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1 温馨提示 此套题为 Word 版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节 合适的观看比例 答案解析附后 关闭 Word 文档返回原板 块 课堂课堂 1010 分钟达标分钟达标 从下面的方框中选择合适的单词或词组 用其适当形式填空 philosophy equal order position influence important principle kind resign stress 1 Is Bill to the job of running the office 2 He that they must arrive punctually 3 A few years after his graduation from a university the man acquired the reputation of being a 4 He from the government in protest at the policy 5 They are said to have more grain from Canada 6 Only a short sighted man will lose sight of the of education 7 Chaplin was not just a genius he was among the most figures in film history 8 He strongly believed in the three nationalism people s rights people s livelihood 9 Keep your seat in upright during take off 10 Many thanks for your in seeing me off 答案 1 equal 2 stressed 3 philosopher 4 resigned 5 2 ordered 6 importance 7 influential 8 principles 9 position 10 kindness 单句语法填空 1 In some countries black people don t have equal with white people 2 The meeting is being held at a time the world is looking for a new kind of balance between nature and cities 补偿训练 完成句子 I still remember the time we spent together 3 Listen there is some strange noise This machine must be order I think so You must have it checked 4 Can t you read Mary said angrily point to the notice 5 The two nations have been war with each other for5years 6 I hate the way he stares at me 7 He is an influence figure in early20th century 8 One reason she prefers city life is she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants 9 The woman umbrella you took is very angry about it 补偿训练 完成句子 有一座山顶总是覆盖着雪的山 3 There is a mountain the top is always covered with snow There is a mountain top is always covered with snow There is a mountain the top is always covered with snow 10 In our factory there are a few machines similar to described in this magazine 答案 1 equality 2 when 补偿训练 that 3 out of 4 pointing 5 at 6 that in which 7 influential 8 why that 9 whose 补偿训练 of which whose ofwhich 10 those 完成句子 1 One of the cups is out of position Put it back 在适当 的位置 2 The teacher 强调重要性 exam again and again 3 He left her so she had to 抚养 their young children on her own 4 The country 处于战争中 with its neighbour for two years 4 5 In many respects Asian women see themselves as 平 等的 men 6 Is there a time 会议室 空着的时候 答案 1 in position 2 stressed the importance of 3 bring up 4 has been at war 5 equal to 6 when the meeting room is free 句型转换 1 Who do you think is fit for the job Who do you think the job 2 We often stress the importance of honesty when getting along with others We often the importance of honesty when getting along with others 3 Some people died young because they didn t pay attention to their health The reason some people died young they didn t pay attention to their health 4 This is the house the window of which broke last night 5 This is the house broke last night 5 When she returned to her apartment she found her necklace missing her apartment she found her necklace missing 答案 1 is equal to 2 put lay place great stress on 3 why is that 4 whose window 5 Returning to 关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块
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