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全液压压路机液压系统设计摘 要振动压路机是一种高效的压实机械,广泛应用于道路建设施工中。对国内外压实机械发展史的研究,把握压实技术和压实机械的发展趋势及最新动态。为压路机产品的定位提供依据。我国压路机,整体技术水平与国外相比仍有差距,主要表现在:产品型号不全、重型和超重型压路机生产数量和品种仍然较少、专用压实设备缺乏、综合技术经济指标和自动控制方面仍低于国外先进水平。本文在理论分析和计算的基础上,完成了振动压路机总体和液压系统、振动轮总成、减振系统等主要部件的设计,在方案、结构和设计方法上进行了部分改动:采用全液压的传动方案,通过 3 个相互独立的液压回路实现行走、振动和转向三大基本功能,与机械传动相比在压实效果、爬坡能力、质量分配、操作控制和整体布局方面具备更大优势。转向结构采用铰接式车架折腰转向的方案,转弯半径小、机动性好、前后轮迹重叠、重心低、驾驶员视野开阔。制动系统采用静液压制动,多片式摩擦制动和电液操作下的同时制动,制动效果良好。激振器设计成振动轴加两个活动偏心块的结构形式,偏心块被放置在充满硅油的圆柱形箱体内,既实现了双频双幅的振动功能,又避免了对润滑油的搅动和强烈的换向冲击。减振系统采用橡胶减振器,利用更加简化的单自由度振动数学模型,推导出达到最大减振效果时减振系统总的动刚度,作为橡胶减振器设计的依据,并对压路机进行了稳定性分析。关键词:振动压路机,总体设计,车架,液压,激振力THE DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC ROLLER SYSTEMABSTRACTVibratory compaction is an efficient machine, widely used in the construction of road construction. The development of domestic and foreign research into the history compacting machinery, take compaction and compaction machinery ethnology trends and latest developments. 12T Roller products to provide the basis for positioning.China road roller, the overall technological level compared with foreign countries there are still gaps, mainly in: Model insufficiency, heavy and extra heavy-duty roller number and variety of production is still small, specialized compaction equipment, lack of comprehensive technical and economic indicators and automatic control is still lower than the advanced level. In this paper, theoretical analysis and calculation based on the overall completion of 12T vibratory roller and hydraulic systems, vibration wheel assembly, shock absorber system and other major components of the design, plan, structure and design methods for innovation: all-hydraulic transmission scheme, by three independent hydraulic circuit of walking, vibration and steering the three basic functions, and compared the compaction effect of mechanical drive, climbing ability, quality and distribution, operation control and the overall layout has more advantages. Turn structure using the program articulated frame waist to change direction, turning radius, mobility, front and rear tracks overlap, low center of gravity, the driver broad field of vision. Hydraulic brake system with static brake, multi-disc friction brake and electro-hydraulic operation, while braking, braking effect is good. Eccentric shaft vibration exciter designed to increase the structure of two active forms of eccentric, eccentric block is placed in cylindrical cabinets filled with silicone oil, both achieved double amplitude of the vibration frequency function, but also avoids the agitation and lubricants The impact is strong. Rubber shock absorber damping system is to use a more simplified single degree of freedom vibration model is derived for maximum vibration damping effect of the total system when the dynamic stiffness, as the basis for the design of rubber shock absorber, and the roller was stability analysis. KEY WORDS: vibratory roller, design, frame, hydraulic, vibration force目 录前 言 .1第 1 章 振动压路机的整体概论 .2第 2 章 国内外振动压路机的现状 .42.1 国内水平及发展动向 .42.2 国外水平及发展动向 .42.2.1 注重开发适用于 SUPERPAVE 的振动压实技术。 .52.2.2 不断创新振动技术。 .62.2.3 增强压实效果和提高压实效率。 .72.2.4 注重满意性设计的理念。 .72.2.5 计算机、智能化技术在整机的设计中被广泛采用。 .82.2.6 产品设计中更加重视人性化设计。 .92.2.7 绿色环保设计被高度重视。 .10第 3 章 典型的振动压路机液压系统分析 .113.1 典型的振动压路机行走液压系统分析 .113.1.1 变量泵辅助泵一双定量马达并联行走液 .113.1.2 变量泵辅助泵一变量和定量马达并联行走液压系统 .123.1.4 结论 .153.2.2 泵控闭式液压回路 .17第 四章 液压系统设计 .184.1 制定基本方案及绘制液压系统图 .184.2 总体计算确定的参数 .184.3 计算马达排量 .184.4 计算马达转速 .194.5 根据标准 计算系统流量 .19mq4.6 计算泵的排量 .204.7 选择液压马达 .20第 五章 振动液压系统设计 .
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