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儿童游乐园安全提醒MANAGEMENT REMINDER为了让儿童有一个安全舒适的游乐环境,请您和你的孩子遵守以下规则:In order to let the children to have a safe and comfortable recreational environment.please you and your child obey the following rules:1、 本儿童乐园适用年龄为2岁以上儿童,儿童游戏时必须有家长看护,陪同;The childrens park applicable age for 2, years old of children. The childrens game must have parents care, accompanied ; 2、 培养儿童文明的游戏习惯,不要在场地游戏架内追逐打闹。如发生意外后果自负;Cultivate childrens civilization game habit, not chasing in area game frame. Such as the occurrence of unexpected consequences;3、 请保持儿童乐园场地清洁,不要在场地或游具上刻划,涂写,如损坏按实赔偿。Please keep the childrens Park site clean, do not in the field or swim with the score, doodle, such as damage compensation according to the reality. 中山远洋物业服务有限公司
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