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1 Unit 23 Conflict 当今世界 战争不断 冲突升级 给孩子们带来了怎样的伤害呢 Children in conflict Over the last ten years two million children have been killed in conflict Over one million have been orphaned over six million have been seriously injured or permanently disabled and over ten million have been left with serious psychological trauma Since 1998 there have been armed conflicts involving Child Soldiers in at least 36 countries However the traumatic scars left on children are just one of a vast aftermath of post war problems refugees food shortages and mourning for lost relatives Former Child Soldiers may at best have their needs forgotten and at worst be blamed by their communities for what happened As you would expect SOS Children work in many countries to help Child Soldiers and other children scarred by conflict As well as our current focus projects for Ugandan Child Soldiers and children in Palestine we are working around the world with children whose lives will never be the same Other current Child Soldier projects include rehabilitation of Child Soldiers in Sudan where SOS is providing counselling family tracing education and support for former Child Soldiers We are also able to look back from long experience at the issue of Child Soldiers Ten years after the massacre in Rwanda we are working to rebuild lives Nine members of our community were murdered in the genocide there Another who was forced to become a child soldier and join the conflict only to lose a leg to a land mine is interviewed on our Rwanda page War violates every right of a child the right to life the right to be with family and nurtured and respected 2 1 trauma n 痛苦 2 refugee n 难民 3 massacre n 屠杀 4 violate vt 违反 侵犯 5 involve in 使 涉及 卷入 1 What serious aftermaths do wars lead to 2 What do SOS Children do 答案 1 Refugees food shortages and mourning for lost relatives 2 To help Child Soldiers and other children scarred by conflict 3 版权所有 高考资源网
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