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1 Section Warm up Consumer Society Language Points abundant adj 大量的 丰富的 充裕的 教材 P137 There have also sadly been abundant cases of violence at home 不幸的是 也存在着大量的家庭暴力案件 1 be abundant in with 富有 2 abundance n 丰富 充裕 in abundance 大量 丰富 an abundance of 丰富的 China is abundant in natural resources 中国有丰富的自然资源 At the party there was food and drink in abundance 宴会上有大量的食物和饮料 I suggest that you spend an abundance abundant of time walking around after supper 我建议你晚饭后多花点时间四处走走 deposit vt vi 存储 储蓄 寄存 使沉淀 n 寄存物 存款 押金 沉 积物 教材 P34 Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries currencies in the hope that we can make even more money 有时 我们会尽量储蓄一些钱或将钱兑换成不同国家的货币 希望能够赚取 2 更多的钱 1 deposit in into on 将 存入 把 放在 2 deposit n 存款 定金 押金 make a deposit of 办理 多少 存款 put down a deposit on 付 定金 on deposit 被 储存着 I put down a deposit on a car last week 上周我付了汽车的定金 They have a lot of money on deposit at the bank 他们在银行里存了许多钱 accumulate v 积累 堆积 教材 P34 In this spending circle on the one hand we accumulate possessions but never feel like we have enough 在这个消费圈里 一方面 我们积累财产 但永远不会感到满足 accumulation n 积累 accumulative adj 渐增的 累积的 The accumulation accumulate of data for his paper cost him many sleepless nights 他用了许多个不眠之夜来为他的论文搜集资料 明辨异同 accumulate collect gather accumulate 着重强调量的 堆积 积累 collect 指有计划的 有条理的 搜集 3 gather 通常指把分散的人或物聚集在一起 accumulate collect gather People round curious to know what was happening In the past years the professor has a lot of facts about this disease By investing wisely she a fortune 答案 gathered collected accumulated burden n 重担 负担 教材 P34 Instead they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them 相反 感觉它们就像一种负担 因为我们每月都要将挣来的大部分钱交出来 付账 1 be a burden to sb 成为某人的负担 2 burden vt 负担 背负 burden sb oneself with sth 使某人负担某事 3 be burdened by 被 所困扰 承受 的负担 be burdened with 背负着 负载着 Her sick grandfather is becoming a burden to her 她生病的爷爷渐渐成了她的负担 The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes 政府使国民负担重税 He was burdened burden with a heavy box on his back 他背上背着一个很重的箱子 vacant adj 座位或职位 空着的 无人占用的 教材 P34 Surely we re still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings but 当然 我们仍旧比那些穿着破衣烂衫 睡在街道上或者空置的大楼里的人生 4 活得好很多 但是 a vacant seat 空位 a vacant position post 空缺职位 a vacant expression look 茫然的表情 vacancy n C 职位的 空缺 空职 The number of vacant posts has largely increased compared to the same period of last year 空缺职位的数量与去年同期相比大幅增加 He stared into space with a vacant expression 他茫然地凝视着天空 明辨异同 vacant empty vacant 作 空着的 解时 多指房屋 设备等未被使用 无人占用 empty 作 空的 解时 则表示空无一人 空无一物等 即 with nothing in it empty vacant The house has been vacant for about a year The house was empty we had to buy some furniture come into being 形成 存在 生存 教材 P34 If laws such as these came into being a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions 如果产生了类似这样的法律 那么生活就要做很多调整 反响肯定是各种各 样的 come into force effect 生效 实施 5 come into existence 形成 存在 come into operation 开始实行 come into sight view 看到 come into fashion 流行 come into power 执政 The new tax rates will come into effect from April 新税率将从 4 月开始生效 The new type of cellphone comes into fashion this year 今年流行这款新型手机 wind sb up 故意惹恼 某人 尤指开玩笑 教材 P138 You re just trying to wind me up aren t you 你只是在故意惹我生气 不是吗 wind sth up 结束 会议 活动等 wind up doing 以 告终 落得 的下场 wind down 使逐步结束 摇下 平静下来 放松 The government is winding down its nuclear programme 政府正逐步取消核计划 We eventually wound up staying stay in a little hotel a few miles from town 我们最后在离城几英里的一家小旅馆里落脚 resign vt vi 辞职 使听从 委托 教材 P35 His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned 他的老板坚持要求他工作更长时间 所以他辞职了 6 resign from as 辞职 辞去 某职务 resign oneself to doing sth 听从 顺从 to 为介词 resign to 把 托付给 Five prime ministers have resigned from their positions in Japan in the past six years 在过去的六年中 有五位日本首相辞职 You must resign yourself to waiting wait a bit longer 你得耐心地多等一会儿 语境填词 1 There was good food in abundance abundant at the party 2 Her only interest was the accumulation accumulate of money 3 We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity diverse of the United States 4 Many young workers gave up their holidays to do voluntary volunteer labour 5 You must put your signature sign on the cheque 选词填空 wind sb up come into being on the decrease be abundant in resign from be burdened with 1 Don t worry about what Colin says he s only trying to wind you up 2 I resigned from the company because I was fed up with the daily routine 3 Mountain areas are abundant in natural resources 4 When did the Roman Empire come into being 5 She was burdened with nearly the full responsibility of running the farm 6 A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease 7 教材 P34 As a society it s high time that we took these issues more seriously 作为一个社会 该是 我们更加认真地对待这些问题的时候了 要点提炼 It s time that 现在该 句式中 time 前可加 high about 等修饰词 用法不变 其后接 that 从句时要用虚拟语气 从句中的谓语用 过去式或 should 动词原形 注意 should 不能省略 It s time for sth 是 的时候了 It s time for sb to do sth 该是 某人 做某事的时候了 It This is 序数词 time that 从句中用现在完成时 It Tha
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