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阅读理解常见词汇(520)(第一周)生态环保类 1.electrical 2.poisonous 3.die out 4. train5. medical6. treatment7.rescue8.wild9. multiply10.scientist11. annual12. drop13. affect14. produce15. effect 16. failure 17 remove18 average19. rate20.survive21. measure22.effective23. vital24.recover25. global26. pattern27.reduce28.amount29.weaken30. gain31. powerful32. study33. agricultural34. harvest35.extra36.trade37.total38.income39. extremely40. relieve41. flood42. disaster43.damage44. decade45. risk46.evidence47.spread48. be related to 49. link50. divide into51. taste52. sign53. track54. be exposed to55. conference56. increase57. output58. energy59. artificial60. pollution61. serious62. area63. industrial64. tense65. production66. profitable67. endanger68. existence69. certain70. ecological balance71. local72. level73. mild74. provide75. destroy76. destruction77. certain78. prevent from79. disease80.technique81. eventually82. globally83. slight84. climate85. contribute to 86. condition87. aspect88. consume89. data 90. account91. calculate92.population93.abundant94. commercial95. decline96. state97. prohibit98. confirm99. standard100.remain101.be responsible for102. rainfall103. lower104. save105.recycle106. battery107 preserve108.frequency109 resource110. raw material111. deserve112.fuel113.mild114. positive115. negative116. scared117.subjective118.objective第二周科普研究类1. monitor2. researcher3. discover4. scholar5. react6. analyze7. communication8. conversation9. tend to do10. positive11. negative12. prefer13. particular14. article15. section16. inspire17. merely18. carry out19. deliver20. productive21. community22. psychologist23. interview24. female and male25. award26. relation27. a variety of28. economic29. responsibility30. emotional31. cooperate32. common33. magnificent34. be engaged in 35. physical and mental36. argue37. investigation38. edge39. process40. evidence41. object42. experiment43. interact44. approach45. inspiring46. curiosity47. system48. adopt49. contain50. prove51. active52. anxious53. publish54. drug55. struggle56. previous57. indicate58. content59. recommend60. nutrition61. burden62. certain63. seek64. regularly65. decline66. at random67. participate68. possess69. improve70. reward71. intelligence72. compare73. conduct74. infer75. intend to 76. figure77. design78. pack79. task80. conduct81. consume82. liquid83. involve84. present85. personality86. major87. impact88. despite89. individual90. previous91. urgent92. associate 93. indicate94. evaluate95. media96. admit97. behavior98. connect99. recognize100. slightly101. separate from102. pattern103. be opposed to104. sense105. raise106. disease107. factor108. exposure109. relatively110. pressure111. be aware of112. regardless of 113. extinct114. motive115. gather116. sensitive第三周社会生活类1. social2. website3. traditional4. register5. identification6. stick7. public8. adventure9. director10. site11. record12. entry13. describe14. update15. former16. performance17. solution18. obvious19. handle20. essay21. apply22. tough23. situation24. create25. topic26. convince27. relieve28. correct29. description30. absolute31. cruel32. similarly33. term34. convey35. vary36. urge37. conflict38. menu39. customer40. forbidden41. allow42. victim43. lifestyle44. boom45. retire46. religious47. instruct48. fitness49. challenging50. opportunity51. release52. motivate53. participant54. option55. frighten56. proper57. emotional58. offence59. respect60. supportive61. temporary62. rapid63. effort64. document65. reflect66. include67. material68. campaign69. available70. generation71. originally72. digital technology73. imagine74. interrupt75. personal76. appearance77. track78. admire79. private80. figure81. ridiculous82. escape83. justice84. programme85. tend to86. acceptable87. recognize88. awful89. acknowledge90. transform91. mess92. transport93. accelerate94. witness95. quit第四周时事新闻类1. survive2. block3. special4. fierce5. shortly6. neighborhood7. donate8. devoteto9. dozens of10. trap11. stair12. match13. flight14. post15. keyboard16. modern17. exhibition18. project19. quality20. expand21. accuracy22. selection23. academic24. institution25. statistic26. course27. mature28. responsible29. evidence30. degree31. force32. vacation33. capital34. secret35. camp
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