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Module 1 Deep South Section Introduction & Reading-Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.annualadj.每年的2.staten. 状态;状况3.trapv. 储存;留存4.massn. 块;堆,团5.testn. 试验.拓展词汇1.explorern探险者explore v探险;勘探exploration n探险;勘探2.depthn深度deep adj.&adv.深的;深深地deeply adv.强烈地;深刻地deepen v加深;深化3.inhospitableadj.荒凉的;不适宜居住的;不好客的hospitable adj.好客的hospitality n好客;殷勤招待4.extremeadj.&n极端(的);极度(的)extremely adv.极端地;极其;非常5.balancev使平衡n.平衡balanced adj.平衡的6.rivalryn(不断的)竞争rival n竞争者,对手 adj.竞争的7.commercialadj.商业的commerce nU商业;贸易;交易8.promotevt.促进;增进promotion n晋级;增进1.annual adj.每年的联想yearly adj.每年的monthly adj. 每月的weekly adj. 每周的2.state n状态;状况词块in a good state 处于好的状态联想condition n. 情况in good condition 状况良好3.trap v储存;留存联想trip n. 旅游,旅行tap v&n. 轻拍,轻击rap n. 轻敲;拍击;说唱音乐4.mass n块,堆,团词块a mass of/masses of . 大量的,许多的5.balance v使平衡串记You are working too hard. I think you should have a balanced diet to help your body function. Whats more, youd better keep a balance between work and relaxation.二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.close to靠近;接近;几乎2on average 平均3adapt to (使)适应4be made up of 由组成5in the form of 以的形式6stand out 引人注目;突出;显眼7set foot on 进入,到达;踏上8in particular 尤其9in a(n) . state 处于状态10keep . free from . 使免受1.on Earth 在人间2from east to west 从东到西3fresh water 淡水4a window on the past 关于过去的一个窗口5in past ages 在过去的年月6a spirit of international friendship 国际友谊精神7as well as 也;还有8as a result 结果9the aim of . 的目标10work together 共同工作三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert.南极洲年降雨量几乎为零,严格来说该地区就是一片荒漠。“with 宾语形容词短语”的复合结构在句中作状语。She came into the room, with_her_nose_red because of cold.她进到屋里,因为冷,鼻子都红了。2.A high mountain range, the TransAntarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two.一条横穿南极洲的高大山脉,从东到西将南极洲分为两半。v.ing短语作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus_causing_the_delay. 他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。3.Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle .直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈“not until 时间状语”位于句首,句子应使用部分倒装。Not until next week will_the_sports_meeting_be_held.直到下周才开运动会。1(教材P2)Antarctica holds 90% of the worlds ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course.南极洲拥有世界90%的冰,当然其大部分淡水(70%)都处于一种冰冻状态。state nC状态,状况;国家;U政府vt.陈述,声明in a good/bad state情况好/糟in a(n) .state/in a state of . 处于状态return to normal state 恢复到正常状态The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith.证人声称她以前从未见过史密斯先生。When youre in_a_good_state,_you remember things better!当你状态好的时候,你记忆更好!They were in_a_state_of exhaustion after climbing the mountain.他们爬完山以后筋疲力尽了。2(教材P2)Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife, which has adapted to its extreme conditions.但南极洲仍然栖息着很多野生生物,它们已经适应了那里极其恶劣的条件。adapt (to) (使)适应;改编,改写(1)adapt toadjust to(使)适应adapt oneself to sth. 使某人适应(新情况)(2)adapt sth. for sth. 将某物改编/改写为某物adapt . from . 根据改编/改写The new students are very slow to adapt to the rules.新生对于那些规定适应得很慢。He was quickly adapted to the climate in the high mountains.他很快就适应了高山的气候。This new film is said to be adapted from a novel by Jane Austen.据说这部新影片是根据简奥斯汀的一本小说改编的。名师点津adopt 与 adapt 形似,但 adopt 意为“采纳,采用;收养”。3(教材P2)Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the worlds climate was like in past ages.这些以火山灰的形式封冻进冰层里的气体和矿物质可以告诉我们很多关于远古时期全球气候的状况。trap v储存,留存;使陷入困境;诱骗n.陷阱;诡计 (1)trap sb. into (doing) sth.诱使某人做某事be/get trapped in 被困于(2)set/lay a trap 设下圈套fall into the trap of doing sth. 掉进做某事的陷阱be caught in a trap 落入圈套An eagle was caught in atrap and flapping its wings.老鹰落入了圈套,拍打着翅膀。I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift.我常害怕电梯有故障会把我困于其中。Dont fall_into_the_trap_of signing something without reading it first.不要看都不看就签字,小心上当。名师点津be trapped in表示“被困在”,其同义短语还有:be stuck in, be caught in等。 4(教材P3)But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south whichbalanced the land in the north.但在两千多年以前,希腊的地理学家就相信地球南边存在一大块陆地与北边的陆地保持平衡。mass nC团,堆,块a mass ofmasses of许多的,大量的the mass of . 的大多数mass media/production 大众媒体/大规模生产the masses 群众;大众Setting to work, I buried myself under a mass of papers.我着手工作,埋头于一大堆文件之中。Divided from the_masses,_you are sure to fail.脱离群众,你肯定要失败。There were a_mass_of/masses_of people in the shop yesterday.昨天这个商店里人如潮涌。名师点津a mass of/masses of后可跟可数名词复数或不可数名词,且谓语动词与该名词的单复数保持一致。balance v使平衡;权衡n.平衡;天平,秤(1)keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡out of balance 不平衡on balance 总的来说(2)balanced adj. 平衡的Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less prot
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