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学号: 09425411 常 州 大 学英语专业技能实训外文翻译(2009级)外文题目 Complex Negotiations 译文题目 复杂谈判 外文出处 Bai Yuan, International Business Negotiation M Beijing: Ren Min University of China Press, 2008: 193-202. 学 生 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 班 级 英语(怀)092 校内指导教师 专业技术职务 二一二年六月Complex NegotiationsComplex Negotiations and their PropertiesIn most cases, parties involved in negotiations are only two; however, in some other cases there are three parties or move involves. A negotiation turns into a complex one when the negotiating parties want to bring in a third party or when other parties want to joint the on-going negotiations. A complex negotiation is so called because it has the following properties.1. A Number of PartiesIn addition to the two parties anticipated first, third parties will join or a coalition of multi-parties will be established. For example, the trade dispute between China and US over intellectual property right protection has been lingering for more than two decades. In April, 2007, US decided to file a complaint to WTO Dispute Settlement Body. Here, US is inviting WTO as a third party. 2. A Number of IssuesInstead of single issue in most distributive negotiations, a number of issues that are related with each other become the focus of negotiation. The increase of the issue requires negotiators to find out what the linkage between several issues is and what trade-off they have to make among different issues. A rural water supply project in China financed by the World Bank involves the World Bank, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, project-related provincial governments and local governments, and project beneficiaries, covering issues like finance, accounting, loan repayment, project design and construction, procurement and tendering, environmental protection, health education, and so on.3. A Number of InterestsWith more parties and issues brought into the view of the negotiators, more interests will appear. This demands a careful choice of priority among several interests, and skillful management of different parties. In a construction negotiation, the owner of the project will have to talk with the contractors, project designer, material suppliers, banks and other parties. If meeting the time limit of the project is the most important for the owner, on-time allocation of capital, materials and personnel should be secured, which requires a good coordination among all related parties.4. Different InterestsA complex negotiation can engage all level of interests including private, organizational and national interests. It is quite common that personal negotiators interests differ from party interests, or party interests are different from national interests. Different levels of interests contribute greatly to the complexity of negotiations.Involvement of Third Parties1. Instances for the Third Partys Anticipation Third parties frequently become involved in negotiation. They may be called in by one or both sides or imposed by law or the terms of a prior contract. They may also intrude themselves, as when a powerful state intervenes in a controversy between two client states that threatens the broader aims of the alliance. Under what circumstances are negotiating parties likely to seek a third partys services and cooperate with the third party who comes? The following sums up the cases when the desires for a third party increase.(1) When the negotiating party sees himself or herself as weak vis-vis the other party, the third partys joining will strengthen their relative power and confidence. In fact every one hopes to be backed by a third party, even the party with relatively stronger power. We can observe the phenomenon in our daily life that if we are joined by others in a bitter argument, the balance of power.(2) When the negotiating parties see themselves in a deadlock, for example, the relationship between two parties, because of poor management of conflicts, deteriorates and becomes deceptive, or communication between the two parties closes, there is the need for a third party to mediate between the two sides. A deadlock is a situation in which both parties are unwilling or unable to make further concessions. If a situation that is perceived as a deadlock also embodies high time pressure, the desire for assistance from a third party should be especially strong.(3) A negotiation goes into impasse because both sides are at the end of their resources and there seems no alternative solution available, a third partys participation can bring with it constructive options to the disputes so that the negotiation may continue. The function of the third party in the second situation is to break the ice while in the third situation, the thi
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