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Lesson 47 A cup of coffee 一杯咖啡New Words and expressions 生词和短语 like v. 喜欢,想要 want v. 想like v. 喜欢,想要 love v. 爱 eg.I love my country. 我爱我的祖国.fancy adore 热爱care for 关心,照顾,喜欢 cherish 珍惜fancy v. 喜欢(不正式的口语中)eg. I fancy that girl. 我喜欢那个女孩.be fond of. 喜欢eg. He is fond of the music. 他喜欢这音乐.How do you like .? .怎么样?eg.How do you like my new blouse? 你觉得我的新城是怎么样?eg. How do you like his idea? 你觉得他的想法怎么样?Id like + n.eg. Id like a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶.Id like + to+ v.eg. Id like to cook a meal for him .want v. 想, 想要want =Id like (开启更委婉,更客气)eg. I want some chocolate. 我想要一些巧克力.want + n.eg. Id like some chocolate.want +to +v.eg. I want to see my friend this afternoon. 今天下午我想去看我的朋友. Id like to see my friend this afternoon.Grammar - 一般现在时用途:1. 表示现在的事实和状态eg. My father is a policeman. 我的父亲是一名警察. Its very hot today. 今天天气很热. He lives in beijing. 他住在北京. 2. 表示现在的习惯性动作 She gets up at 8 oclock in the morning. 她早晨八点钟起床. My mother cooks for my family every day. 妈妈每天都为家人做饭. Mrs. Smith cleans the room every day. Smith 太太每天都打扫这个房间.3. 普通真理eg. The earth goes round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转.结构: 1. 主语+系动词 (be - is, am, are), 说明目前的状态或一个事实,疑问句和否定句在 be 本身起变化.eg. His sister is a nurse. Am I your best friend? Mr. black and his wife are not in the kitchen. Whats in the box? Whos in her room?2. 主语+动词 (习惯性动作或事实等)1) 除单数第三人称外的代词( I , you, we ,they), 以及复数名词(her parents, the boys etc.) +动词原形eg. We watch TV at night. 我们在晚上看电视. They want some boxes. 他们想要一些箱子. I like music very much. 我非常喜欢音乐. Her sons go to bed at 9 oclock every night. 她的儿子们每天晚上九点上床睡觉. Mr. Lee and Miss Smith meet in the company every day. 李先生和史密斯小姐每天都在公司见面. You and your friend like sports. 你和你的朋友都很喜欢体育运动. She likes apples. 她喜欢苹果. The doctor drinks coffee every day. 这名医生每天都喝咖啡. His son goes to school at 8 oclock every morning. 他的儿子每天早晨八点钟去上学. His grandfather lives in Shanghai. 一般疑问句: 助动词do , does 来帮助完成疑问, do 用在当复数名词作主语或第一、二人称及第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中. 疑问句在句首加do 即可. Do they want some sugar? Yes , they do. No, they dont.eg. Mr. Lee and Miss Green meet in the company every day. Do Mr. Lee and Miss Green meet in the company every day? Yes, they do. No, they dont. I like music very much. 我非常喜欢音乐. Do you like music very much? Yes, I do. No, I dont.eg. You and your friend like English. 你和你的朋友都喜欢英语. Do you and your friend like English?一般疑问句: 主语是单数名词或单数第三人称代词时,变成一般疑问句,用does, 后面的谓语动词要用原形. She likes english. Does she like English? Yes , she does. No, she doesnt His grandfather lives in Shanghai. 他的爷爷住在上海. Does his grandfather live in Shanghai. 他的爷爷住在上海. Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. eg. The girl cooks a meal for her grandmother every evening? 这个女孩每天晚上都为她的奶奶做饭. Does the girl cook a meal for her grandmother every evening? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.eg. Mike takes an umbrella every day. 麦克每天都带着伞. Does Mike take an umbrella every day? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.否定句: 含有实义动词的一般现在时的句子,在主语后面加dont (do not)或者doesnt (does not).dont 当复数名词作主语或第一、二人称及复数第三人称代词作主语时, 否定在主语后面加dont. eg. We drink milk every day. 我们每天都喝牛奶. We dont drink milk every day. 我们每天都不喝牛奶. They know that. 他们知道那件事. They dont know that. 他们不知道那件事, He and his parents like this city. 他和他的父母喜欢这座城市. He and his parents dont like this city. 他和他的父母不喜欢这座城市.doesnteg. His son wants that toy. 他的儿子想要那个玩具. His son doesnt want that toy. 他的儿子不想要那个玩具. Miss Lee likes this dress. 李小姐很喜欢这件连衣裙. Miss Lee doesnt like this dress. 李小姐不喜欢这件连衣裙. Their father usually reads a newspaper in the living room. 他们的父亲通常在客厅里读报纸. Their father doesnt usually read a newspaper in the living room. 他们的父亲通常不在客厅里读报纸.dont 当复数名词作主语或第一,二人称及复数第三人称代词作主语时,否定在主语后面加 dont.doesnt 主语是单数名词或单数第三人称代词时,变成否定句要分两步走:1. 在主语后面加doesnt2. 把后面的动词变成原形.特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问句+ 一般疑问句句式 特殊疑问词: what /who/where/ when/how一般疑问句句式: 由do/does引导特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句句式1. 你喜欢什么?eg. What do you like?eg. What + do you like?2. 你的妈妈几点起床?eg. When does your mother get up?When + does your mother get up?3. 他的助理在哪打这封信?eg. Where does his assistant type this letter? Where + does his assistant type this letter?动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则:1. 一般动词后面加s. make - makes ( 做 ) take - takes ( 带走 ) want - wants ( 想要 ) cook - cooks ( 做饭 ) read - reads ( 读 ) find - finds ( 找到)2. 以s , x, z, ch, s
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