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课时跟踪练(三) Other Parts of the Module一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1I am honoured (尊敬) to present Ms. Susan King, who will give us a lecture on history.2It is a collection (收藏) of documents with reference to the First World War.3Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed (放松的)4It was a great relief (宽慰) to find that my family were all safe.5The seat next to him is vacant (空的); you can sit there.6Two pedestrians (行人) and a cyclist were injured when the car skidded (侧滑). 7They presented (赠送) flowers to their teachers on Teachers Day.8Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary (自愿的) labour.9I broke some traffic regulations (规定) yesterday and I got a ticket.10The girl impressed us with her liveliness (活泼) and a sense of humour.单句改错1Some of them are dancing with the music, which gives life to the party.withto2A young man offered to relieve the old man the heavy bag.man后加of3She was surprised to find that there were only two passerbys in the lane.passerbyspassersby4He was very tired, therefore he didnt give the market report.therefore前加and5May I have honour of inviting you for the next dance?have后加the6I find stamp collecting relaxed and it takes my mind off my work.relaxedrelaxing7All of sudden, the light in this room went out.of后加a8Dont take it serious I was only joking.seriousseriously.选词填空all of a sudden, at present, to ones relief, draw upon/on, dance to the music, in addition to, be honoured for, the moment1To_our_relief,_the kids arrived home safe and sound.2The old doctor deserved to be_honoured_for a lifetime of unselfish work among the sick natives.3I am quite at leisure at_present if you want me to help you.4He draws_upon/on his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.5The_moment I reached the platform the train began to move.6We have no choice but to dance_to_the_music that is being played.7In_addition_to a large collection of scientific works in Chinese, our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages.8It was sunny and then all_of_a_sudden,_it clouded over and began to rain.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1If your skill can be combined with my experience, we are sure to succeed.2As an actor, you have to draw on/upon your experience to create believable characters.3We are going to give a welcome meeting in honour of Mr. Clark who come to visit our company. 4He always says and does what he thinks, regardless of other peoples feelings.5To our great relief, the wolf was caught by the police.6Im too depressed (depress) and I need to clean out my mind.7Since the beginning of the vacation, I have_been_travelling (travel) across the country.8Being ambitious (ambition), he always had an eye to the main chance.9What do you do for relaxation (relax) in your spare time?10We have reached an agreement with him in regard to the shipment.完成句子1In order to be a good writer, you have to draw_upon_your_imagination (利用你的想象力) and life experience.2Dont worry. We will try to make_contact_with_other_schools (与其他学校取得联系) in the area to help your child.3All_of_a_sudden (突然), I realized there was something wrong.4It was the technology brought in from other companies that gave_life_to_this_company (赋予这家公司活力)5Its not polite to point at or talk about strangers in_public (当众)6In_honour_of_his_achievement (为了纪念他的成就), we held a celebration for him.7We havent got to see our teacher since we_graduated_from_the_school (我们从这所学校毕业)8They are ready to take action regardless_of_the_consequence (无论结果如何)二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解My sixyearold daughter lay in the hospital bed. “Mommy?” she asked. “Will you stay with me the whole time?”“You know I cant be in the operating room,” I said carefully, not wanting to scare her. “But Daddy and I will be waiting right outside.” Elizabeth nodded (点头), but her eyes looked troubled. It had been too long since I saw that big smile of hers.I wanted to tell her everything would be okay and promise that this would be the last time shed have to go through. But what if something went wrong again? Shed been so brave that day of the accident. When she fell off her bike in our backyard, I rushed her to the emergency room, trying not to panic. After she had spent three weeks in a cast (石膏), her leg didnt improve. Now she needed surgery. How could I comfort her when I needed comfort myself?There was a knock at the door. A nurse? But a woman without a white coat came in. “Hi!” the woman said. “Im the chaplain (牧师) here, and Ive got a present for Elizabeth.” She handed a brightblue box to my daughter. Elizabeth sat up, opened the gift and started pulling out the items one by one: candies, crayons, and a toy in the shape of a star. She hugged the star, cheering up for the first time after she entered the hospital. “Thank you,” she said. She looked through the box once more. She pulled
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