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theuseofV ingform Review 1 和他说话像和墙说话一样 Talkingtohimisliketalkingtoawall 2 抽烟可能导致癌症 Smokingmaycausecancer 3 在这里等是没有用处的 Itisnousewaitinghere 4 他承认拿了钱 Headmittedtakingthemoney 5 我盼望着与他见面 Iamlookingforwardtomeetinghim 主语 宾语 Canyousmellanythingburning 宾语 2 Wewon thaveyoudoingthat 宾语 3 Nooneisallowedtospeakinthereadingroom 4 Iamsorrytohavekeptyouwaitinglong 宾语 5 IhaveafriendlivinginLondon 6 Myhobbyisswimming 宾补 宾补 表语 定语 宾补 定语 Grammar 动词 ing形式作表语 定语和宾补 Weallenjoylisteningtomusic 我看见他正在上楼 Isawhimgoingupstairs 宾语 宾语补足语 我们听见她在房间里唱歌 Wewatchedhercrossingthestreet V ing作宾语补足语 V ing作宾补表主动或动作正在进行 常见的能接V ing作宾语补足语的动词 1 感观动词 See observe notice watch hear smell listento lookat feel find sb sthdoing Theyheardhimsinginginthenextroom Hewasheardsinginginthenextroom Thenextmorningshefoundtheman inbed dead A lyingB lieC layD laying Acookwillbeimmediatelyfiredifheisfound inthekitchen NMET2003 A smokeB smokingC tosmokeD smoked Themanagerdiscussedtheplanthattheywouldliketosee thenextyear NMET2000 A carryoutB carryingoutC carriedoutD tocarryout 2 have keep leavesbdoing 指使意义 Don talwaysleavewaterrunning 3 其它动词 sbdoing IcanhardlyimaginePeter acrosstheAtlanticOceaninfivedays A sailB tosailC sailingD tohavesailedWhenwegotbackfromthecinema wefoundthelamp butthedoor A beingon shutB burning shuttingC burning shutD on shutting IhaveafriendlivinginLondon areadingroom aswimmingpool awalkingstick apoolforswimming astickforwalking aroomforreding V ing作定语 1 V ing作定语表主动或动作正在进行 Nooneisallowedtospeakinthereadingroom Ihaveafriend inLondon who is living 2 V ing作定语也可表示功能或用途 Iamreadinganinterstingbook Theylivedinaroomfacingthestreet 3 单词分词 被修饰的词被修饰的词 分词短语 但是 Thereissomethingmissing 不定代词 单个分词 4 havingdone 现在分词的完成式 不可用作定语 但可做状语 那条加宽了的路是我市最宽的一条路 不可说Theroadhavingbeenwidendisthewidestinourcity Therewasaterriblenoise thesuddenburstoflight A followedB followingC tobefollowedD beingfollowed TellMarythatthere ssomeone forheratthedoor A waitingB waitedC waitsD towait The waitercameuptousandsaid Youarewelcome A smilingB smiledC smileD tosmile Myhobbyisswimming V ing作表语 V ing作表语时放在be动词或其它系动词之后 我的工作就是照顾这些孩子 Myjobislookingafterthechildren 他的话很鼓舞人 Hiswordsareencouraging Hisfatherseems withhisresults A pleasingB pleaseC pleasedD toplease V ing形式一般跟物连用 V ed形式一般跟人连用 1 Theresultofthetestwasrather disappointedB disappointingC beingdisappointedD disappoint2 People inthecitydonotknowthepleasureofcountrylife liveB toliveC livedD living3 Thelibrary sstudyroomisfullofstudents fortheexam busilypreparedB busypreparingC busilyprepareD arebusilypreparing 5 WhenIcamein IsawDr Li apatient examineB examingC toexamD examined6 It sreallyterribletohaveabus another whichwillcausean accident knockedup astonishedbumpedinto astonishingknockedinto astonishedbumpedup astonishing7 NewZealandisan country youcanhear everywhere A Englishspoken English speakingB English spoken spokenEnglishC English speaking speakingEnglishD English speaking Englishspoke 8 Whenheawoke hefoundhimself byanoldwoman A lookedafterB belookedafterC beinglookedafterD belookingafter9 Sittingbyherside Icouldfeelherheart A beatenB tobeatC beatingD tobebeating 1 The boywaslastseen nearthebankofthelake missing playingB missing playC missed playedD missed toplay解析 missing是形容词 作boy的定语 意思是 失踪的 waslastseenplaying表示被看见时正在玩 高考链接 2 MrSmith ofthe speech startedtoreadanovel tired boringB tiring boredC tired boredD tiring boring解析 此题考查现在分词与过去分词的区别 tired moved interestedexcited等过去分词叙述的是人的本身感受 tiring moving interesting exciting等现在分词叙述的是某一物或事情给予人的感受 句意为 史密斯先生对这个令人厌烦的讲话感受厌倦了 所以开始读起一本小说来 3 Whenwewatchedthenationalflag intheOlympicGamesonTV weraisedacheer A riseB beingrisenC raisedD beingraised解析 本题考查分词作补语 rise是不及物动词 先排除A B两项 国旗是被人们升起的 应该用分词的被动形式 句意为 当看到电视中奥林匹克运动会上国旗正在被升起时 我们欢呼起来 4 Hewasinhospitalforsixmonths Hefeltasifhewas fromtheoutsideworld cutoutB cutoffC cutupD cutthrough解析 cutout的意思是 切下 删除 cutoff意思是 切断 使 人 城镇 孤立 cutup的意思是 切碎 cutthrough的意思是 穿越 本句的意思是 他住院六个月感到似乎与外界隔绝了 5 Wesatthere withwhatwelistenedto satisfyingB tosatisfyC contentedD content解析 本题考查动词用法 satisfied表示 感到满意的 把A B两项排除 content既是形容词 又是动词 becontentwith对 满足 6 Theboyburstintotears hesawhismother directB directionC directlyD directlywhen解析 本题考查direct的用法 作动词时表示 导演 指示 作副词时表示 径直地 直接地 作形容词时是 直接的 而directly表示 一 就 相当于assoonas Homework Makeuseofdifferentlearningresourcestosummarizetherulesofv ingforms
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