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语法专题突破 Simplesentence永城市第三初级中学 王岩 Let senjoyasong Pleasebequite Iamreadingthebook Let sgotothecinema Goupstairs Nosmoking Imperativesentence content Teachingaims Thestudentscan 1 understandthedefinitionofimperativesentence 2 understandtheformsofimperativesentence 3 mastertheusageofimperativesentence content 什么是祈使句 表示请求 命令 建议 祝愿 叮嘱或禁止的句子叫祈使句 用于祈使句句首的动词总是用原形 不能用其他形式 TurnofftheTV please Let sgetdowntowork Haveaniceday Noparking 请求 建议 祝愿 禁止 表示各种情感的祈使句 content 祈使句的主语 祈使句的主语通常为第二人称 you 但一般都被省略 只有在特殊的情况下才把主语 you 补充出来 如 Yougoandtellhim Chris 有时祈使句的主语也可以是everybody somebody anybody nobody等不定代词 如 Standup everybody 祈使句的肯定式 即 动词原形 其它成分 如 Pleasehaveaseathere 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下 动词可省略 如 Thisway please Gothisway please 即 Be 表语 名词或形容词 其它成分 如 Beagoodstudent 即 Let 宾语 动词原形 其它成分 如 Letmetryagain 祈使句的否定式 Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加don t构成 如 Don tforgetme Don tbelateforschool Let型的否定式有两种 Don t let 宾语 动词原形 其它成分 和 Let 宾语 not 动词原形 其它成分 如 Don tlethimgo 有些可用no开头 用来表示禁止性的祈使句 如 Nosmoking Lethimnotgo 祈使句的反义疑问句 肯定祈使句的反意疑问句反问部分用willyou或won tyou Pleaseopenthedoor 否定祈使句的反意疑问句反问部分只用willyou Don tbelateagain will won tyou willyou Let sphonehernow Letusknowyouraddress 表示请求或命令时 用willyou 表示建议或劝诱时 用shallwe shallwe willyou 中考中祈使句的常考点 1 祈使句的回答用一般将来时 如 Pleaseremembertobringmynotebooktoschool 好的 我会的 Ok Iwill 2 祈使句 and or 陈述句 表结果 结构 如 Workharder youwillfinditnotdifficulttolearn Takethechance youwillregret and or 3 在肯定形式的祈使句前加do 可以加强语气 如 Docometoschoolontimenexttime Conclusion 1 Do型和Be型2 Let型3 以No开头表禁止 1 肯定句的反义疑问句2 否定句的反义疑问句3 Let的反义疑问句 1 Do型2 Be型3 Let型 中考面对面 1 2015河南34题 kindandhelpfultothepeoplearoundus andwewillmaketheworldanicerplacetolivein ABeBBeingCToDBeen2 2013河南34题 Doyouwanttobehealthy Smilingcanhelpyoustayhealthy ASmileBSmilingCTosmileDSmiled3 2012河南34题 outyourlove Theworldwillbecomeanicerplacetolivein ASpeakBTospeakCSpokeDSpeaking Exercises 4 2017郑州一模 waterrunningwhenyouarebrushingyourteeth Wemustsaveeverydropofwater A KeepB TokeepC Don tkeepD Nottokeep5 2017焦作二模 yourselfandstayspecial youlittledisadvantagesmakeyoubeautiful lovelyandvaluable A BeB TobeC BeingD Is6 2017信阳二模 waystoimproveyourEnglishwithyourteacher shelp oryou llgetintotroublewhenyouareinAmericanextyear A TofindB FindC FindingD Found Exercises 7 2017南阳二模 Growingupisnoteasy so calmwhenyou refacingtroubleinlife A keepB tokeepC keepingD kept8 Putsomebutteronapieceofbreadandaddateaspoonofjam Whatelse Next sometomatoes A cutupB cutsupC tocutupD cuttingup9 morecheese milkandyogurttomakeyourteethstrong Theyarerichincalcium 钙 A TohaveB HaveC HavingD Don thave Homework FinishExercise2and3 onPage66inyourexercisebooks
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