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Unit 4 Cyberspace Section Websites & Virtual Reality.单句语法填空1Time is up.Do you make (arrange)with him?2He got in touch his family after a long separation.3Do you fancy (go)to the cinema this evening?4How about (camp)this weekend,just for a change?OK,whatever you want.5Our teacher suggested (hold)a meeting on what to do for the safety education.6Its up parents to teach their children manners.7What do you think the film?Its wonderful,especially the exciting scene.8We will deal with these events in (history)sequence.9He still depends his parents for the money to make a living.10Ive been (reject)by all the universities I applied to.【答案】1.arrangements2.with3.going 4camping5.holding6.to7.of8.historical 9on10.rejected.完成句子1他不但在学校里教书,而且还写小说。 teach at school, wrote novels.2是否去那里由你决定。 whether to go there.3去年建的那座桥很漂亮。The bridge last year is very nice.4你会发现和他相处很难。You will to get along with him.5你将如何处理这些食物? will you the food?【答案】1.Not only did he;but he also2.Its up to you3.(which was)built4.find it difficult 5What;do with/How;deal with.阅读理解ASurfing the Internet for fun will make you a better employee,according to an Australian study.The University of Melbourne study shows that people who use the Internet for their own reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not.Study author Brent Coker said,“Surfing the Internet at times helps increase an employees attention.”“People need to relax for a bit to get back their attention,”Coker said on the universitys website.“Having a short break,such as a quick surfing of the Internet,helps the mind to rest itself,leading to a higher total Internet attention for a days work,and as a result,increases productivity(生产效率),”he said.According to the study of 300 workers,70 percent of people who use the Internet at work surf the Internet for their own reasons during office hours.Among the most popular surfing activities are searching for information about products,reading online news,playing online games and watching videos,“Firms spend a lot of money on software to block their employees from watching videos,using social networking sites or shopping online,” said Coker.“Thats not always a good idea”However,Coker said the study looked at people who surfed the Internet in moderation (适度),or were on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office.”Those who spend too much time surfing the Internet will have a lower productivity than those without.” he said.【语篇解读】一项研究表明上班时上网可以提高效率,因为快速上网能使大脑休息。1What does the University of Melbourne study mainly show?APeople who surf the Internet are good employees.B. Not everyone surfs the Internet for fun during office hours.C. Surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity.DThe Internet is becoming more and more important in peoples life.【解析】 细节理解题。由文章第二段信息可知,在上班时间上网可以提高生产效率,故C项正确。【答案】C2According to Paragraph 3,Brent Coker would most probably agree that Athe longer a persons mind rests,the better attention he will haveB. surfing the Internet is the best way to increase productivityCworkers should have a long break during office hoursD. workers should let their minds rest now and then【解析】推理判断题。由文章第三段可知,人们需要稍作休息来恢复注意力;稍作休息,如快速上网可以使头脑休息,提高生产效率,因此,工人们应该时不时地使大脑得到休息。故D项正确。【答案】D3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as one of the most popular surfing activities?AWatching videos.BReading online news.CReading online novels.DPlaying online games.【解析】 细节理解题。由文章第四段信息可知C项未包括在内,故C项正确。【答案】C 4The underlined word“block” in Paragraph 4 means “ ”Aprevent BcycleCburst Dbreathe【解析】 词义猜测题。文章讲述让员工上上网,休息一下大脑,恢复注意力,有助于提高生产效率。此处又说“有些公司花钱来 他们的员工看录像、上网、网上购物,这不总是个好办法。”显然,这些公司花钱的目的是阻止其员工,因此block此处意为“阻挡,阻拦”,故A项正确。【答案】ABHow to protect children Web fans from unsuitable material online while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed in the US.For some parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle,filled with danger for their children.But jungles contain wonders as well as dangers and with good guides,some education,and a few precautions(预防措施),the wilds of the Internet can be safely navigated(航行)“Kids have to be online.If we tell our kids they cant have access (机会) to the Internet,were cutting them off from their future,” said an expert.Most kids have started to use search engines.Many of them are great for finding tons of interesting Internet sites,and they can also locate places where you might not want your kids to go.There are search engines designed just for kids.A certain software contains only sites that have been selected as safe. The most popular way
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