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武汉工业学院毕业论文论文题目:薄膜系统光学性质的理论分析及其应用探讨姓 名 学 号 院 (系) 数 理 科 学 系 专 业 电子信息科学与技术指导教师 年05月11日20目录摘要IAbstractII第一章 绪论11.1薄膜光学形成和发展史11.2国内外主要发展现状与趋势11.3薄膜系统光学性质的原理21.4薄膜系统光学性质的特性分析2第二章 多光束干涉理论102.1多光束干涉的原理102.2光强计算112.3 极值条件112.4 法布里珀罗干涉仪与迈克耳孙干涉仪的比较122.5 应用12第三章 矩阵理论143.1 目的和内容143.2动态系统的描述143.2.1电路系统143.2.2机械系统的振动153.2.3离散系统153.2.4 相关概念及定义153.2.5 矩阵运算17第四章 总结和展望18致谢19主要参考文献20摘要 随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,光学薄膜器件得到了越来越广泛的应用,从日常生活到人造卫星乃至现代光通信,其中都有起着重要作用的光学薄膜器件,例如日常生活中眼镜的镜片膜、平板显示、光通信中的窄带滤波片、高精密光学仪器中各种薄膜元件等。光学薄膜技术在得到广泛的应用同时也导致对其光学性质和制备工艺的要求越来越高。光学薄膜的制作是一个涉及到多学科交叉协作的复杂过程,受到不同材料、不同工艺以及一些突发因素的影响。制备一个高质量的功能性光学薄膜,首先需要对其进行精确的模拟计算,对每一层介质的光学常数和厚度进行控制。当薄膜的厚度在1-100nm尺度时,薄膜具有纳米晶体结构。纳米晶体材料结构不同于常规的晶态或者非晶态,其纳米尺寸的晶体结构比微观的分子大,却又比宏观的体晶体小的多,使得其光学常数表现出不同于常规体模块的光学性质。特别是当薄膜厚度很小时,由于表面原子的影响作用显著,其折射率由于受到与表面原子层的耦合作用会发生显著的变化,人工生长薄膜控制的光学常数包括折射率等色散特性是影响光电子器件性能的关键因素。纳米晶体材料由于其结构特殊,性质优异,已经引起了世界各国科学家的广泛关注和参与。在光学领域里,纳米晶体材料具有许多比体材料更优异的性质,如纳米SiO光学纤维比其体材料的光传输损耗小得多,有些纳米材料对紫外波段的光具有吸收特性,可用于减少日光灯紫外光对人体的伤害。对纳米晶体薄膜的光学性质的研究,有助于增加人类对光学薄膜的认识,提高光学薄膜的质量,扩大光学薄膜的应用领域。鉴于主要的光学薄膜器件,如反射膜减反射膜偏振膜干涉滤光片和分光镜等等在国民经济和科学研究中有重要的应用,而其常用的介质材料为SiO和TaO,而目前国内尚未对SiO, TaO薄膜的折射率等色散特性随厚度变化的变化特性做详细的测量分析,本课题将优先对不同工艺下制备的SiO和TaO的纳米晶体薄膜的光学性质进行研究。关键词:物理光学 薄膜系统 光的反射和透射率AbstractWith the rapid development of modern science and technology, optical thin film devices has been more widely used, as well as from everyday life to modern optical communication satellite, which plays an important role in both the optical thin film devices, such as glasses in daily life lens membrane, flat panel display, optical communication narrow band filters, high-precision optical instruments of various film components. Optical thin film technology is widely used in the same time also led to preparation of its optical properties and the increasingly high demand.The production of optical thin film is a multidisciplinary collaboration involving the complex process by different materials, different techniques as well as some unexpected factors. Preparation of a high-quality functional optical film, first of all need to be precise simulation of the optical constants of each layer and the thickness of the media control. When the film thickness in the 1-100nm scale, the film has a nanocrystalline structure. Structure of nanocrystalline materials differ from conventional crystalline or amorphous, the crystal structure of nano-sized molecules than the micro-large, but smaller than the macro-crystal multi-body, making it different from the conventional optical constants show the optical properties of the body module. Especially when the film thickness is small, the impact of surface atoms as a significant effect, the refractive index of the surface atomic layer due to the coupling of a significant change occurs, artificial control of the growth of thin film optical constants including refractive index, dispersion characteristics affecting the photoelectron a key factor in device performance. Nanocrystalline materials because of its special structure, the nature of excellence, has attracted world wide attention and participation of scientists. In the optical domain, nanocrystalline materials have many more excellent than the material properties, such as nano-SiOoptical fibers than the material of the optical transmission loss is much smaller, and some nano-materials with ultraviolet absorption characteristics of light can be used UV lamp to reduce the harm to human body. On the optical properties of nano-crystal film studies, Help to increase awareness of human optical film, optical films to improve the quality of and expand the field of optical thin film applications. In view of major optical thin film devices, such as reflective film, antireflection film, polarizing film, interference filter and spectroscope, and so in the national economy and scientific research has important applications, and its commonly used dielectric material for the SiO and TaO, At present, the film is not yet on the SiO, TaOrefractive index dispersion characteristics with the change of thickness measurement and analysis in detail, the subject will be prepared under different process priority of SiO and TaO in the optical properties of nano-crystalline thin films were studied.Key Word: Optics thin film systems optical reflection and transmission rate第一章 绪论1.1薄膜光学形成和发展史17世纪中期,“牛顿环”现象的发现(Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke)1801 Thomas Yang引入光波干涉原理1816 Fresnel 发现了光波偏振特性,结合Yang干涉理论及Huygens 的子波传播理论形成了光波衍射理论1817 Fraunhofer 制成了第一块减反薄膜1864年J.C.麦克斯韦提出了麦克斯韦方程组1886 Rayleigh证实了Fresnel反射定律1899 Fabry-Perot 干涉仪1932 Rounard 发现金属薄膜可以增加外部反射,减少内部反射1934 Bauer 用卤化物制备了减反薄膜1934 Pfund 用ZnS 为Michelson干涉仪制备分束镜1939 Geffcken制备了金属一介质干涉滤光片1.2国内外主要发展现状与趋势对于光学薄膜,目前国际上已经有超过五千家的单位从事这类技术研究和生产,渗透到了几乎所有的现代光电子器件研究的核心领域,包括了结构生长、器件制备、性能检测、工艺技术、装备等庞大的研究领域,支撑了具有万亿美元国际市场的光电子产
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