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Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship Section Other Parts of the Module原文呈现 读文清障Childhood FriendsThe first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world. I dont mean that he died, he just went away, but I still measure all pain by how hurt I was when Danny left.I was blessed with a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have. We lived in a small bungalow in a tiny village in Scotland and we were a very close family. Our neighbours next door had a son named Danny, and we grew up together.the first time引导时间状语从句,起连词的作用。go away离开pass away离世measure v测量,衡量hurt/ht/adj.(感到)痛苦的,受到伤害的(be) blessed with享有的福气that most people would want to have是定语从句,修饰one。此处的one是a happy childhood的同位语。bungalow/bl/n.(有平台的)平房过去分词短语named Danny作son的后置定语。童年好友第12段译文我第一次失去至交时,我以为那是世界末日。我并不是说他已经不在人世了,他仅仅是离开了,但我依然根据丹尼离开时我的伤心程度来衡量全部痛苦。我非常幸运拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都希望拥有的时光。我们住在苏格兰一个小村庄的一所小平房里,我们是一个非常亲密的家庭。我们隔壁邻居家有个叫丹尼的孩子,我们一起长大。We spent long summer evenings in the pine forests, digging upworms for fishing, and collecting feathers left by the birds in the cages where they had been kept for the hunters. It was here that I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flieswhich bit me and made my face swell. There were a few walnut trees above the village and we would chase the squirrels away and wait for them to ripen. Of course, it was too far north for a proper harvest. On windy days wed slide down the stony slopes to the loch and feel the spray of the sea in our faces.pine/paIn/n.松树dig up挖,掘。此处digging .和collecting .并列作伴随状语。worm/wm/n.虫,蠕虫,蚯蚓cage/keId/n.笼子过去分词短语left by .作定语,修饰feathers; where引导定语从句,修饰cages。(be) allergic to对过敏tiny/taIni/adj.微小的It was .that .是强调句型; that从句作discovered的宾语。which引导定语从句,修饰the tiny flies。swell/swel/v.肿,肿大walnut/wlnt/n.胡桃squirrel/skwIrl/n.松鼠ripen/raIpn/v.成熟harvest/hvIst/n.收获slide/slaId/v.滑,滑行,滑落slide down沿着滑行stony/stni/adj.石头的,多石的loch/lk/n.(狭长的)海湾spray/spreI/n.水花,浪花第3段译文我们在松树林中度过漫长的夏日黄昏,挖钓鱼用的蚯蚓,收集鸟儿掉的羽毛,那些鸟儿曾被关养在笼中,以供打猎之用。就是在这里,我发现我对一些很小的苍蝇过敏。这种苍蝇一咬我,我的脸就会肿。村子上面有一些胡桃树,我们会赶走松鼠,等待胡桃的成熟。当然,那里太靠北了,很难完全收获的。有风的日子我们就顺着石坡滑到海边,感受水中的浪花溅到脸上。Danny was a good carpenter too, and we made brooms out of branches, which we tried to sell in the village shop. We built a tree house, where we smoked our first cigar, and I was sick! Once I slipped on some damp leaves, fell out, scratched my arms and cut the heel of my foot, so he washed my wounds in the stream. He was a very considerate boy for someone so young. My mother simply scolded me for tearing my underwear.We were on good terms with everyone in the village, and we even gave a salute to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle. But in our imagination, he was an enemy soldier, and we were two spies looking for secrets.It was the finest friendship anyone could have, and life seemed perfect.carpenter/kpInt/n.木匠,木工broom/brum/n.扫帚which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰brooms。cigar/sI/n.雪茄slip/slIp/v.滑倒,失足damp/dmp/adj.潮湿的scratch/skrt/v.擦伤,划伤heel/hil/n.脚后跟,踵部wound n伤口considerate/knsIdrt/adj.体贴的,考虑周到的Its considerate of sb. to do sth.某人做某事考虑周到。scold/skld/v.责备,申斥scold sb. for doing sth.责备某人做某事tear/te/v.撕破,撕裂underwear/ndwe/n.内衣(be) on good terms with与某人关系很好salute/slut/n.致敬,行礼give a salute to sb.向某人敬礼as he passed on his bicycle是时间状语从句。imagination n想象spy/spaI/n.间谍,侦探anyone could have是定语从句,修饰friendship。perfect/pfIkt/adj.完美的第46段译文丹尼还是个好木匠,我们把树枝做成扫帚,想方设法在村里的店铺里卖掉。我们盖起一所树屋,在那里我们抽了第一支雪茄,我一点儿都不喜欢!有一次我在湿树叶上滑了一跤,摔了出去,擦破了胳膊,划伤了脚后跟,于是他在小溪里帮我清洗伤口。对于一个还那么小的孩子来说,他照顾人非常体贴。我妈妈仅仅因为我撕破了内衣而责备了我。,我们跟村里的每个人都相处得很好。连当地的警察骑着自行车经过时,我们都会向他敬礼。但在我们的想象中,他是一名敌方战士,而我们则是两个窃取情报的间谍。,那是任何人所能拥有的最好的友谊,生活似乎是完美的。And then at the age of 14, his parents moved to London, over 400 kilometres away. The pain was acute, and I couldnt forgive Danny for leaving me. I felt he had betrayed me. It was the worst lossI have ever experienced.Im now back in touch with Danny, and its a privilege to call him my friend. Were both much more mature now, and were still very alike.But while Im nostalgic for the happy times we spent together many years ago, Im ashamed of my feelings, and I dont want to rewind the recording of my life and remember my loss and my pain.acute/kjut/adj.剧烈的,急剧的forgive/fIv/v.原谅,宽恕forgive sb. for doing sth.原谅某人做某事betray/bItreI/v.背叛loss/ls/n.损失,run/operate at a loss亏本经营I have ever .是省略了关系词的定语从句; ever用在含最高级的句子中,加强语气。be back in touch with与恢复联系privilege/prIvlId/n.权利,特权mature adj.成熟的alike/laIk/adj.相像的,相似的(be) nostalgic for对很怀念we spent .为省略了关系词的定语从句。(be) ashamed of对感到惭愧/羞耻rewind/riwaInd/v.倒(磁带),倒回去第79段译文后来,14岁的时候,他父母搬到了伦敦,距村子400多千米远。那种痛苦是强烈的,我不能原谅丹尼离我而去。我觉得他背叛了我。这是我曾遭受过的最严重的损失。,现在我和丹尼又恢复了联系,而能够称他为我的朋友是我的荣幸。我们现在都成熟多了,而且我们还很相像。,但当我
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