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学 海 无 涯Unit 4 HealthListeningAudio Track 3-4-1A: Has anyone you know ever fainted?B: Oh, yes. He was one of my high school friends. One day he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness. A: What happened then?B: We felt very anxious. So one of us hurried to tell our teacher, and the rest of us waited beside him.A: Was it serious?B: Thankfully, it wasnt. He recovered before our teacher arrived.A: How lucky!B: Yeah, he really was. He told us that he had been playing online games all night and he hadnt eaten anything. Thats why he felt lightheaded and fainted.Audio Track 3-4-2/ Audio Track 3-4-3/ Audio Track 3-4-4Female newscaster (F), Male newscaster (M), Woman (W)F: Well, Jim, our next story is a strange one, isnt it?M: Yes, Irene, it sure is. It surprised everyone. Almost 200 people on a two-week holiday trip to Saint Martin became sick. Theyre calling it the “holiday cruise disease.”F: It sounds scary. What caused it?M: The doctors arent exactly sure, but they know it was something in the food the passengers ate.F: OK, give us the details.M: All right, heres the story: On Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with 300 passengers on board. By Sunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded. They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience.W: Everyone was complaining. My stomach hurt so much I couldnt eat anything. It was really terrible!F: Whats the situation now?M: Well, the ship had to return home on Monday after only two and a half days at sea and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then.F: How are they doing now?M: Theyre exhausted many havent slept for 48 hours but theyre doing fine.F: Thats good news. Its too bad they couldnt enjoy their vacation.M: Yes, it is. And thats the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back, but the company doesnt want to refund the full amount.F: Whats going to happen then?M: Nobody knows. Ill keep following the story, though, and Ill have more details for you tomorrow.Audio Track 3-4-5/ Audio Track 3-4-6/ Audio Track 3-4-7Mom: Have you finished packing?Bill: Almost. I just have to check my tent one last time. I dont want to forget any of the pieces.Mom: Is that your first aid kit?Bill: Yep.Mom: Well, I see bandages and some aspirin. Wheres everything else?Bill: Like what?Mom: Well, your toothbrush and toothpaste, for example.Bill: Ill put it in. Dont worry.Mom: And where is your allergy medicine? Youll need your nasal spray and some lozenges. Just in case.Bill: OK.Mom: Are you going to pack any lotion? You know, you might touch some poison ivy or something and then Bill: Mom, its only an overnight camping trip.Mom: OK, all right then. Oh what about mouthwash? After you brush your teeth youre going to want Bill: Mom, Im not preparing for a date. Im going on a camping trip! An overnight camping trip. I think I can live without mouthwash for 24 hours!Mom: All right, then. I was just trying to be helpful. Im sure youll have a great time.Audio Track 3-4-8Susan: Whats wrong?Anne: I feel exhausted. I didnt sleep well last night.Susan: Do you have a cold?Anne: No, Im fine. Its Fred he has the flu.Susan: Im sorry to hear that.Anne: Yeah, its pretty bad. He cant stop coughing. It keeps me awake at night.Audio Track 3-4-9I stopped drinking coffee because I couldnt sleep at night. It was hard to break that habit, but now I sleep very well, and I dont wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to stop drinking coffee, heres some advice for you. Dont stop drinking coffee suddenly. You might get a headache. Reduce the amount of coffee slowly. Drink juice or herbal tea instead. If you usually have coffee in the morning, go for a walk or do exercises instead. That will wake you up. And go to bed early! A lot of people drink coffee just because they feel tired.Audio Track 3-4-10/ Audio Track 3-4-11Get in the habit!We all know that good habits bring good health, but we dont realize how much difference they can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the University of California-Los Angeles interviewed 7,000 people about their health habits. Then they followed these people to see how long they lived. The scientists discovered that seven habits were closely linked with a longer life.These habits are: 1. eating breakfast every day2. avoiding snacks between meals3. keeping an ideal weight not too heavy or too thin4. exercising regularly5. sleeping seven to eight hours per night not more or less6. not smoking7. drinking two or fewer alcoholic drinks per dayThe researchers found that these habits had a powerful effect on health. People in this study who had three or
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