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1 温馨提示 此套题为 Word 版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节 合适的观看比例 答案解析附后 关闭 Word 文档返回原板 块 课时提升作业课时提升作业 十十 Module 4 Introduction against 2 in this situation 3 were caught in 4 woken up to 5 prevent from 6 cut down 7 one after another 8 dug up 9 as a result of 10 sweep away 阅读理解阅读理解 A 3 Strong winds sand in the air poor visibility 能见度 we all know the characteristics of a sandstorm But what else do you know about them Do you know for example that the first sandstorm of 2009 hit north China s Inner Mongolia late February Sandstorms are today a special treat of life in northern China because of desertification and the retreat 退化 of northern grasslands They usually occur between February and May Fortunately sandstorms this year should be fewer than in past years in north China according to the National Meteorological Center And the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing are small because recent rain has stopped drought 旱灾 Tree planting as well as other measures taken by the government has also helped decrease the chances of sandstorms in the city Sandstorms can be dangerous However there are measures you can take to protect yourself from harm Wear a mask Cover your nose and mouth with a mask that can keep out sand or use a wet handkerchief If you are driving and the storm is far away from you it may be possible to outrun it If it looks like you will be caught in the storm stop and wait it out Take cover If there is no shelter then lie down Keep eyes nose 4 and mouth covered Cover your head with your arms or a backpack to protect yourself against flying objects If you are caught in a desert sandstorm take the following action Mark your direction before lying down It is easy to get lost in a desert Keep plenty of water at hand If you get lost you need water to keep your life until you find your way or help arrives Stay together if traveling in a group Lock arms if caught in a sandstorm The most useful measure would actually be to make sandstorms disappear forever To make this goal come true people should plant trees and stop desertification Today the straight line distance between Tian anmen Square and a desert called Tianmo in Hebei Province is only about 80 km If desertification is not stopped environmental protection experts say it will probably not be long until Beijingers can catch a camel to work 文章大意 文章讲述沙尘暴的特点 人们遇到它时的防护手段 以 及预防沙尘暴的措施 1 Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a sandstorm A Strong winds B Sand in the air C Poor visibility 5 D Heavy snow 解析 选 D 细节理解题 由第一段第一句可知答案 2 According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE A So far in 2009 no sandstorm has happened B Sandstorms usually happen in spring C Sandstorms are a part of life in China D In sandstorms what you need to do is just to lie down 解析 选 B 推理判断题 根据第三段中 They usually occur between February and May 可知 B 项正确 由第二段中 the first sandstorm of 2009 hit north China s Inner Mongolia 可知 A 项错 由第三段中 Sandstorms are today a special treat of life in northern China 可知 C 项错 由第六段中 there are measures you can take 可知 D 项错 3 In order to protect you from harm in a sandstorm which may NOT be the right action to take A Finding a shelter B Covering your head with a bag C Lying down to wait D Speed up and rush through the sandstorm 解析 选 D 细节理解题 由第八段中 If it looks like you will be caught in the storm stop and wait it out 可知 D 项错误 4 What can we infer from the passage 6 A North China has been hitting by sandstorms for several years B 80 km has made the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing small this year C Planting trees can help make sandstorms disappear D It is more dangerous in cities because there are more flying objects 解析 选 A 推理判断题 由第四段中 Fortunately sandstorms this year should be fewer than in past years in north China 说明过去的几年 发生过 C 项为文章中明确提到的 B D 两项表述不正确 5 What s the best title of this passage A Protecting Environment B Flying Objects C The Realities of Sandstorms D Strong Winds 解析 选 C 主旨大意题 文章主要讲述沙尘暴的特点及其形成因 素 以及人们遇到沙尘暴时所要采取的措施 故 C 项正确 B 2015 陕西高考 The production of coffee beans is a huge profitable business but unfortunately full sun production is taking over the industry and bringing about a lot of damage The change in how coffee is grown from shade grown production to full sun production endangers the very existence of certain animals and birds and even disturbs the world s 7 ecological balance On a local level the damage of the forest required by full sun fields affects the area s birds and animals The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other species 物种 that depend on the trees flowers and fruits Full sun coffee growers destroy this forest home As a result many species are quickly dying out On a more global level the destruction of the rainforest for full sun coffee fields also threatens 威胁 human life Medical research often makes use of the forests plant and animal life and the destruction of such species could prevent researchers from finding cures for certain diseases In addition new coffee growing techniques are poisoning the w
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