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Lesson 16 - A polite request一、背景信息二、教学重点1.时态:条件状语从句(主将从现)。三、教学目标:1.掌握新单词和新句型(if条件状语从句)的用法,并能再现实生活中灵活恰当的运用2.提高学生用英语与他人交际的能力。四、精讲课文1. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 条件状语从句(主将从现) park parking parking area 停车场2. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. 条件状语从句(主将从现) ticket 罚单;get a ticket 吃罚单;give sb. a ticket (for speeding) 给别人开罚单3. However, this does not always happen. does not always 并不总是 only sometimes/seldom4. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. police 集体名词,复数概念。a policemanpolicemen; a policewomanpolicewomen5. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car. during. 在期间。note 纸条、便条;笔记 notebook 笔记本6. Sir, we welcome you to our city. welcome sb. to some place 欢迎某人来某地。7. This is a No Parking area. 标识语:No parking. No smoking. No cycling. No talking. 8. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. 条件状语从句(主将从现) enjoy oneself / sth. / doing sth. 例句:Children are enjoying themselves swimming in the pool.9. This note is only a reminder. remind v. reminder n. 提示人/提示物 remind sb. of sth. / remind sb. to do sth. 例句:The old photo reminds me of my childhood. Please remind me to lock the door.10. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! 条件状语从句(主句情态动词没有将来时,而从句仍然是一般现在时)receive 接收 VS 接受 accept like this/that 像这样/那样的obey sth./to do sth. 遵守 例句:We should obey the rules.fail sth. / in doing sth. 在某事上失败。例句:He failed the exam. / He failed in the exam.fail to do sth.(因忘记或疏忽而)未能做某事例句:He failed to come. He never fails to write to his mother every week.难点结构:Type 1 conditional statementsaIf + present tense, with future tense in the main clause. Notethat shall/ will may NOT be used in the if-clause in:If it rains,we shall stay at home. This type of conditional sentence impliesthat the action in the if-clause will probably take place.Other modals may be used in place of shall/ will in the mainclause:If it rains, we can/ must/ may/ ought to stay at home.bi The main clause may contain an imperative, in which case the statement may apply to the present or the future, depending on the context.ii Notice the last sentence in the text:If you receive ,you cannot fail When the present tense is used in both clauses, the statementis a general one:If the condition is fulfilled, the action always takes place.Compare the sentence in a above with:If it rains, we (always) stay at home.五、教学步骤1.引入话题(详见右框)。2.听一遍音频,掌握大意。 What will traffic police usually do if you park your car in the wrong place? What did the writer find on his car during a holiday in Sweden? What does the writer think of the polices request?引入话题:Topics for discussion1 What will happen if you park a car in the wrong place in your city?2 Is it useful to have a car in a city? Why/ Why not?3 Do you think the Swedish traffic police are always so polite?Why/ Why not?3.生词解读,纠正发音。4.提出问题:What was the polite request?看一遍视频,解答问题。5.精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。6.做75页的两道选择理解题。7.讲解条件状语从句(详见下文)。8.做73、74页关于条件状语从句的练习。9.讲解74页的难点。10.总结本课重点,让学生标注。11.布置作业:摘要写作,71页的选择题,背课文和单词。四、总结1.文化背景: 在西方国家,停车地点是非常严格的,如果你想在街边停车,必须找寻“Parking”的标志牌(sign),而且要在计时收费器里投入硬币。如果随便停车或停车超时,都会得到罚单(get a ticket)。大家可以想象,如果这位游客因为不太懂瑞典的交通法而得到罚单,想必他的假期也就过得很郁闷了,所以瑞典警察的这种礼貌的做法能给外国游客留下很好的印象,我想这对于我们发展旅游业也有一定的参考价值吧。 But you cant always count on luck. 但是你也不能指望着永远都有好运气。2.条件状语从句(真实条件句): 用if引导,假设很有可能发生,主句常为将来时或祈使句或情态句,从句常要变为一般时。 without后加名词也可以看成是个省略的条件句。 例如:If he is sleeping, dont wake him up. I will tell him the news if he comes. If you give me a fulcrum (支点), I can pry the earth.Without water, people cannot live.五、反思和练习1.对学生表现作出肯定评价并鼓励学生继续进步2. 71页的选择题,背课文和单词。3.记新单词准备听写4.熟读课文并背诵Lesson PlanBackground informationStudent: 45 Junior high school students, Grade 2-3Lesson duration: 45 minsTeaching aimsAble to understand the main idea of an article.Able to understand and use the adverbial clause of condition (If).Able to make a polite request with an adverbial clause.Teaching contents and skills1. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 条件状语从句(主将从现) park parking parking area 停车场2. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. 条件状语从句(主将从现) ticket 罚单;get a ticket 吃罚单;give sb. a ticket (for speeding) 给别人开罚单3. However, this does not always happen. does not always 并不总是 only sometimes/seldom4. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. police 集体名词,复数概念。a policemanpolicemen; a policewomanpolicewomen5. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car. during. 在期间。note 纸条、便条;笔记 notebook 笔记本6. Sir, we welcome you to our city. welcome sb. to some
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