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宙斯 众神之王Whats happening?、 发生什么事了?/怎么样了? Im ready and waiting. 我准备好了 等待您的命令 Youre kind of slow for a human, arent ya? 你有人类那种特别的磨磨蹭蹭的性子 不是么? Lets get moving. 行动吧 My older brother Magni is King of the Dwarves. 我的老哥麦尼是矮人之王 My younger brother Bran is a renowned explorer. 我小弟布朗是个知名探险者 If I didnt kick so much ass, Id feel a tad awkward. 如果不是我教训过那么多人 我可能也以为我自己是笨手笨脚的 Ill play your game, you rogue. 我会跟你好好玩玩 小无赖 Ill take The-rapist for five hundred. rapist? WTF. Im on to you Trebeck. 我来找你了 XXXX(人名) Come on, you nancy boy. 来吧 娘娘腔小子 You wanna get the undead? Ill tell you how to get the undead. One of their men pulls a knife, your man pulls a gun, they send your man to the hospital, you send their man to the morgue. Thats how you get the undead. 你想抓亡灵?OK我来告诉你怎么抓住一个亡灵。首先等他们的人掏出刀 你们就掏出枪 他们把你的人送进医院 你就把他们的人送进太平间。这就是抓亡灵的方法RESPAWN: 出生语音 None. 无MOVEMENT: 移动语音: Thats more like it. 这才对嘛 Lets get it on. 动手了 小子们 Lets do this. 就这么做 Its hammer time. 现在是用锤子说话的时候了ATTACK: 攻击语音 For Khaz Modan. 为了卡兹莫丹!(矮子老家) For the bronzebeards! 为了铜须!(为了月儿 恩) Take this ya bastard! 小杂种 吃我一锤ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄 fell bross brusy thunder. (Need a lot of help on this one) 准备感受什么什么什么的雷鸣吧(原话不明)AIUSHTA, Enchantress: 小鹿 媚惑魔女Hi! HI Is there trouble? 有麻烦吗? Are we being invaded? 我们是不是被入侵了? What is natures call? 自然的命令是什么? Im not the Dryad your looking for. 我不是你想要的那种树精(我不是你想要的那种女孩子) Doh! (这个) / 咚 Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn. 感受林中小鹿的无比可怕令人恐惧的愤怒吧!(我好怕怕口牙) You communicate by clicking on me, I communicate by doing what you say. 你跟我沟通的方式是点击我,我跟你沟通的方式是照你说的做(疑似改编歌词) Im not in season! 我不在发情期(LOL.) Ive got a few bugs set aside for later. 我有一些BUG被他们置之不理了/我找到了一些留给以后用的小虫子(双关) Fall like leaves, in fall! 象秋天的叶子一般凋零吧! I dont reveal much on the minimap, its all my fault. 啊 小地图还没全部被我探开 这都是我的错 Ill attract the enemy with my human call: Im so wasted Im so wasted! 我会用人类的声音来吸引敌人的注意力:“(撒娇状)没人喜欢我!没人喜欢我!”RESPAWN: 出生语音 Aah, the great outdoors. 啊 辽阔的野外MOVEMENT: 移动语音 For the trees. 为了树木 Making trails. 跟踪中 Im game. 真好玩 Gladly. 很乐意ATTACK: 攻击语音 Taste my spear! 尝尝我的长矛! The hunt is on. 狩猎开始了 Aim dead center. 瞄准致命区域ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄: For Kalimdor! 为了卡林姆多Crystal Maiden: 冰女 水晶室女I can help. 我来帮你 Thats curious. 真让人好奇 Shh, Im trying to think here. 嘘. 我在考虑问题 Whats the plan? 计划是什么? Im no warrior. 我可不是什么战士 All I ever wanted was to study. 我最希望的还是好好学习(恩 并且天天向上) The currents of magic are in upheaval. 魔法界目前正在经历一场巨变 I pray my father is safe. 我祈祷我的父亲平安无事 Things are starting to get a little weird. 事情开始有点奇怪了RESPAWN: 出生语音 None. 木有MOVEMENT: 移动语音 Sounds good. 听起来不错 Ill check it out. 我去看看 Sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣 Ill take care of it. 我会处理好的ATTACK: 攻击语音: I hate resorting to violence. 我讨厌诉诸暴力 You asked for it. 你要求的ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄: For Dalaran! 为了达拉然!SVEN, Rogueknight: 斯文, 流浪剑客What is it now? 现在要做什么? I grow tired of waiting. 我已经等烦了 Insufferable mount. 这衣服真让人难受 I have better things to do. 切. 我不如找点别的事做 Dreadlords, do it in the dark. 恐惧魔王 坏事做尽(疑似改编歌词) I get cranky when I havent been fed. 找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁 I must feast on souls. 欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴(来吧 狂欢致死吧!- 金度飘过) The legion needs.a better dental plan, these fangs are killing me. 军团应该有些更好的 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了 Darkness needs to get DSL, his line is always busy. 黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线RESPAWN: 出生语音 None. 还是木有MOVEMENT: 移动语音 For now. 就这样了先 Ill play along. 我自己来 Very subtle. 够狡猾 Heh, that may work. 恩,这样或许有点用ATTACK: 攻击语音: Die fool! 死吧!傻X I must feed. 你是我的食物! Your life will sustain me! 我要用你的生命来延续我的生命ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄 Ash nah himbatul. (Need help on this one.) &#*!%(火星语)SLITHICE, Naga Siren: 小那加 那加海妖My song is yours. 我的歌声听您调遣 Dont be afraid. 别害怕 Im waiting with bated breath. 我在安静的等 Hey sailor. 你好 水手 I will sing a requiem for the landwalkers. 我会为陆行者准备好他们的挽歌 Dont be so shallow. 别这么轻薄(OTZ.) Did you do that on purpose, or was it a fluke. 你是有目的的这样做,还是只想挑逗我?(OTZ.) Do you find me alluring? 我对你很有诱惑力是么? My cousin was killed in a swim-by. 我的妹妹死于溺水(还是? swim-by是什么?) Would you like to feel the ocean spray in your face? *SPLAT* 你想知道一下海浪抚面是什么感觉么?* 一大口口水*(脾气真暴躁)RESPAWN: 出生语音 My song echoes from the deeps. 我的歌声在深海里回响MOVEMENT: 移动语音 By land or sea. 走过去还是游过去? On my way. 上路了 Ash falla watore. (Need help on this one.) %&!%#&(水星语) Im hooked. 我被钓走了/我跟着他们走了(双关) Done 好的ATTACK: 攻击语音 The tide turns. 潮水将会淹没你 This is for you,chum. 给你的,邻居. Die landwalker 死吧 陆行者ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄 B
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