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1 温馨提示 此套题为 Word 版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节 合适的观看比例 答案解析附后 关闭 Word 文档返回原板 块 课后阅读作业课后阅读作业 十十 Module 3 Period 2 完形填空 I was said to be the worst student in my class and my family thought I was hopeless I had to 1 grade six At that time a new teacher Miss Sadia came to our school One day after class she 2 that I was staying alone during the lunch break She came to me and began to talk to me It was just a 3 conversation After that day she gave me particular 4 and it made me feel special 特别的 I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that 5 believed me and my 6 started to improve 提高 in her subject Months later she moved into a house near my 7 We would walk home together after school Her constant 不断的 support helped me 8 in my studies as I knew she would 9 my grades both in her subject and the other subjects I finally 10 second in my class Then after grade six she started to slowly drift away 疏远 11 2 still kept a constant 不断的 check on me By the time I was in grade seven we 12 spoke but by then I had become the 13 in my class When I left my school I was 14 with her as she never answered the 15 when I called her Then I graduated and went to a good university One fine day our paths 路 16 again I met her at a wedding I could not 17 asking her Why did you stop talking to me You are a clever boy I wanted you to be a tree 18 on your own roots not depending on 依靠 others Now here you are and I feel 19 of you You are your inspiration and do not need to 20 a shoulder she said I could not say anything but I smiled I ll always thank her 语篇概述 作者在小学时老师和家长认为他是个差等生 要他留 级 这时遇到了一位 Miss Sadia 老师 在她的帮助和鼓励下 作者取 得很大进步 但是从此以后 Miss Sadia 不再给他很多关注 直到毕业 后的一次偶遇 他才知道了老师这样做的真正原因 1 A jump B attend C copy D repeat 解析 选 D 逻辑推理题 根据 I was said to be the worst student in my class and my family thought I was hopeless 可知老师和家长都认为 我 是差生 所以不得不留级 选 D 2 A heard B noticed C learned D sensed 3 解析 选 B 根据下文可知一天下课后 她注意到 我 一个人孤独 地待着 选 B notice 注意到 3 A stupid B useless C normal D secret 解析 选 C 词语辨析题 从上下文可知这只是很平常的谈话 但 是后来老师却格外注意 我 normal 正常的 4 A attention B attraction C explanation D examination 解析 选 A 词语辨析题 根据空后内容可知 我 有一种不同的感 觉 由此判断老师对 我 特别关注 故选 A attention 注意 attraction 吸引人的物 explanation 解释 examination 考试 5 A everyone B someone C anyone D nobody 解析 选 B 词语辨析题 从上文可知老师对 我 特别关注 所以 作者感受到了来自别人的信任 选 B 6 A words B objects C classes D grades 解析 选 D 逻辑推理题 根据文意可以推断作者在老师教的那科 的成绩开始提高了 选 D 7 A home B school C hotel D company 解析 选 A 逻辑推理题 根据 We would walk home together after 4 school 可知老师搬到了离 我 家很近的一所房子里 选 A 8 A generally B actually C especially D usually 解析 选 C 词语辨析题 她不断鼓励 我 尤其在学业方面 由此 推断选 C especially 特别 尤其 9 A change B look C improve D check 解析 选 D 词汇复现题 根据语境判断老师会检查他的学习情 况 会查他各科的成绩 而且根据下文 still kept a constant check on me 内容也可以判断选 D 10 A received B came C caught D held 解析 选 B 词语辨析题 固定短语 come second 获得第二名 句 意 最后我获得班级第二名 选 B 11 A but B as C or D so 解析 选 A 逻辑推理题 从前后句内容可知此处表示转折关系 句意 老师开始慢慢地疏远我 但是还是经常检查我的学习成绩 选 A 12 A ever B often C once D hardly 解析 选 D 词语辨析题 从上文内容可知老师对作者渐渐疏远 由此判断当 我 上七年级时 我们 几乎就不交谈了 故选 D 13 A oldest B strongest C best D cleverest 5 解析 选 C 逻辑推理题 到那时 我 已经成为班级最好的学生了 故选 C 14 A out of touch B in common C out of reach D in touch 解析 选 A 逻辑推理题 out of touch 失去联系 in common 共同 的 out of reach 够不着 in touch 联系 根据情况的发展可知等 我 毕 业以后 我们再也没有联系 故选 A 15 A road B schoolyard C phone D machine 解析 选 C 逻辑推理题 根据空后 when I called her 可知当 我 给她打电话时 她从不接 我 的电话 故选 C 16 A separated B formed C added D crossed 解析 选D 逻辑推理题 separate 分离 form 形成 add 增加 cross 交叉 根据作者的讲述可知作者和老师渐渐不再联系 但是后来又 在一次婚礼上相遇了 两人相遇 也就是两条路有了交叉 由此判断 选 D 17 A finish B help C prevent D keep 解析 选 B 逻辑推理题 根据作者说的话可知 我 是情不自禁地 问她 为什么不再和我说话 选 B 6 18 A standing B flying C growing D sitting 解析 选 A 词语辨析题 从下文内容可知老师希望作者独立 要 像一棵树一样 靠着自己的根站立着 而不是依赖于别人的帮助 故 选 A 19 A sad B proud C good D ashamed 解析 选 B 词语辨析题 sad 伤心的 proud 自豪的 good 好的 ashamed 惭愧的 从上文内容可知作者成绩优秀 所以老师应该是为 他自豪 20 A give up B get on C look for D take up 解析 选 C 词语辨析题 give up 放弃 get on 进展 look for 寻找 take up 拿起 从老师说的话可知老师不希望他去依赖别人 要靠自 己的力量 look for a shoulder 依靠别人 故选 C 阅读理解 A For more than two days in September 1974 the people of Honduras shut their windows locked their doors and cowered 畏 缩 in their homes Fifi was outside and they were frightened By the time Fifi had left 8 000 people were dead Fifi wasn t a pet dog as the name suggests It was a hurricane one of the most destructive natural phenomena in the world 7 Why do we give human names to swirling bundles of wind and rain and cloud We didn t always give them human names Two hundred years ago many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saint s 基督教 徒的 day on which the storm occurred Later storms were known by the name of the city where they came ashore Meteorologists 气 象 学 家 then tried naming storms after the latitude 纬度 and longitude 经度 where they occurred Finally in 1953 hurricanes started getting people s names specially female names Male names were added in 1979 There are six sets of names for what the experts call Atlantic tropical cyclones Each list is used every six years and consists of 21 names starting with ever
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