之后。There is nothing to get excited about.没有什么值得激动的。(5)不定式或动词ing形式作主语时,句子的表语往往和主语在形式上保持一致。To see is to believe.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。即时演练2(1)用所给词的适当形式填空It was stupid of you to_get (get) involved.Its no use crying (cry) over spilt milk. The rich are (be) not always happy, though.Missing (miss) the train means waiting half an hour.There were many people waiting (wait) outside of the shop.(2)完成句子It_is_kind_of_you_to_help me out of trouble.你太好心了,帮我摆脱困境。Generally, the_young_are_more_active than the old in such work.通常在这样的工作中年轻人比老年人更积极。There_is_a_car_racing every year near our town.在我们镇子附近每年都有一场汽车比赛。Their_winning_the_match is an inspiration to all of us.他们赢得了比赛对我们所有的人是一个鼓舞。It_is_no_good_talking to him, because he never listens.跟他讲没用,因为他从来不听。二、动词1动词的概念动词是表示动作、状态或性质等的词,在句子中作谓语,是句子不可缺少的部分,用来说明主语是什么,处于什么状态或做什么。2动词的分类(1)按句法功能分分类用法实义动词及物动词及物动词后接宾语,意义才完整,如get, reach, learn, want等不及物动词不及物动词本身意思完整,其后无需跟宾语系动词系动词不能独立作谓语,要和表语一起构成谓语,如be, become, turn, go, feel, look等助动词助动词本身无意义,不能单独作谓语,和主要动词构成各种时态、语态和语气的动词形式以及帮助主要动词构成疑问句、否定句或强调句,如do, have, will等情态动词情态动词有一定的词义,主要用来表示说话人对某一动作或状态的看法,如can, may, must等I want two more apples.我想多要两个苹果。Without a word, he left.没说一句话,他离开了。The hat looks nice.那顶帽子看起来不错。I dont know his name.我不知道他的名字。He canplay basketball.他能打篮球。(2)按意义分动态动词延续性动词能持续一段时间的动词,如learn, live, work等终止性动词不能持续,瞬间发生的动词,如open, leave, see等静态动词stand, remain, like, think, sleep, lie等I stayedtwo weeks at the seaside.我在海边待了两个星期。I saw her at the post office a moment ago.我刚才看见她在邮局。名师点津终止性动词常与表示时间点的时间状语连用,若用于否定句,则可以和表示一段时间的状语连用;而延续性动词可与表示一段时间的状语连用。即时演练3(1)完成句子(2016天津高考改编)Im going to take_advantage_of_this_tour to explore the history of the castle.我将利用这次旅行来探索这个城堡的历史。After graduation, she_turned_nurse.毕业后她成了护士。He has_worked_in_the_factory since last year.从去年开始,他就在工厂里工作。He arrived too late and didnt_catch/missed_the_train.他到得太晚,没赶上火车。(2)单句改错She has got married for 3 years.gotbeen_She was proved very honest.去掉was_Never he seen such a beautiful sight.Never后加has.单句语法填空1The sky turned (turn) dark as the storm came near. 2When and where to_build (build) the new factory has not been decided yet.3As a result of the earthquake, twothirds of the buildings in the area need (need) repairing.4The injured were_taken (take) to hospital by ambulance.5Some of them are (be) red and others are brown.6I think it is necessary to_learn (learn) science.7Listening (listen) to music can r
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