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定语从句高考点例析 Haveatry 指出关系代词 副词 在定语从句中的成份 1 ThemanwhocametoourschoolisMr Wang 2 Thegirl whom ImetisLucy 3 AchildwhoseparentsaredeadiscalledTom 4 Ilikethebook which youboughtyesterday 主语宾语定语宾语 Haveatry 5 Hisparentswouldn tlethimmarryanyonewhosefamilywaspoor 6 Ilikethepersontowhomyoujusttalked 7 Weshallneverforgetthedays that wespenttogether 8 Weshallneverthedayswhenwelivedtogether 定语介宾宾语状语 考点一 that和which 以下情况 引导词用that 不用which 1 先行词为不定代词everything little much all anything nothing e g Finally thethiefhandedeverythingthathehadstolen 2 先行词前有形容词最高级 序数词修饰时 用that e g Thisisthebestbook that I veeverread 考点一 that和which 3 先行词被theonly thevery thelast修饰时 用that e g HeistheonlypersonthatIwanttoseenow 4 先行词同时指人和指物时 用that e g Wetalkedaboutthethingsandpersonsthatwesawthen 5 定语从句内容为解释名词的性质 概念时 需用that e g Aplaneisamachinethatcanfly 考点二 连接词which的用法 Which引导非限定性定语从句 其先行词可是一个词 也可是整个主句或主句的某一部分 e g 1 Sheheardaterriblenoise broughtherheartintohermouth A itB whichC thisD that2 Theweatherturnedouttobegood wasmorethanwecouldexpect A whatB whichC thatD it BB Good 考点三 介词 关系代词 of which whom 可用来限定名词 代词 分数词 数词等 e g 1 Inthedarkstreet therewasn tasingleperson shecouldturnforhelp A thatB whoC fromwhomD towhom2 Hepaidtheboy 10forwashingthewindows mostof hadn tbeencleanedforatleastayear A theseB thoseC thatD which D D 关系代词前介词的确定 1 根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系 请体会 e g Isthatthenewspaperforwhichyouoftenwritearticles 2 根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配 如 e g CanyouexplaintomehowtousetheseidiomsaboutwhichI msure 3 根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯 请体会 e g 1949wastheyearinwhichtheP R C wasfounded 关系代词前介词的确定 4 非限制性定与从句中 要表示先行词的一部分时 可用 数词 代词 of 关系代词 的结构 如 e g Thereare50studentsinourclass two thirdsofwhomhavebeentoBeijing 关系代词前的介词的确定 5 Whose从句可转换为 of 关系代词 型 如 e g Theyliveinahouse whosedooropenstothesouth Theylivedinahouse ofwhichthedooropenstothesouth Theylivedinahouse thedoorofwhichopentothesouth Canyouworkthemout Fillintheblankswithproperprepositions 1 Thesungivesusheatandlight whichwecan tlive 2 Thestudent whomweweretalkingjustnowisthebeststudentinourclass 3 I llneverforgettheday whichshesaidgood byetome 4 Whocangivemethereason whichhehasn tturnedupyet for about on without 考点四 关系副词的运用 在限定性和非限定性从句中 when的先行词是时间名词 where的先行词是地点名词 分别在定语从句中做状语 e g 1 AfterlivinginParisfor50yearshereturnedtothesmalltown hegrewupasachild A whichB whereC thatD when2 Itwasanexcitingmomentforthesepeoplethisyear forthefirsttimetheirteamwontheWorldCup A thatB whileC whichD when BD 考点五 as与which引导的定语从句 两者均可引导非限制性定语从句 有时可以互换 但下列情况多用as 1 关系代词引导的定语从句居句首时 e g Asweallknow theearthisround 2 当与such或thesame连用时 一般用as e g Suchbooksasyoutellmeareinteresting Ihavethesameplanasyou GoonPlease 3 当从句和主句语义一致时 用as 反之则用which e g Shehasmarriedagain aswasexpected Shehasmarriedagain whichwasunexpected Goonplease 4 as在从句中作主语时 后面常接行为动词的被动语态 如beknown besaid bereported等 如从句中行为动词是主动语态 一般要用which作主语 e g Shehasbeenlateagain aswasexpected Tomhasmadegreatprogress whichmadeushappy Correctthesentences 1 I musingthepenwhichheboughtityesterday 2 Isthatfactorywhichyourfatheronceworkedin 3 ThemanwhomIspokeisfromCanada 4 July1 1999isthedaywhenwe llneverforget 去掉 which to theone Correctthesentences 5 IstillremembertheholidaysIstayedwiththem 6 I mgoingtoworkinthehospitalwhereneedsme 7 Thosethathaven tbeentotheWestLakewillgatherattheschoolgate 8 Idon tlikethewaywhichyoutalkedtoyourfriend in when who that which Correctthesentences 9 ThisisthelasttimewhenI vegivenyoulessons 10 Soontheycametoafarmhouse andinfrontofwhichsatasmallboy 11 Weheardthenewswhichourteamwonthegame 12 Thereasonwhichheexplaineditsoundsreasonable that that why it Correctthesentences 13 Thoseatthedeskwanttobuyticketswritedownyournames 14 Thatwasthereasonbecauseshelookedold 15 MissChenistheonlyoneofthefewteacherswhogiveuswonderfulEnglishlessonsinourschool 16 Taiwan thatweknow belongstoChina as who gives why Correctthesentences 17 Itistheoneofthebestfilmsthathavebeenshownrecently 18 ThethirdplacewhichwearegoingtovisitisHangzhou 19 Whichisknowntoall manysatellitearegoingaroundinthesky 20 Thestudentsandthingswhichyouspokeofareknowntous that has As that Correctthesentences 21 Einsteinissuchagreatscientistthatwemustlearnfrom 22 Thestudentwho sbookIhadborroweddidn tcometoschooltoday 23 Whoistheworkerwhotooksomepicturesofthefactory 24 ThebikebywhichItravelledwashis as Whose that on THEEND
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