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新编英语语法教程 第11讲 练习参考答案Ex. 11A1. Patience wears out stones.2. Pride goes bedore a fall.3. Facts speak louder than words.4. One swallow doesnt make a summer.5. The Changjiang flows into the East China Sea.6.Water doesnt exist on the moon.7. It isnt ever cold in Hawaii.8. May in Paris isnt always nice; it sometimes rains a lot.9. He occasionally is wrong, but not often.10. He never does any homework, but he does well in class.11. Our company doesnt always make very high profits.12. My mother doesnt usually have coffee in the morning.13. She hardly ever goes to bed before midnight.14. Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, is very dry; it hardly ever rains.15. My parents seldom go to church on Sundays.16. The earth revolves round the sun.17. India lies to the south of China.18. The Thames flows through London.19. I usually vote for a Democrat, but my roommate almost always votes for a Republican.20. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.Ex. 11B 1. is 2. see / will see 3. are 4. went 5. bought 6. was 7. set to, did 8. had 9. knew 10. knew 11. lived 12. wondered 13. sleep / will sleep 14. say 15. tells 16. hear 17. wanted 18. says 19. suggest 20. make 21. does not dislike 22. had 23. get 24. came 25. use(d) 26. do / did 27. rained 28. gather 29. stepped, sat, began 30. is; is; is; sits; rubs; coughs Ex. 11C1. He came to see me every day last week.2. It is winter time. We usually have breakfast at seven thirty.3. How long ago did you buy the shoes you are wearing?4. The old professor stepped into the classroom, opened the book and began to teach.5. How I wish you were here with us!6. Jane tells me youre entering college next year.7. Rome was not built in a day.8. A rolling stone gathers no moss.9. Practice makes perfect.10. He who laughs last laughs best.11. One good turn deserves another.12. Whenever ammonia is added to this liquid, its colour changes to organge.13. I wondered if you could lend me your car.14. I hear that old Henry died last night.15. This tape recorder is easy to operate. Watch what I do. I switch it on, press this button and it starts. Ex. 11D 1. is living 2. live 3. isstanding 4. stands 5. sees 6. is getting 7. arespending 8. boils 9. is boiling 10. is getting 11. is always writing 12. aretalking about 13. write, know, is doing, Does your son write; hear, seems 14. are always hammering; keeps, begins, hear, shakes 15. smell; do, think, is coming, is probably ironing, irons, watches, gets, forgets, is pressing, is thinking 16. is running; passes, kicks; heads, misses; hits, bounces; is happening; is lying; is holding; is running; is running; is blowing Ex. 11E 1. arrived, was telephoning 2. arrived, telephoned 3. diddo; was (jiust) doing 4. was (always) ringing 5. was burning, was sleeping, was playing, (was) singing; was; stopped; woke 6. was drowning, dived, saved 7. was listening, rang, did not hear 8. exploded, was landing, climbed; were waiting, witnessed 9. ate; was doing 10. Didwant; hoped / was hoping 12. (1) was (just) hanging out (2) started (3) was wiping (4) lost (5) fell off (6) was washing (7) rushed (8) koncked over (9) let (10) was talking (11) managed (12) was doing (13) cut (14) was peeling (15) was reversing (16) forgot (17) bumpedEx. 11F 1. differs 2. belongs to 3. are landing 4. know 5. are. have 6. am getting 7. tastes 8. is waiting 9. is (just) coming in 10. flows 11. is raining 12. floats 13. is falling in 14. equals 15. isstopping 16. realize, forgive 17. is dictating 18. am trying 19. matters 20. is dying, is just leaving 21. concerns, think 22. prefer 23. smell, smells 24. goes / is always going 25. aresitting 26. suppose, know, means 27. appreciate 28. is always doing / always does 29. cost 30. grow, haveEx. 11G1. is arriving, have 2. are being, am (still) having 3. think, am thinking 4. am expecting 5. expect 6. Domind 7. Isminding 8. doesnt hear 9. is hearing 10. am smelling 11. smell 12. am forgetting 13. forget 14. consider 15. is considering 16. are being 17. am measuring 18. measures 19. Doesapply, applies 20. am applying 21. am tasting, taste, tastes 22. is hurting / hurts 23. are hurting 24. Feel, Doesfeel 25. extends, are extending 26. dothink, dont think 27. aresmelling 28. is seeing to 29. dofeel / arefeeling, feel / am feeling 30. is tasting, think新编英语语法教程 第12讲 练习参考答案Ex. 12A1. have been telephoning, Havent you nearly finished; havent got, have been trying, has been2. have been playing, havent played3. have been writing / have written4. have been learning / have learned5. has been sleeping /has
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