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M21. 中国大使馆 The Chinese Embassy2. 商务参赞出 Commercial Counsellors Office3. 商会 chamber of commerce4. 一家经验丰富的纺织品出口商 a well-experienced exporter of textiles5. 中国进出口商品交易会 Chinese Import & Export Commodity Fair6. 小型交易会 small scale7. 业务围 business scope8. 出口清单 an export list9. 询价单 Inquiry sheet10. 办理答复 for attention and reply 1. 在平等互利、互通有无的基础上 on the basis of equality,mutual benefit exchange of needed goods2. 贸易政策 trade policy3. 保兑的信用证 a confirmed letter of credit4. 付款条件 terms of payment5. 享有良好声誉 enjoy a good reputation6. 分公司,总公司 Dalian Branch Office,Head office7. 国有公司,私有 a government-owned/private corporation M31. 具体询盘 specific inquiry2. 初次询盘 the first inquiry3. 交货期 delivery date4. 批发商/零售商 wholesaler/ retailer5. 带有插图的目录册 illustrated catalogue6. 具有竞争性的价格 competitive price7. 商机 business chance8. 折扣 discount9. 一般性询盘 general inquiry10. 交易条款与条件 terms and conditions1.以为受益人 in your favor 2.佣金 a commission of 3%3.现货供应 supply from stock4.交货 effect delivery5.提货 take delivery6.样本 sample books7.实盘 (non)firm offer8.最新价格 the latest price list9.主要经销商 the leading dealerM41. 标题项下的货物 the captioned goods 2. 向某人报实盘 make sb firm offer3. 另邮 by separate mail4. 按照要求 at ones request5. 以为有效,条件 subject to6. 欧洲主要港口 European Main Ports7. 可接受的报价 acceptable quotation8. 形式发票 proforma invoice9. 进口许可证 import license 10. 深受欢迎 meet with a favourable reception 1.畅销 selling fast2.采取必要步骤 take the necessary steps3.接受、确认、拒绝报盘 accept an offer confirm/ decline4.现行价格 current price5.合理的价格 reasonable price6.公道的价格 moderate price7.行市上涨 advancing market8.最终报价 final confirmation9.不可撤销信用证 an irrevocable L/C10.协商,谈判 negotiationM51. 反还盘 counter counter-offer2. 按惯常条款 on the usual terms3. 现行市场价格 the current price4. 价格偏高 be on the high side5. 上涨趋势 upward tendency6. 大量订单 a flood of orders7. 由于大量承约 due to heavy commitments8. 利用市场上涨的趋势 take advantage of the increasing market 9. 重复订单 duplicate order10. 原材料的不稳定 the uncertainty of raw materials1. 成交 close a deal /to put the deal through2. 失效 lapse3. 与不一致 out of line with。M61. 接受 acceptance2. 确认订单 confirm an order3. 销售合同 sales contract4. 购货确认书 purchase confirmation5. 会签 counter-signature6. 重复订单 duplicate order7. 续订单 repeat order8. 达成交易 come into terms9. 由于订货太多 on account of heavy booking10. 弥补价格的差价 bridge the price gap 1.共我方存档 for our file2.按照你方条件 on your terms3.首笔交易 initial business4.长时间的通讯往来 protracted exchange of correspondence 5.一式几份 in .copies6.起草 draw up7.开立信用证 establish L/C with(through) the bank 8.试订单 trial order M71. 汇款条件 terms of payment2. 汇付 Remittance3. 托收 Collection4. 信用证 Letter of Credit5. 交单付现 CAD (cash against documents)6. 电汇 telegraphic transfer7. 付款交单 documents of payments8. 票汇 demand draft9. 付款 make payment10. 作为特别通融 as a special accommodation1.占压资金 tie-up founds2.货到付款 cash against delivery3.销售量 volume of sales4.全额付款 full payment5.部分付款 partial payment6.分期付款 pay by installmentsM81. 即期信用证 an L/C at sight2. 开立信用证 establish an L/C3. 开征申请人 applicant4. 受益人 beneficiary5. 开证行 opening bank6. 通知行 advising bank7. 信用证修改书 amendment to an L/C8. 延长信用证有效期和最迟装运期 9. 审核信用证 check up an L/C10. 议付 negotiation1.方面的 on the part of2.空白抬头,凭指定 to order3.CIF:运费预付 freight prepaid 运费已付 freight paid FOB:运费到付,运费下付 freight collect4.分批装运 partial shipment 转运 transshipment5.跟单信用证 documentary L/C光票信用证 clean L/C6.可转让信用证 (non-)transferable L/C7.可分割信用证 (in)divisible L/C8.背对背信用证 back to back L/CM9 1. 装运指示 shipping instructions 2. 包装要求 packing requirements3. 装运标志 shipping mark4. 指示性标志 indicate mark5. 中性包装 neutral packing6. 粗鲁搬运 rough handling7. 分批装运 partial shipment8. 转船 transshipment9. 清洁提单 (un)clean B/L10. 目的港 destination port1. 运费 freight charges2. 代销货物 consignment3. 上市 come into season4. 集装箱 container5. 装运港 shipping port6. 装运单据 shipping documents7. 外包装 inner/outer packing8. 旺季,淡季,销售季 high/dead/sales season9. 装运通知,指示 shipping advice/ instructionsM101. 保险人,被保
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