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Unit 3 Australia Period Warming Up & Readin.单词拼写1We should (联合) ourselves with this large firm.2The sports facilities are (极好的) in this city.3The overseas are very glad to set foot on their (祖国)4 (移民者) to the city send money home to their relatives.5The school cannot (容忍) cheating in exams.6The hotel had a grand (庆典) for its opening.7This is a constant (方针) to conduct our steps.8They took up arms in (保卫) of their country.9He sought for an (适当的) solution to the problem.10Ill arrive late,but please keep my (预定)【答案】1.associate2.superb3.homeland4Migrants5.tolerate6.celebration7.policy8defence9.adequate10.reservation.阅读填句(2016东北三校高二第二次联考)Dont you just love ice skating every winter? I am sure that since winter is approaching,your skates are set to come out,just waiting to be used. Impress your friends with your new trick on how to iceskate backwards with the help of these tips. Stand straightThe first thing that you need to do is stand straight. 1 , if you feel that you are falling backwards. Dont worry; this happens to all.Confidence is what you needThe most important step while learning how to skate backwards is having enough confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. How can you achieve this? By practice. One of the important ice skating tips and techniques is that if you feel that you are losing your balance,then scissor(做剪式运动)your skates. 2 Maintain speedTry sculling(划)with one skate while rolling in a straight line with the other. 3 . Now bring the skate which you are using to scull, and then again,repeat the same process. Make sure that you put most of your weight on the skate which is moving straight and not the one with which you are sculling.Now,try the same thing using the other foot. 4 Once you are confident that you can scull with either foot,the next thing that you have to do is increase your speed. Try some of your own tricks now. Scull with either foot or with both at the same time.Scull and be awareWhile you keep one foot straight,keep sculling with the other. You can do that with both feet at the same time. 5 , but dont get so involved that you dont see where you are going. If you are not watching your back,you might just bang against something or someone.AThat is, keep pushing yourself backwards with an outwards strokeBWhile going backwards,just get used to the feeling of moving backwardsCKeep practicing this till you are confident about itDIncrease your speed nowEOne must be brave enough to learn to iceskate backwardsFConcentrate on what you are doingGJust put your chin up and slightly bend your knees【答案】15GCADF.完形填空 【导学号:15680046】A year ago, my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding. After the reception(招待会), we were 1 for a public bus to go back home. It was already nine oclock at night. And although there were many buses passing by, 2 of them stopped. We waited and waited there. An hour later,we were getting 3 . We wouldnt be able to stay there for the night, because it was a (n) 4 and we both needed to work the next day. How 5 we were!It was almost 10pm when a familywho had attended the same 6 passed by in their car. 7 sensing that we were waiting for some means of transport, they stopped and offered to give us a 8 . I was so happy by their kindness, and I expressed my 9 to them in time. When we 10 my hometown, the family dropped us at the 11 point from where we could catch a public rickshaw(三轮车) to get straight to our home. On the way, a laborer(工人) 12 the rickshaw. The driver saw his clothes and asked him 13 he had money to pay the fare. The man 14 his head and said, “NO”. On hearing this, the driver 15 to take him. Just at that time, I remembered my own 16 a few minutes earlier. So I told the driver to 17 him to sit with us, as I would pay his fare.What an immediate chance to 18 the act of kindness! That night, I felt lightness in my heart. I went to sleep happily, filled with 19 about what I had done. I wish this chain(一系列) of kindness could 20 !【语篇解读】一年前,“我”和朋友去参加婚礼。回家的时候太晚了而等不到车,正在我们焦急之时,一个陌生人主动要求载我们一程。后来,“我”又帮助另一个陌生人付车费。就这样,爱心一个一个地传递下去。1A.applyingBwaitingCheadingDmaking【解析】根据下文“We waited and waited there.”可知,当时“我”和朋友正在等公共汽车回家。【答案】B2A.noneBsomeCeachDany【解析】根据上下句“And although there were many buses passing by,.We waited and waited there.”可知,虽然有很多车经过,但是没有一个愿意停下来载我们。【答案】A3A.curiousBactiveChopelessDcareful【解析】根据上文内容可知,等了1个小时已经晚上10点了,都没有等到车。“我”和朋友感觉到没有希望了。【答案】C4A.festivalBholidayCappointmentDweekday【解析】根据下文“we both needed to work the next day”可知,那天是个工作日,第二天还要上班。【答案】D5A.relaxedBworriedCboredDexcited【解析】根据上文内容可知,等不到车又不能在这里过夜,所以“我”和朋友非常着急。【答案】B6A.busBmeetingCweddingDclass【解析】根据第一段“A year ago,my friend and
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