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教材版本: PEP小学英语五年级上册第一单元课题Unit1 Whats he like?备课时间课型PartA Lets try&Lets talk 主备人复备教师一、课程标准1. 能根据录音模仿说话。2. 能交流简单的个人信息。3. 能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并进行简单的交际和角色扮演。二、教材解析本课时巩固复习学过的有关描述人物外貌的词汇tall, thin, short, friendly和quiet;在此基础上,学习词汇young, old, funny和句型Who is your teacher? Is he young? 展开一段情景对话,谈论自己熟悉的老师。相比四年级教材,本册增加了Lets try的听力部分内容,以训练学生的听力技能。三、目标预设1. 能够正确、熟练地朗读对话,做到语调、重音地道自然。2. 从角色扮演到创设情景,能运用所学词汇和句型编创一段不少于5句的对话,谈论自己的老师。四、重难点预设1. 本课时内容中出现our这个词汇,对于大多数学生来说,这个词比较生疏,但只是出现在He is our music teacher.这句话里,并不难理解,学生有可能会用He is the music teacher.来描述。2. 对基础不佳的学生,创编应用有一定难度,可以只做朗读和仿读要求。五、评价设计1. 用听音跟读、Pair work、角色扮演等活动检测目标1的达成情况。2. 利用指定词汇自创对话检测目标2的达成情况。六、教学设计第1课时教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. Review the words and sentences with free talk:Present Zhang Pengs and Wu Yifans picture.He is strong. He is tall and thin. He has glasses.Do you have a new teacher?Pair work:Review the words about describing people.Then talk about your friend.2. Lets try Oliver and Wu Yifan see Mr Li. Look at the pictures and listen. Choose the correct picture. Listen to the tape, tick the answers. Who is Mr Li? Is he strict? He is a math teacher. Sometimes he is strict. Please guess and say: Is he young? Is he funny? Is he friendly? Is he funny?二、呈现新课 (Presentation)导入:Oliver and Wu Yifan also have a new teacher.Do you have any questions about him?1. Listen to the talk and answer the questions. Is he young? Is he funny? Is he strict? Is he an English teacher?2. Watch the video and read.3. Imitate and read the talk.2. Read the talk in pairs.3. Show time: Play the talk in groups.三、趣味操练(Practice)1. Look at the pictures on the book, ask and answer in pairs. Whos your music teacher? Is he/she .?2. Game: 事先准备任课老师的名单,规范地书写在卡片上。 Choose a teacher in your box and use some words. Do you know Mr Wang?She is our new Chinese teacher.Is she .?Yes, she is. /No, she isnt. Make a new talk in group.3. Show time展示 小组展示的时候,其他学生可以用“优教同步学习卡”进行投票,选出自己觉得表演的最好的小组。 Choose the best group of the class and encourage them. 4. Sing a song: Who is your English teacher?5. 打开U1 A Lets talk课堂基础练/拔高练,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。四、小结 (Summary)1. Read the talk together.2. Ask some students to summarize the sentences and words. Do you know Mr young?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Who is he? He is our maths teacher. Is he .? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.五、作业设计(Homework)1. Read the talk and words in the book correctly.2. Make a short talk about your teacher and write on your notebook.六、板书设计: Unit1 Whats he like? Do you know Mr young? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Who is he? He is our maths teacher. Is he young? No, he isnt. He is old.七、课前预习作业1. 朗读四年级上册Unit3课文,复习描述人物外貌的词汇tall, thin, short, friendly和quiet等。2. 听Unit1 A Lets talk录音并跟读,在书上划出生词,试着划出重点句子。3. 用学过的3个句子描述一个朋友或同学,制作一个简单的绘本,拍照上传。八、课后巩固作业1. 听读本课时对话,用正确的语音语调朗读,并上传到班级群。2. 根据右边图片,编创一段小对话。
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