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Chapter 1 Introduction1. Linguistic and English LinguisticLinguistic 的目的 aims at developing a theorygeneral linguistic 一般语言学descriptive linguistic 描述性语言学general linguistic (一般语言学 ) 为 descriptive linguistic (描述性语言学) 提供了framework(框架), 这也就是为什么 general linguistic 能够被分析和被描述.General linguistic and descriptive linguistic are complementary to each other (相互补充).English linguistic is a kind of descriptive linguistics.2.The nature of languages (语言的本质) 1. language is a system 2. language is symbolic 3. language is a system of vocal symbolsde Saussure 的理论 The system of language is called langue1. language is a system the speakers speech is called parole Chomsky的理论 Competence is the speaker-hearers knowledge of his language Performance is the actual use of language in concrete situation 2. language is symbolic ( 语言是象征意义的)3. language is a system of vocal symbols ( 语言是一种声音符号) 语言学侧重研究的是 speech 不是 written form Reason 1. Biologically (生物上来讲) 儿童学习说比学习读写早得多.2. Functionally (功能上来讲) 日常生活中口语使用比书面语频繁的多.3. Historically ( 历史而言) 口头语使用在书面语之前,当今世界有许多语言并没有 留 下 文 字 记录 Language is arbitrary Language is creativeLanguage is double-structuredLanguage is changeableLanguage is arbitrary a linguistic symbol is composed of two things speech sound( form)形式 and the idea( meaning) 意义 Language is creative Language is double-structured grammatically-meaningful and sound-meaningless 语法上的有意义,声音上的无意义.Language is changeable What is the nature of human language? In a short , it is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols The unique features like creativity(创造力)duality of structure (结构的双重性) changeability(易变性)3.Scientific method (科学方法) 1. collecting data ( 收集数据)2.forming a hypothesis (提出假设)3.testing the hypothesis (验证假设)4.drawing conclusions (得出结论)An important principle of the scientific method Objectivity 客观性 Three biases 三种偏见1. some languages are primitive and some languages are advanced有的语言是原始的有的语言是先进的.2. only the standard variety is the pure form of a language只有标准的语体才是纯正的语言3. change is not natural for living language and such a change is a sign of corruption and decay语言变化是不自然的变化,变化是衰败的现象.Sources of data 资料的来源 Collecting data 是研究的首要工作. 假如这语言学家不懂那门语言,他可以找一个 informant ( 为语言学调查提供资料的当地人)Rules construction 语言描述的首要工作是 construct rules ( draw conclusion) 得出结论How does a linguist construct a rule?书本p15页中4. The goal of linguistics 语言学的目的establish a model of a native speakers competence 建立一种本族语言的模式 literal model 具体模式 physical modelmodeltheoretical model 理论模式 conceptual model Eg. Which types does a model of the competence of a native speaker belong to? - theoretical model / conceptual model 理论模式两个特性explicitness 明确性 the rules of the langue the model contains are clearly defined 某一门语言的规则定义非常明确generative 生成性 use a finite set of rules to generate an infinite number of sentences 用有限的规则创造无限的句子四种研究的方向Phonological 音位知识Morphological 词法知识Syntactic 句法知识Semantic 语义知识Phonological 音位知识 sound and sound patterns of his language 研究语音和语音模式Morphological 词法知识 how a word is formed 如何构词的模式Syntactic 句法知识 whether a sentence is true or not 句子是否符合语法Semantic 语义知识 meaning of a language 语言的意义5. Sub-branch of linguistics 语言学的分支Phonetics 语音学Study speech sound 研究语音的科学Phonology 音系学Study sound system 研究语音体系的科学Phoneme音素Morphology 形态学Word formation and the internal structure of work 构词法和词的内部结构Morpheme词素Syntax 句法How word are combined to form phrases 单词如何构成短语How phrases are combined by rules to form sentence 短语如何构成句子PS rules T rulesSemantics 语义学The meaning of words and sentence单词和短语的意义6. The father of modern linguisticsSaussure 现代语言学之父 (瑞士人 come from Swiss)现代语言学开始于20世纪,但是发展迅速,有两大流派(two schools)Structure linguistics 结构语言学Transformational-generative Grammar 转换生成语法 TG-grammar为什么说Saussure是现代语言学的奠基人呢?1. A Course in General Linguistics” is the first real essay on linguistic theory 是第一本真正意义上的语言学专著.2. The distinctions between synchronic and diachronic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic, langue and parole. Show us a brief explanation of these basic and significant distinctions. 书中关于 共时研究和历时研究, 横向关系和纵向关系, langue 和parole的阐述很明了.4. A few theoretical distinctions introduced have become foundations of linguistic study and exerted gr
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