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8B Unit 5 导学案Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】国际奥比斯组织国际奥比斯组织 (Project Orbis - ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重见光明”。 这个组织的国际奥比斯眼科飞行医院是世界第一所飞机眼科医院。该院于1982年3月在美国休思敦正式建立,它是由一架DC8型飞机改装而成,内部设有预检室、检查室、微型手术室、护理室等手术设备,既可施行手术又可从事示范教学、并通过双向通讯设备,直接与示范医生进行问答。奥比斯组织总部设在纽约。在休斯敦、伦敦、加拿大和香港设有办事处,并配备了从美国及其他地区选出的一批拥有高级技术的医生、护士、工程师、机师、影视制作人员等为随机人员。自1982年成立以来,来自29个国家的600多位世界一流的眼科专家,先后访问了四大洲70多个国家和地区,使万名眼疾患者在专机上进行手术治疗,使他们重见光明,并有万多名各国眼科医生、护士参与了它的训练计划,使之成为推行防盲、治盲的骨干。 国际奥比斯组织(ORBIS)是一个中立的、非盈利的国际人道主义发展组织。迄今为止,已环绕地球四次,在八十余个国家完成了超过500项防盲治盲医疗活动,将最新的防盲技术传授给五万多名眼科医生和护士。【自学探究】一、 预习P76P77,在课本上划出下列词组。1. 有一些零花钱2. 过去常常做某事3. 太累而不能走4. 不同的国际慈善机构5. 在的隔壁6. 习惯于饭前出去7. 对某人亲切8. 带某人去某地9. 最不重要的10. 世界宣明会【教案】教学内容8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit课型新授课学习目标1、了解世界上的几大慈善组织。2、探讨如何才能更好地帮助贫困地区的人们。教学重难点1、慈善组织的英文名称及其活动内容。2、重要词组及句型。教学方法情景交际法教具准备课件,录音机教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step 1 Warming up by questioningWhat charities in China do you know of? What do they help?In this unit, well learn some international charities. What international charities do you know of?Have you ever heard of famous international charities like: ORBIS, Oxfam, UNICEF, World Vision and World Wide Fund for Nature?Step 2 Finishing off Part AOn page 77 are some logos or pictures. Could you match the logos with the charities? I will check the answers later on.Step 3 DiscussingWhat do you think people in poor countries need most? Do they get help from international charities? What can you do for charities? (We can donate our pocket money to them.)Step 4 Listening and answeringOxfam needs money to carry on with their work. Who calls for donating pocket money to Oxfam? (Hobo)Will he donate his own pocket money? (No)Whose pocket money does he want to donate? (Eddies)When does he want to go to donate money? (Right now, at lunchtime)Does Eddie agree? (Of course not)Why not? (He doesnt often go out before lunch. That is to say, he isnt used to going out before lunch.)What does Eddie think of Hobo? (Hobo was kind to him before, but now he isnt. That is to say, Hobo used to be kind to Eddie.)Where will Hobo take Eddie to have lunch?Do you think Eddie is willing to go to Oxfam right now?Why?Step 5 Reading aloud and writing down expressionsNow read after the tape sentence by sentence. You are given five minutes to find out and write down all the useful expressions in this part. Go over page 76 and 77 again to underline all the useful expressions. Step 6 Reading and actingRead the dialogue aloud and act it out in pairs.Step7 Retelling the storyStep 8 Homeworka. Read the comic strips and try to remember it. Try your best to act it out. b. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.引导学生了解世界上的几大慈善活动鼓励学生说出如何帮助贫困的人播放第76页漫画部分录音,让学生回答问题学生讨论:为贫困地区的人们可以做些什么?学生交流回答问题,可以抢答让学生找出有用的词组并记录下来请几对学生上台表演,并给予鼓励和赞扬作业设计完成同步导学及导学案作业,完成Reading自学探究板书设计Expressions from Comic strips & welcome to the unitNeed money, have some pocket money left, giveto, have lunch at twelve oclock, be not used to ing, before lunch, have a big lunch afterwards, used to do, be kind to, sothat, walk further, take to, next to, collect information about, matchwith, writein the blanks, needmost, writein the box 教学反思【当堂巩固】一、根据所给中文完成句子1. We want to know more about different (慈善机构) in the world.2. Im not used to (起床) up early on Sundays morning.3. We can have a good rest (后来).4. At weekends we all like to have a big lunch in the (饭馆).5. Who can provide the poor children with good (教育).6. He found that all his (口袋) were filled with money.7. We got home much (兴奋地) after getting the first prize.8. They havent made a (决定) about when to start their job yet.二、翻译下列句子1. 让我先吃一顿大餐。 Let me first.2. 我们已习惯于为贫困地区的孩子们捐款。 We have money to the children in the .3. 这儿过去是一家国际慈善机构。 an international charity here.4. 这双鞋太小了,我是穿不了的。 This pair of shoes for me .5. 广州的天气很热,我一点儿也不习惯。 The weather is Im not it at all.6. 明天我会带你们一家新餐馆。 I will you a new tomorrow.Reading【背景知识】联合国儿童基金会联合国儿童基金会是联合国大会于1946年为了满足第二次世界大战之后欧洲儿童的紧急之需而成立的。1953年10月该组织(当时为联合国国际儿童紧急救援基金会)成为联合国系统的一个常设机构,其作用扩大为满足发展中国家生活在贫困之中儿童的长期之需。其名称也缩短为联合国儿童基金会,但仍然保留了其为人所熟知的缩写字头UNICEF。联合国儿童基金会是唯一完全致力于儿童事业的联合国组织,该组织与其他联合国机构、政府和非政府组织共同合作,在140多个国家里提供以社区为基础的各种服务,包括初级卫生保健、营养、基础教育以及安全饮水和卫生。其目的是减轻由于缺少这些服务给世界上最年幼的公民造成的可怕伤害。联合国儿童基金会从一开始就强调进步、和平与儿童福祉之间的联系,该组织于1965年获得诺
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