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深圳市第二职业技术学校教学竞赛教学设计姓名孙发俊参赛组基础组课题名称Could you do me a favor?课前系统教学分析大纲或课标发展学生英语听说能力;提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和进行交际的能力。教材本单元的主题为could you do me a favor? 主要学习make requests and accept& refuse requests,。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生学会用不同的方式做出请求及对其请求做出回应。学生学生在日常生活中经常有请求他人帮助和帮助他人的亲身体验,能够将本节课内容与自身的经历联系起来。11级国际班已经具备了一定的英语听说读写能力,掌握了一些相关内容与词汇,这些都有助于本节课语言活动的展开。但由于学生水平参差不齐,个别学生的英语表达还不够流利。知识与技能学会用英语请求帮助及接受或拒绝他人请求能用英语思维习惯进行语言实践。过程与方法首先通过 生活中的情境直接导入本节课话题。其次,以任务驱动型教学法为中心,通过完成相关任务及活动1来完成本节课学习目标。最后,通过活动2巩固并本节课所学句型并进行拓展延伸,培养学生的想象力和创造性思维能力。情感态度与价值观把生活体验与课本知识结合起来,以增强学生的英语学习兴趣。同时关注学生在学习过程中的态度变化,引导他们积极参与课堂活动,学会与人合作,与人交流。使学生互帮互助,为他们形成乐观,积极向上的人格打下基础。应用在实际生活中,学会用英语请求帮助及根据情况接受或拒绝他人请求教学内容重点How to make requests with modals ,if clauses and gerunds.难点Would it be OK if I +Ved;Would you mind if I +Ved; I was wondering if youd mind +Ving ;教学方法Task-based language teaching method, activity method of teaching, situational teaching method教学用具Blackboard, a computer, a projector, audio, 教学环节学生活动教师活动设计说明课堂系统Step I: Lead inOne or two students accept or refuse the teachers help.Ask some stuednts for help. Then help students to lead in todays topic.用生活中的情景引出本节课话题,直截了当,容易让学生接受。StepII: Presentation:Dialogue I1. Listen to the tape.a. Get the main information: who, what, howFriends nameFavorsAgree or Disagreeb. Judge T or F.1. This weekend Jana is going to her cousins wedding.2. She wants to take photos for a Web site.3. Jana has used a digital camera a couple of times before. 4. She would like to pick the camera up tonight. 2. Sum-up: Would you mind if I + VedWould it be OK if.+Ved3. Practise the dialogueTask:Ss stand in two lines(A&B), facing each other. Then they practice the dialogue.Instruction: when the teacher clap , Ss in line A all move one step to their right. One S at the end of line A will not have a partner. He or she runs quickly to the beginning of Line A. Then start the dialogue with new partners.1.Assign the listening task2. ExplanationUseful structures:a.-Would you mind if I borrowed your new digital camera? b. -Would it be ok if I picked it up on Friday night? 3Have students take part in the class activity: Moving Dialogue.任务驱动以听力训练来获取对话I中主要信息;让学生分角色表演,反复练习对话I,并体会重要句型在具体情景中的运用。培养学生听,说及与人交流技能。Dialogue II One more call Jana makes1. Careful listeningListen IIRose: Rose Rizzo.Jana: Hi, Rose. This is Jana.Rose: Oh, hello. _ _ _?Jana: Pretty good, thanks. Listen, the reason Im calling you is I have _ _ _ _ to ask you.Rose: Yes?Jana: Remeber I told you about that friend of mine whos _ _ to a woman he met in Barcelona?Rose: Yeah, I remember. And?Jana: Well, the _ is this Saturday afternoon, and its out in the country-about _ _ _from here. And I was wondering _ _ _ _ me your car for the afternoon to get there.Rose: Gee, Jana, _ _ _ _ help you out, _ Im going to need my car all weekend. Ive got a friend _ _ from out of town, and I _ to show her the sights.Jana: Oh, OK. I understand. Anyway, how are things? I _ _ _ for ages.Rose: Oh, you know, work,work,work!2. Discuss in pairs and find out useful structures appeared in dialogue II. Compare with the structures in dialogue I, which are more formal.3. Requests with modals, if clauses, and gerundsLess formalMore formalCould you lend me a jacket?Do you mind if I use your digital camera?Would you mind if I borrowed your digital camera?Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night?I was wondering if youd mind lending me your car.1. Assign the listening taskListen to the tape once more and fill in the blanks.2. Have students study in pairs and compare which are more formal requests.3. Sum up: Requests with modals, if clauses, and gerunds : From less formal to more formal.任务驱动再次以听力方式获取对话II中主要信息,突出重点句型。Step III. Language Application Rewrite the given requests to make them more formal.Take these books back to the library this weekend.Can I look at that newspaper when youve finished reading it?. Could you lend me some money for an espresso?Then practice making requests with partners. Accept or decline each request.Have students practice making requests more formally.语言实践,进一步练习所学句型,培养学生的语言运用能力。Step IV.ConsolidationClass Activity :Hot PotatoMake a request and respond to it according to the picture.Would you mind ifWould it be OK ifI was wondering ifStudent A:Student B:Explain the activity. Have students guess and imagine the given situation, then cre
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