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1 温馨提示 此套题为 Word 版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节 合适的观看比例 答案解析附后 关闭 Word 文档返回原板 块 课时提升作业课时提升作业 九九 Module 3 Integrating Skills 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 active ash damage eruption terrifying luckily warning possibility previous ruin 1 They seem to have nothing but bad 2 His main after work is playing football with some friends 3 He me not to go near the horse because it kicks 4 Smoke and flames came out of the volcano as it 5 The noise of the thunder the small children 6 Almost each person has been heavy smokers in the group 7 After the war the Japanese economy lay in 8 Many buildings were badly during the war 9 We ll do everything to finish the task on time 10 Their house was burned to overnight 答案 1 luck 2 activity 3 warned 4 erupted 2 5 terrified 6 previously 7 ruins 8 damaged 9 possible 10 ashes 用适当的短语形式完成句子用适当的短语形式完成句子 according to catch fire put out set fire to take place turn over 1 The meeting will as planned 2 The police hasn t found out who the storehouse 3 She was rushing around madly trying to the fire 4 Don t stand too close to that stove Your clothes may 5 They divided themselves into three groups age 6 The wheelchair and Nancy was thrown out 答案 1 take place 2 set fire to 3 put out 4 catch fire 5 according to 6 turned over 阅读理解阅读理解 Heavy snow and low temperatures caused further damage across northern Europe on Monday stranding 滞留的 travelers snarling 混乱的 traffic and shutting schools 3 More than 1 000 flights at Germany s main airports in Frankfurt Munich and Berlin were canceled and many more delayed after up to 40 cm of fresh snow covering the country Some 500 passengers slept at Frankfurt airport Airlines advised passengers to take trains if possible In the United Kingdom British Airways said the severe weather continued to cause great damage to operations and further travel Only one of two runways at London Heathrow the world s busiest international airport was operating after the snowstorm Other UK airports were open but many flights were canceled and many passengers spent a second night at an airport terminal 终点站 Northern France was also covered by heavy snow Air travel was reduced at Paris two main airports with Orly airport shutting down In Poland hard hit by the cold weather six people froze to death on Sunday night raising the death toll to 114 in the last month Heavy snow stopped Warsaw traffic again on Monday Warsaw airport was open but was receiving far fewer passengers than usual because of flight cancellations in western Europe 文章大意 本文叙述的是因为大雪和低温使北欧许多航班取消 造成了大量乘客滞留的事 1 How many countries are mentioned in the passage A Three B Four C Five D Six 4 解析 选 B 细节理解题 本文提到了四个国家 分别是 Germany 德国 the UK 英国 France 法国 和 Poland 波兰 2 Which of the following was NOT related to heavy snow and low temperatures A That more travelers stayed in the airport B That workers were on strike for better public traffic C That many schools had to stop having classes D That traffic didn t run as usual 解析 选 B 细节理解题 由第一段可知 大雪和低温造成了游客 滞留 交通瘫痪和学校停课 故选 B 3 The underlined word canceled in the second paragraph means A continued B considered C stopped D forgotten 解析 选 C 词义猜测题 根据上下文可知 由于大雪和低温 机 场的航班被取消了 cancel 表示 取消 所以选 C 4 The world s busiest international airport is A Berlin airport B Paris airport C Warsaw airport D London Heathrow airport 解析 选 D 细节理解题 根据第三段第二句 Only one of two 5 runways at London Heathrow the world s busiest international airport was operating after the snowstorm 可知 5 We can conclude from the passage that A more people are likely to die because of the cold weather in Europe B fewer people will travel in Europe in such cold weather C the snowstorm is the worst in the history of the UK D all airports will be shut down 解析 选 B 推理判断题 根据最后一段以及上下文可知 由于大 雪和严寒以及一些航班的取消 在这样的天气中将会有越来越少的 游客到欧洲旅游 故选 B 短文改错短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文 请你修改你同 桌写的以下作文 文中共有 10 处语言错误 每句中最多有两处 每 处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加 删除或修改 增加 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 并在其下面写出该加的词 删除 把多余的词用斜线 画掉 修改 在错的词下画一横线 并在该词下面写出修改后的词 注意 1 每处错误及修改均仅限一词 2 只允许修改 10 处 多者 从第 11 处起 不计分 Dear editor In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere In order to build 6 house and grow more crops people cut down more and more trees With time went on the whole forest was almost destroyed Gradually the green hills have changed into wasteland As a result sandstorms struck us now and then which we suffer a lot But I do hope all the people should realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment What s more they should take good care of the forests and plant trees instead cutting them down to improve our living conditions 答案 Dear editor In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere In order to build house and grow house s more crops people cut down more and more trees With time went on As 或 went going the whole forest was almost destroyed Gradually the green hills have changed into wasteland As a result sandstorms struck us now and then which we suffer strike from a lot But I
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