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Unit5Helpingourparents Grammartime Teachingaims 1 能正确地听 说 读 写句型Whatareyou theydoing I m We re They re Whatishe shedoing He s She s 2 能理解现在进行时态定义 时间状语和句子构成 3 能理解并掌握Grammartime中现在分词的构成规律 游戏规则 看到出现的图片 快速说出对应的英文表达 看谁说的又快又准噢 Playagame cleanthecar clean cleaning makethebed make making sweepthefloor sweep sweeping washclothes wash washing Let sread clean cleaning make making sweep sweeping wash washing 动词现在分词 Let sread Whatcanyoufind Knowmore 动词现在分词构成规律 Mikeis Helenis Workinpairs Mikeishelpinghisparents He scleaningthecar He scleaningthetable Trytosay Helenishelpingherparents She ssweepingthefloor She swashingthedishes Trytosay Let sread Let sread Whatcanyoufind Knowmore 现在进行时表示现在某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行或正在发生的动作 现在进行时肯定句的基本构成 主语 be 动词ing 其他be动词随着主语变化而变化WearewatchingTVnow Timissleepingnow Knowmore 现在进行时特殊疑问句的基本构成特殊疑问词 be 主语 动词ing 其他Whatisshedoingnow 她正在干什么 Whatareyoudoing 你正在干什么 Askandanswer Whatisshedoing Sheiscooking Askandanswer Whatishedoing Heiscleaningthetable Askandanswer Whataretheydoing Theyarecleaningthecar Askandanswer A Whatareyoudoing B I m A Whatishe shedoing B He Sheis A Whataretheydoing B Theyare 1 熟记Grammartime内容 2 预习Soundtime内容
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