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精品 毕业论文题目名称: 母语在英语课堂教学运用的研究 学生姓名: 院 (系): 外国语学院英语系 专业班级: 英语 指导教师: 评阅教师: 时 间: 母语在英语课堂教学运用的研究总计:毕业论文44页指导教师:评阅教师:完成日期: On the Application of Mother Tongue in English ClassA ThesisPresented to the School of Foreign LanguagesYangtze UniversityBy In Impartial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree ofBachelor of Arts with Honors May 2010Thesis Supervisor: Associate Professor 论文装订目录中文摘要.i英文摘要.ii正文目录. iv正文.1参考文献.22致谢.24课题审核表.I任务书.II开题报告.IV文献翻译(原文). XI文献翻译(译文).XV指导教师评语.IX评阅教师评语.XX答辩记录.XXI摘 要改革开放以来,我国的英语教育有了长足的发展,学生的英语水平也有了明显提高。同时,社会对大学毕业生的英语能力也有了更高的要求。这些要求迫使英语教学随之改革。其中,在英语教学中该不该运用母语成为了教师与学习者共同关注的重要问题。很多学校开始实行全英语教学,避免使用母语。这一方法在一定程度上提高了学生对英语的应用能力,被许多英语教师和学习者认可并采用。但其同时对学生英语水平的提高也起着负面的影响,不利于教师与学生之间的交流。在英语教学中,对某些词汇或概念的教学,采用英语讲解时学生不能够充分地理解,在这种情况下,如果能利用母语进行解释,那么学生就能对所学的知识更好的理解与接受。当然,在英语教学中母语的使用应该适可而止,不能滥用。因为英语教学的目的是培养学生应用外语的能力,如果在英语教学中过分的使用母语,学生在有限的课时内接触英语的机会就相应的减少了,这样就会不利于达到英语教学的目的。因此,如何恰当地在英语课堂利用母语汉语就成为值得探讨的话题。这里,本文以母语正迁移的理论作为理论依据,研究了母语在英语课堂中运用的现状,分析了母语在在英语课堂中的必要性和具体要求,并归纳出一系列可行的教学策略,充分发挥母语的正迁移作用,同时克服母语对于英语学习产生的负面影响,从而提高英语课堂的教学质量和效果。关键词: 英语教学;母语;语言迁移;教学策略 Abstract With the rapid development of the English education since the reform and open, the learners English level has obviously improved. At the same time, the society also increased the requirement to the English ability of the University graduates. Therefore, English teaching methods have to be faced with reform because of the high requirement. Among the controversial teaching methods, whether to use mother tongue in the class become to an important question to both of the teachers and the learners. A lot of schools begin to carry out “English Immersion Approach” which abandons mother tongue completely in the class. Though this teaching method helps to improve the learners English ability and has been adopted and accepted by many teachers and learners, it also has the negative effects that against the communication between teachers and students. During English teaching, there may be some vocabulary or concepts that can not be fully understood when explained in English only. In this case, the use of mother tongue can help the students understand and accept the knowledge better. However, enough is enough, excessive use of mother tongue is not reasonable, for the goal of English teaching is to cultivate students English ability, but excessive use of mother tongue will decrease the students chance to get touch with English and make against achieve the goal of English teaching. Therefore, how to use mother tongue well/properly becomes to a problem that worthy of discussion. Based on the theory of positive transfer of language, this paper studies in current situation of mother tongue using in English Class, and analyses the reasons and the specific requirements of using mother tongue in English Class. In addition, this paper also concludes a series of practical teaching strategy to make good use of the positive transfer of mother tongue, and overcome the negative transfer to the English learning at the same time, so that to improve the quality and the result of English class.Key words: English teaching; mother tongue;Language Transfer;teaching strategyContentsAbstract (Chinese) .iAbstract (English).iiI. Introduction.1II. Literature Review.32.1 Related Studies on Mother Tongue Usage in English Class.32.2 Theoretical Background. 42.3 Situation of Mother Tongue Usage in English Class.5III.Application of Mother Tongue in English Class.73.1 Reasons for Using Mother Tongue in English Class.7 3.1.1 Providing A Quick and Accurate Translation for the Learners.7 3.1.2 Helping the Teachers to Check the Teaching Concepts and Establish the General Rules for the Class. .7 3.1.3 The Security of Learning Vocabulary.83.2 Requirements for Well/Properly U
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