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1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 1 Language Points disturbing adj 引起烦恼的 令人不安的 教材 P15 I find it mysterious and perhaps even a little disturbing I don t know who the subject is and I find the background strangely unreal 我发觉它很神秘 或许甚至有一点让人不安 我不知道这个人物是谁 而且 我觉得背景非常不真实 disturb vt 扰乱 妨碍 使 不安 打破 的平静 打乱 的治安 disturbed adj 被打扰的 担心的 不安的 有心理疾病的 disturbance n 搅乱 弄乱 打扰 骚乱 困扰 2 She was disturbed disturb to hear you had been injured in the accident 她听到你在事故中受了伤感到不安 明辨异同 bother disturb interrupt bother 指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦 disturb 指扰乱 使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作 思维或正常秩序 是程度较深的烦恼 interrupt 一般用来表示 打断 即打断别人的谈话或活动 disturb bother interrupt I m sorry to you but could you tell me the way to the station Exam in progress Do not Tom the speaker while he was making a speech 答案 bother disturb interrupted effect n 作用 效果 结果 影响 教 材 P15 The effect of the light the combination of light and shade is astonishing 光线 光线跟阴影融合的效果让人吃惊 have an effect on 对 产生影响 cause and effect 因果 come into effect 开始生效 in effect 实际上 生效 在实施中 side effect 副作用 be of no effect 无效 take effect 开始实行 开始生效 However the accident had an unexpected side effect 然而这次事故产生了让人始料未及的副作用 Parents have the greatest profound effect on their children s behavior 父母对孩子的行为有最深远的影响 3 He is in effect my rival 实际上他是我的竞争对手 教 材 P17 The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy 这种激发艺术家的探索意识与 一种新的哲学携手共进 1 motivate vt 激发 激励 使想做某事 motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事 motivated adj 有积极性的 motivation n 动机 积极性 We must motivate students to do it on their own 我们必须激励学生自主完成它 He was motivated motivate by his wish to help me and expected nothing in return 他只是想帮助我 不图任何回报 They lack the motivation motivate to play cards with me 他们不想和我打牌 2 go hand in hand 与 共同行动 与 相配合 The people and the soldiers went hand in hand to fight against the serious disaster 人民与战士们共同携手抗击这场严重的灾难 face to face 面对面 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 arm in arm 臂挽臂 4 side by side 并排地 The student sat face to face with his teacher 那学生与他的老师面对面地坐着 They walked along the river bank arm in arm 他们挽着胳膊沿着河边散步 in short 总之 简言之 教材 P17 In short Leonardo was an extraordinary genius an example of what has been described as Renaissance man someone interested in everything and with many different talents 简言之 莱奥纳多 达 芬奇是一个非凡的天才 一个被描绘成 文艺复兴人 的典范 一个对凡事皆有兴趣并有诸多才能的人 1 总之 另外几种常见的表达方式有 in a word in brief all in all in conclusion in a nutshell 2 be short for 是 的缩写 be short of 缺乏 I m short of money right now 我现在手头有点紧 UN is short for the United Nations UN 是联合国的缩写 语境填词 1 My for being admitted to a key university me to work hard motivate 2 Last year he often deep into the night studying the Complete of William Shakespeare work 5 3 the film on the true story that happened in the village base 4 It may not be for grown ups but it can a baby s health effect 5 by the great noises of the passing traffic the cattle produced little milk disturb 答案 1 motivation motivates motivated 2 worked Works 3 Basically is based 4 effective affect 5 Disturbed disturbing 选词填空 compare with contrast with hand in hand begin with more than as well as in short wake up 1 The white walls the black carpet 2 Industrial progress should go with the development of agriculture 3 The country is very quiet the town 4 She shares my troubles my joys 5 Jack is a lecturer he is a writer too 答案 1 contrast with 2 hand in hand pared with 4 as well as 5 more than 教材 P16 It is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used 它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画的最好代表 这种绘画风格一经使用就 使人们惊叹不已 句式分析 1 主句的主语是 it it 代指上文中的 the Mona Lisa is believed 是谓语 to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting 是主语补足 语 that amazed people 是定语从句 when it was first used 是时间状语从句 2 主句属于 sth sb is believed to do to be 句型 该句型可改写成 It is 6 believed that 其中 it 是形式主语 句子真正的主语是 that 引导的从句 或 People believe that 意为 人们相信 认为 1 能用于这种结构的常用动词有 say report think know believe 等 2 这种句型中的不定式有一般式 完成式和进行式三种形式 He is believed to be fit for the position It is believed that he is fit for the position People believe that he is fit for the position 人们认为他是这个职位的合适人选 She is said to have been be to many countries 据说她去过很多国家 The man is believed to be lying lie 大家认为他在撒谎 教材 P17 After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatness of God philosophers began asking questions like What is a person or Why am I here 几个世纪以来 哲学家们都持有中世纪的世界观 认为与上帝的伟大相比 人的生命很渺小 现在他们开始提出诸如 人为何物 以及 我为何存在 这样的问题 要点提炼 本句中 of little value 是 of 抽象名词 结构 此结构相当于 名词所对应的形容词 在句中可作表语 定语或宾语补足语 这种抽象名词有 value use help importance benefit 等 这些名词前可用 little great any no 等修饰 英语中还有些抽象名词没有对应的形容词形式 为表明主 语的某种特征 用 be of 抽象名词 这种形式 此类名词常见的有 size 7 weight height age length width opinion color price kind shape way 等 The book he gave me is of great use The book he gave me is very useful 他给我的那本书很有用 The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance important 明天要开的会议很重要 The two boys are of the same age 这两个男孩年龄相同 完成句子 1 据说这个问题已经解决了 The problem 2 从这儿看 这座城市更漂亮 the city looks more beautif
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