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1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 1 Preparing 根据提示写出下列单词 1 n 最精彩的部分 2 adv 永远 3 v 解决 4 adj 好强的 好竞争的 5 v 选举 推选 6 v 合适 适合 7 v 短期 租用 8 adj 巨大的 庞大的 答 案 1 highlight 2 forever 3 settle petitive 5 elect 6 suit 7 rent 8 enormous 看单词 学构词 后缀 ive 表示 倾向的 性质的 可构成形容词 常见的有 attractive 迷人的 protective 保护的 instructive 有教育意义的 productive 多产的 根据提示补全下列短语 2 1 look back at on 回顾 回忆 2 have fun 玩得开心 3 compete with 与 竞争 4 settle down 平静下来 定居下来 5 work as 充当 6 go to college 上大学 7 write down 写下 记下 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1 I feel too excited to think clearly 我太兴奋了 简直无法理清思路 2 Meanwhile I find myself looking back at my senior year and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened 同时 我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光 追忆所有发生过的美好往事 3 It s well known that Americans are competitive and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races 众所周知 美国人喜欢争强好胜 不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛 我都会为此欣喜万 分 阅读 P16 17课文 并从四个选项中选择最佳答案 1 When the writer graduates from high school she will firstly A take a vacation B go to university C collect the wonderful things in high school D get a job 答案 A 2 When the writer goes to the college she will go on A working as a mediator B renting a nice car C taking a long vacation D being prom queen 答案 A 3 During the short school skiing trip the writer had great fun because A two good friends of her were also on the trip 3 B Americans are competitive C it was the Easter vacation D all of the above 答案 D 4 Which of the following is NOT the thing that the writer is pleased with A Getting good marks on final exams B The senior prom C Meeting her teachers and telling them how the students feel about things D Receiving the junior prize for English Literature 答案 D 5 The pity for the prom mentioned in the text is that A there were too many people B it was likely to be the last one for her C she was elected prom queen D there were too many people to share a table 答案 B 阅读 P16 17课文 在空白处填入适当的内容 1 个单词 或括号内单词的正确形式 I looked back 1 my senior year and 2 find many memories I ll remember forever Besides 3 arts editor I worked 4 a peer mediator who 5 help other students to settle 6 problem During the Easter vacation I went on a trip and had great fun The highlight of the year was the senior prom I wore a dress 7 suited me and looked elegant We rented a car to the prom and 8 unexpected I 9 elect prom queen After that we had an enormous breakfast It was a perfect 10 end to a perfect school year 答案 1 at on 2 found 3 an 4 as 5 helps 6 problems 7 that which 8 unexpectedly 9 was elected 10 ending Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 1 Language Points 4 look back at 回顾 回忆 look back on to 教材 P16 Meanwhile I find myself looking back at my senior year and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened 同时 我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光 追忆所有发生过的美好往事 look for 寻找 look down on upon 鄙视 看不起 look forward to 盼望 look into 向里看 调查 look up to 尊敬 look through 仔细检查 浏览 看穿 识破 look up 向上看 在词典中 查找 look on as 把 看作 认为 look out for 当心 小心 I m looking forward to the weekend 我盼着过周末呢 Pupils should be taught to look up to their parents 应该教育学生尊重父母 The police are looking into the case at the moment 警察目前正在调查这个案件 settle v 解决 定居 安置 平静 放松 教材 P16 Something else I ve greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students 另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同伴调解人 就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题 settle down 平静下来 定居下来 settle down to doing sth 定下心去做 专心做 settle sb in into sth 帮助某人迁入新居 安顿下来 settle on 决定做某事 settler n 移居者 定居者 调停者 settlement n 解决 协议 5 When I settled in Chicago my new city seemed so big and unfriendly 当我定居在芝加哥时 这座城市看似既大又陌生 Be quiet please Let s settle down to studying study English 请安静 让我们专心学习英语吧 They are looking for a peaceful settlement settle to the dispute 他们正寻求和平解决争端的办法 have fun 玩得开心 教材 P17 I ve been skiing quite a few times but never with the school and since two good friends came on the trip we had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes 我以前滑过好多次雪 但从来没跟同学一起去过 我的两个好朋友也一起去了 我们比 赛着冲下雪坡 实在痛快 have fun doing sth with sth 开心地做某事 make fun of sb 开某人的玩笑 for in fun 取乐 What fun 好开心 What fun it is to do sth 做 好开心 Do you have fun walking walk by the seaside 你们在海边散步很开心吧 导学号 33030003 They often make fun of the boy 他们经常取笑那个男孩 I did it just for in fun 我做那件事只是好玩而已 名师点津 fun 为不可数名词 不和 a 或 an 连用 competitive adj 好强的 好竞争的 教材 P17 It s well known that Americans are competitive and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races 众所周知 美国人喜欢争强好胜 不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛 我都会为此欣喜万 分 compete v 竞争 对抗 参加比赛 6 compete against with 与 竞争 抗争 compete for 为获得 而比赛 competition n 竞争 比赛 竞赛 in competition with 与 竞争 competitor n 竞争者 对手 参赛者 There will be a chess competition next week 下周有一场国际象棋比赛 Her competitors competitive are mostly male 她的竞争对手大部分是男性 elect v 选举 推选 教材 P17 And of course I ll never forget being elected to the student council 当然 我也永远忘不了当选学生会成员的经历 elect sb to 把某人选进 elect sb as to be 职位 选某人当 election n 选举 推选 Dr John Peter was elected as the 17th president of the Eastern Michigan University 约翰 彼得博士被选为东密歇根大学的第十七届校长 It s impossible to tell who will win the next election elect 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知 明辨异同 elect choose sel
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