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新概念英语第二册分课单词表 词汇表LESSON 1private a. 私人的conversation n. 谈话theatre n. 剧场,戏院seat n. 座位play n. 戏loudly ad. 大声的angry a. 生气的angrily ad. 生气地attention n. 注意bear v. 容忍business n. 事rudely ad. 无理的,粗鲁的1.一次私人谈话 a private conversation2.private对应词- public3.在公共场所 in public = in the public place4.若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗If (its )possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in public 5.和某人做对话 have a conversation 6.去戏院 go to the theater 7.和某人生气 be angry with sb 8.由于某人而生气be angry at sth9.生气做某事 be angry to do sth10.注意 pay attention to 没注意 pay no attention11.更多地注意 pay more attention 几乎不注意pay little attention 注意些pay some attention 注意许多pay much attention12.为付钱 pay for 13.公事 on business14.此事与你无关 Its none of your business 15.插话 cut in16.用手指着别人是不礼貌的Its rude to point the others with finger 17.无理的(adj)rude 无理地(adv)rudely 礼貌的(adj)polite 礼貌地(adv)politely 不礼貌的(adj)impolite 不礼貌地(adv)impolitelyPolite 形容词比较级more polite 最高级 most polite18.听某人说话 hear sb19.有关turn的词组 打开 turn on 关上 turn off 调大 turn up 调小 turn down 变成 turn into 翻转 turn over 结果是 turn out to be 轮流做某事 take turns to do sth20你说的话结果是对的 What you said turns out to be right 21在公路两旁有许多树There are many trees on both sides of the road 22.向某人抱怨某事 complain about/of sth to sb23.我没有什么抱怨I have nothing to complain of 24.最后 in the end = at last = finally25.截止到时末 by the end ofLESSON 2until prep. 直到outside ad. 外面ring v. (铃、电话等)响aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母repeat v. 重复1. 直到才 notuntil 特点:A.主过从过 B. 主将主祈主情从现 直到Sally给我打电话,我才会去那儿 I wont go there until Sally calls me 2. 地面被雪覆盖The ground is covered by snow 3. 在外面 be outside4. 给打电话 ring sb up = call sb up = phone sb5. 铃响了The bell ran6. 在午饭时间 at lunch time7. 与look有关的词组向外看 look out of 照顾 look after看起来像 look like 环顾四周 look around查字典 look upin the dictionary 旁观 look on检查 look over 追溯到 look back to看 look after 寻找 look for看起来一样 look the same 向上看 look up浏览 look through 调查 look into小心 look out 新形象 new look8.就在那时 just then9.他极少在10点以前起床10.在戏院 be at the theare 11.承受 suffer from12.促使某人做某事 cause sb to do sth13.你说的话促使他改变了主意What you said caused him to change his mind 14.捣乱、惹麻烦 cause trouble = make trouble15的原因 the cause of 16.不要和陌生人说话Dont speak to the stangers 17.你无法想象他有多奇怪!You cant imagine how strange it is !LESSON 3send v. 寄,送postcard n. 明信片spoil v. 使索然五味,损坏museum n. 博物馆public ad. 公共的friendly ad. 友好的waiter ad. 服务员,招待员lend v. 借给decision n. 决定whole ad. 整个的single ad. 唯一的,单一的1.把某物送给某人 send sth to sb 2.发射 send up 3.开除 send away 4.请 send for 5.破坏了我的计划 spoil my plan 6.飞行博物馆 the Museum of Flight7.对某人不友好 be unfriendly to sb8.向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb9.把某物借给某人 lend sth to sb = lend sb sth10.所有的学生 all the students 整个故事 the whole story11.单间 a single room 双人间 a double room12.一个晚上 a single night = only one night13.在最后一天 on the last day14.明信片总会破坏我的假期Postcards always spoil my holidays 15.几句意大利语 a few word of Itlian16.考虑什么事 think about sth 考虑做某事think about doing sth17.做了一个重大决定 make a big decision 18.那个男孩为他的妈妈请了一个医生 The boy sent for a doctor for his mother 。19.用有好的方式 in a friendly way20.期末考试 final exam 21.许愿 make a with22.支付给某人一些钱 pay some money to sb = pay sb some money23.把某物传递给某人 hand sth to sth = hand sb sth24.把某物带给某人 bring sth to sb = bring sb sth25.把某物卖给某人 sell sth to sb = sell sb sth26.为某人找到某物 find sth for sb = find sb sth27.帮助某人 do sb a big favour = do a big favour for sb = help sb28.把某物展示给某人 show sth to sb = show sb sth29.承诺给某人某物 promise sth to sb = promise sb sth30.许诺、承诺 make a promise 31.发誓要做某事 promise to do sth32.我发誓永不见他 I promise never to meet him 33.零花钱 pocket money 34.给某人提供某物 offer sth to sb35.为某人读某物 read sth to sb 36.为某人订购某物 order sth for sb37.欠某人某物 owe sth to sb 38.违背诺言 break the promiseLESSON 4exciting ad. 另人兴奋的recieve v. 接受,受到firm n. 商行,公司different ad. 不同的centre n. 中心abroad ad. 在国外1. 从某人那收到某物 receive sth from sb2. 接待某人 receive sb accept 接受(带有感情色彩) 3. 与不同 be different from4. 说出A与B之间的不同 tell the differences A and B5. 不同的国家 different countries6. 相同的班级 the same class7. 不同的 be different- 对应词 be the same 8. different的名词形式 difference9. 在中心街道 on centre street10.在中心 in the centre of11.在中间 in the middle of12.发现做某事怎么样 find it + adj + to do sth13.发现某人经常做某事 find sb do 发现某
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