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摘 要 2001年11月12日,经过16年的艰苦谈判,中国终于正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),这标志着我国以社会主义市场经济为目标模式的改革,全面进入到一个崭新的历史阶段。中国的经济建设全面融入全球化的进程,将对国内的各个行业和企业产生重大而深远的影响。 刚刚改制转型的盐城日升纺织有限公司,经历了创业期、艰难运营期和改制转型期等三个历史阶段,在加入WTO的背景下,既存在着良好的发展机遇又面临一定的挑战。从外部环境看,中国GDP以7%以上速度增长,人口及居民收入稳定增加,人均纤维消费量增长,行业每年有5%6%的发展空间;纺织品配额取消,关税下调,出口增加;政府在税收、用地方面的优惠政策;棉花购销体制与外贸体制的改革等。也面临若干威胁,西方发达国家贸易保护主义抬头;印、巴等国家纺织业的崛起;纺织新技术及信息技术的挑战;在位企业纷纷技改扩能,新加入者不断增加,竞争有加剧的趋势;质量、品种、体制等方面的威胁;客户议价能力趋强等。就内部环境而言,与主要竞争对手相比,组织机构健全,设施配套,成熟的生产系统;营销网络健全,稳定的客户群;十多年的从业经验,拥有一批管理、技术骨干及熟练工人;职能管理有一定基础;一定的原料供应渠道等。也存在一些弱项,股权结构不合理,法人治理结构不健全,内部激励不充分;少数员工观念滞后,绩效管理有待完善,核心的企业文化尚未形成;人力资源开发与管理不充分;规模小,装备落后,质量一般;成本高,用工多,品种单一,生产方式落后等。综合分析公司的内、外部环境,未来若干年,盐城日升纺织有限公司应走一体化的发展之路,同时采取低成本的竞争战略,在具体战术上,要调整股权结构,建立和健全规范的法人治理结构,完善内部的激励和约束机制;加强人力资源的开发与管理;加强生产管理,坚持持续技改和质量领先的策略;调整营销策略,变革营销体系。只有这样,才能不断强化公司竞争优势,夯实生存利基,提高核心竞争力,保证企业持续健康发展。 论文导论部分阐述了毕业论文的研究意义、主要内容结构和研究方法。第一章介绍了盐城日升纺织有限公司的历史沿革。第二章分析了盐城日升纺织有限公司的外部环境。第三章对盐城日升纺织有限公司的内部环境进行剖解分析。第四章根据公司内、外部环境分析进行战略决策。第五章相关战术安排。在结束语部分对论文作了概要总结。关键词 WTO 盐城日升纺织有限公司 发展战略AbstractOn Nov.12, 2oo1, China finally enter formally World Trade Organization (WTO) through arduous negotiations for 16 years. This marked that the reformation that our county took socialist market economy as a goal mode came into wholly a new history stage. That China economic construction starts to melt into the process of the whole globe, influences greatly on all Chinese industries and enterprises. Yancheng Risheng Textile Co. Ltd. that has been reformed in the system experienced three history stages, i.e., the business-creating period, the hard-running period and the system-changing period. In the background of entering WTO, there are many better developing chances and definite challenges. For the external environment around the company, Chinese GDP increases by more than 7 %. Although the production increases steadily, the average person income increase steadily, and the fiber consume amount per person increases also. Hence, the textile industry has a new developing space about 5%-6% per year. The planned matching amounts of all textiles are eliminated. The custom- taxes are adjusted down, so the exports of all the textiles increase. The governments stipulate the preferential policies on taxes and farmland, and carry out the reformation on the system of the cotton-business and the system of the cotton foreign trade. At the same time, many potential dangers are faced by the company, e.g., the trade protectionism in the western developed countries is upwards. And the textile industries in Indian and Pakistan etc. develop upwards. The challenges in new textile technology and information technology occur. A number of textile enterprises carry out the enlargement of production capacity through technical improvement. And new textiles enterprises increase. The competition behaves a threatening tendency. Threatening on qualities, designs and systems etc. appears. The customs abilities on discussing the prices strengthen. For the internal environment around the company, in comparison with principal competing partners, Yancheng Risheng Textiles Co. Ltd. has a whole organization and appropriate matching equipment and construction, the ripe production system, the completed business net, a steady custom group. And the company has its management experience for more than ten years, owns a group of the backbone of the managing and technical contingents and skill operating workers. On the responsibility-management, the company has a good base, and many channels of material supplies. But the company has several weak points. For example, the share-right structure is not suitable, the legal person-managing structure is not completed. The internal stimulus is not made sufficiently, a few workers are backwards on the view. The result-efficiency management will be completed. The kernel culture has not yet formed. The labor force resource development and management are not sufficient, the scale of the production is small, the equipment is little backwards, the quality is common, and the cost is high. The worker using level per output of the company is worse, the design is single, and the mode of production is little backwards. Summarizing the external and internal environment around the company, I propose that Yancheng Risheng Textile Co. Ltd. should run the road of unifying development within years in the future, and use the competing strategy of lower cost. On concrete skills, the company should adjust the share-right structure, establish the whole regular legal person-managing structure, and the complete better internal stimulus and restriction mechanism, and strengthen the development and management of labor-force resource. The company should strengthen productive management, and insist on continuous technical improvement and the strategy of quality-leader, and adjust the business-strategy, reform the business system. Only in such a way, the company can strength the competitive advance potential, ram the base
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