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Lesson81Roastbeefandpotatoes Whatkindoffooddoyoulikebest ABCD Whatkindoffooddoyoulikebest 水煮鲶鱼 石锅拌饭 三文鱼寿司 芝心披萨Chinesefood WesternfoodFrenchcuisine Sichuancuisine 土豆烧牛肉烤土豆牛肉一样吗 呃 当蓝不一样 中国的土豆烧牛肉 roastbeefandpotatoes 第二遍后来填空 Lesson81RoastbeefandpotatoesSAM Hi Carol Where sTom CAROL He supstairs He s CAROL Tom TOM Yes CAROL Sam shere TOM I mnearlyready TOM Hello Sam SAM No thanks Tom TOM SAM OK Thanks havingabath Haveacigarette Haveaglassofwhiskythen TOM Isdinnerready Carol CAROL It snearlyready Wecan atseveno clock TOM SamandI togethertoday Wewenttoarestaurant CAROL Whatdidyouhave TOM We CAROL Oh TOM What sthematter Carol CAROL Well you regoingto againtonight havedinner hadlunch hadroastbeefandpotatoes haveroastbeefandpotatoes 英国妈妈是这样教宝贝说话的 如果你是宝贝 能理解妈妈的话吗 能照妈妈的话做吗 Hey babe Hey babe what sthis 牙牙学语ing roast upstairs bath nearly ready cigarette whisky Hey babe trytowriteitdown 笔头比拼ing3 1 4 1 10 1 16 1 16 2 19 1 21 1 24 2 翻译一下 go walk runupstairs猜一猜 stairs upstairs downstairs 一堆土豆 复数 cook cookie potato photo Lesson81RoastbeefandpotatoesSAM Hi Carol Where sTom CAROL He supstairs He shavingabath 柔和礼貌的一种方法 IalmostwishIhadn tinvitedhim almost nearly CAROL Tom TOM Yes CAROL Sam shere TOM I mnearlyready cigarette和cigar TOM Hello Sam Haveacigarette SAM No thanks Tom TOM Haveaglassofwhiskythen SAM OK Thanks TOM Isdinnerready Carol CAROL It snearlyready Wecanhavedinneratseveno clock TOM SamandIhadlunchtogethertoday Wewenttoarestaurant CAROL Whatdidyouhave TOM Wehadroastbeefandpotatoes CAROL Oh TOM What sthematter Carol CAROL Well you regoingtohaveroastbeefandpotatoesagaintonight It snearlyready I mnearlyready begoingto 小插曲 begoingto如何翻译好 来连一连 Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow Thewallisgoingtocollapse I mnotgoingtohavethis Mysisterisgoingtohaveababy It sgoingtorain Nowyouaregoingtohurry 即将打算肯定决心命令口气可能 意群划分Lesson81RoastbeefandpotatoesSAM Hi Carol Where sTom 妻子会客CAROL He supstairs He shavingabath CAROL Tom 夫妻相告TOM Yes CAROL Sam shere TOM I mnearlyready TOM Hello Sam Haveacigarette 丈夫待客SAM No thanks Tom TOM Haveaglassofwhiskythen SAM OK Thanks TOM Isdinnerready Carol 夫妻对话CAROL It snearlyready Wecanhavedinneratseveno clock TOM SamandIhadlunchtogethertoday Wewenttoarestaurant CAROL Whatdidyouhave TOM Wehadroastbeefandpotatoes CAROL Oh TOM What sthematter Carol CAROL Well you regoingtohaveroastbeefandpotatoesagaintonight 文章太长 表演 意群活动规则 邀约一个搭档 意群 或单口积分标准 朗读5分背诵10分搞笑 能表达出说话人的性格或情绪20分SAM Hi Carol Where sTom 妻子会客CAROL He supstairs He shavingabath have的一些重要用法 1 havea 吃一顿饭2 havea 度假3 havea 游泳4 havea 休息5 havea 高兴6 havea 抽一支烟7 havea 洗澡8 have 不得不 mealholidayswimrest haveabreakgoodtime havefuncigarettebath haveashowerto 模仿例句完成一下句子 选用drank enjoyedyourself areeating wentfor ate或take Example Ihaveacupofcoffee Idrankacupofcoffee 1 Theyhadamealatarestaurant They amealatarestaurant 2 Wehadaholidaylastmonth We aholidaylastmonth 3 Haveabiscuit abiscuit 4 Youhaveagoodtime You 5 Theyarehavingtheirlunch They theirlunch 6 Ihadaglassofmilk I aglassofmilk 做做选择题 1 Howwasyourweekend Great We apicnicbythelake A haveB arehavingC hadD willhave2 Whatareyoudoing Carol I dinnerwithmyfriends A haveB hadC washavingD amhaving3 Whatdidyouhaveforlunchattherestaurantwithyouruncletoday We roastbeefandpotatoes A havehadB hadC washavingD hadhad4 Please arestoutsidetheroom Itistoowindy A don thaveB haven tCnotD don t 还有 5 Jenny lunchathonetodaybecausehermotherwasout A haven tB didn thaveC notD didn t6 People veryofteninthesummer A takeshowersB takebathC takeshowerD takebathes7 Lindahadnothingforbreakfastthismorning No Shegotuptoolate A hadsheB hadn tsheC didsheD didn tshe8 Tom toworkhardtohelphisfamily Yes he A Has 不填 doesB Has 不填 doesC Does has hasD Does have does Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow I mgoingto havealessoninthemorninghaveahaircutatnoonhaveacupofteaintheafternoonhaveapartyintheevening I mgoingto 谢谢大家
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